BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?

BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?



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Pussy grabber vs tit cruncher...

I will go with Trump, since I have no white guilt.
No, they knew it was, they just wanted everyone else to think it was.
BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?

Joe Biden all the way. I hope Joe Biden wins by a landslide over Trump!
Joe Biden will go along with the Global Establishment on anything they want.
Screw sovereignty, screw the taxpayers, screw Christians, screw patriotism.
Open the floodgates on the borders.
Welcome in the first transexual Supreme Court Justice.

Trump and his love of PUTIN's/RUSSIA shows you where he stands on patriotism. That's not just up-patriotic, it is treasonous.

We live in a world created by Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, set up in such a way that its global institutions benefit the United States which is at the head of the pack. Trump wants to dismantle that or at least has tried to, which is not in the interest of the United States or most of the rest of the world. It is in the interest of RUSSIA and CHINA though to do that.

The only people who care about sexual orientation are homophobes. These are the same people decades ago that did not want African Americans on the Supreme Court as well. 160 years ago, this was the same type of thinking that wanted to continue slavery.
Well you're a stupid motherfucker because Mueller said Trump never had anything to do with Russians. Can't say the same about Hillary. She sold them our Uranium and worked with them thru the UK to spy on Trump.


01. Trump wanted to withdraw the United States from NATO hurting U.S. and European Security while strengthening Russia. He failed in his effort, but the effort shows where Trump's mind is.

02. He actually debated and thought about recognizing Russia's illegal invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014.

03. He met with Putin for 3 hours alone, without any aids except a translator, at their meeting in Helsinki Finland. You don't do that when you have nothing to hide and are not guilty of some type of collusion.

04. Former CIA director, John Brennan, said that Trumps behavior in Helsinki Finland with Putin amounted to TREASON!

05. Trump, in front of the whole world, sided with Putin and Russian intelligence services over U.S. intelligence services on whether the Russians interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

06. Trump has given North Korea everything it wants in terms of meetings and diplomacy. Trump has received nothing in return from North Korea. Trump has made KIM JUNG UN even stronger in North Korea than he was before.

07. TRUMP lied about his business dealings and or discussions with Russia prior to the 2016 election.

08. TRUMP attempted to obstruct investigations into his dealings with Russia before and after the campaign through the firing of FBI director James Comey.

09. TRUMP asked Russia to do everything it could to find "Hillary's E-mails" and other information about the Clinton campaign. Hours later, Russian intelligence was hacking into Democratic Headquarters and the heads of the Democratic Party stealing information. That's worse than the Watergate Breakin back in 1972. Again, in both cases, the Democratic Party having their campaign broken into, except in 2016, Trump asked a foreign enemy to do it. Imagine if NIXON had asked the Soviet KGB to break into Watergate in 1972? Nixon would have been removed from office by his own cabinet in that case, long before congress could get his hands on him.

10. It has been found through extensive investigation, that the Russians mounted a heavy campaign to interfere in the United States 2016 elections in order to get Donald Trump elected. Ask yourself why Russia wanted Trump so badly to be the next U.S. President? It should concern and scare everyone. Its part of the reason why Trump needs to be removed from the White House as soon possible.
The Helsinki meeting was no different than any other meeting with world leaders. The president does a photo-op in front of reporters and meets privately with them off camera. This the way it is always done, but for some reason the corrupt media felt this wasn't legal or ethical. Let's not forget Obama telling a Russian that all had to do was wait till after the election and Obama would work out a more "flexible" deal. If anyone was doing something suspicious it was Obama.
I guess lefties love hypocrites. Biden has been forced to apologize for almost every issue he once championed as a senator. Personally I hope democrats nominate America's crazy uncle.
BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?

Joe Biden all the way. I hope Joe Biden wins by a landslide over Trump!

Joe BiteMe is screwed, thanks to Hunter BiteMe and the Ukraine-)

You think the Republicans are vicious? Wait till YOU see what the Dems do with what is known facts in the primary-)

You can forget BERNIE also, lol. It is going to be a brokered convention, and the SUPER DELEGATES will NEVER choose someone who is not in their party, and NOT an establishment candidate.

Expect either Khmala, or Cory to emerge!
BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?

Joe Biden all the way. I hope Joe Biden wins by a landslide over Trump!
Joe Biden will go along with the Global Establishment on anything they want.
Screw sovereignty, screw the taxpayers, screw Christians, screw patriotism.
Open the floodgates on the borders.
Welcome in the first transexual Supreme Court Justice.

Trump and his love of PUTIN's/RUSSIA shows you where he stands on patriotism. That's not just up-patriotic, it is treasonous.

We live in a world created by Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, set up in such a way that its global institutions benefit the United States which is at the head of the pack. Trump wants to dismantle that or at least has tried to, which is not in the interest of the United States or most of the rest of the world. It is in the interest of RUSSIA and CHINA though to do that.

The only people who care about sexual orientation are homophobes. These are the same people decades ago that did not want African Americans on the Supreme Court as well. 160 years ago, this was the same type of thinking that wanted to continue slavery.
Well you're a stupid motherfucker because Mueller said Trump never had anything to do with Russians. Can't say the same about Hillary. She sold them our Uranium and worked with them thru the UK to spy on Trump.


01. Trump wanted to withdraw the United States from NATO hurting U.S. and European Security while strengthening Russia. He failed in his effort, but the effort shows where Trump's mind is.

02. He actually debated and thought about recognizing Russia's illegal invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014.

03. He met with Putin for 3 hours alone, without any aids except a translator, at their meeting in Helsinki Finland. You don't do that when you have nothing to hide and are not guilty of some type of collusion.

04. Former CIA director, John Brennan, said that Trumps behavior in Helsinki Finland with Putin amounted to TREASON!

05. Trump, in front of the whole world, sided with Putin and Russian intelligence services over U.S. intelligence services on whether the Russians interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election.

06. Trump has given North Korea everything it wants in terms of meetings and diplomacy. Trump has received nothing in return from North Korea. Trump has made KIM JUNG UN even stronger in North Korea than he was before.

07. TRUMP lied about his business dealings and or discussions with Russia prior to the 2016 election.

08. TRUMP attempted to obstruct investigations into his dealings with Russia before and after the campaign through the firing of FBI director James Comey.

09. TRUMP asked Russia to do everything it could to find "Hillary's E-mails" and other information about the Clinton campaign. Hours later, Russian intelligence was hacking into Democratic Headquarters and the heads of the Democratic Party stealing information. That's worse than the Watergate Breakin back in 1972. Again, in both cases, the Democratic Party having their campaign broken into, except in 2016, Trump asked a foreign enemy to do it. Imagine if NIXON had asked the Soviet KGB to break into Watergate in 1972? Nixon would have been removed from office by his own cabinet in that case, long before congress could get his hands on him.

10. It has been found through extensive investigation, that the Russians mounted a heavy campaign to interfere in the United States 2016 elections in order to get Donald Trump elected. Ask yourself why Russia wanted Trump so badly to be the next U.S. President? It should concern and scare everyone. Its part of the reason why Trump needs to be removed from the White House as soon possible.
The Helsinki meeting was no different than any other meeting with world leaders. The president does a photo-op in front of reporters and meets privately with them off camera. This the way it is always done, but for some reason the corrupt media felt this wasn't legal or ethical. Let's not forget Obama telling a Russian that all had to do was wait till after the election and Obama would work out a more "flexible" deal. If anyone was doing something suspicious it was Obama.

No, you do not meet for three hours in a closed room without any of your cabinet members and just one translator. Its also significant that any notes the translator took were destroyed. This is a first for a President. Its alarmingly treasonous given the fact that Russia is an adversary.
Biden voted for the illegal Iraq debacle. As with H. Clinton, that disqualifies him for me. Trump Is not someone whom I could endorse for President of the United States.
It will have to be someone else, as it was last time.

The war in Iraq was NOT illegal nor was it a debacle. Saddam was removed after he failed to comply with multiple UN resolutions passed under Chapter VII rules of the United Nations which ALLOW the use of military force to bring about enforcement. After Saddam's removal in 2003, the United Nations annually voted approval of the occupation every year after that.

The war while difficult had costs that were far lower than World War I, World War II, Korea, or Vietnam. Amazing considering Iraq is now a country of 40 million people. Casualties both military and civilian were far less than these other wars of similar size or greater.

The United States accomplished its objectives in Iraq:

01. removed a regime from a Iraq that was a threat to its neighbors, especially neighbors in the Persian Gulf where the world receives much of its energy supply from.

02. Rebuilt the government and economy enough so that as of today, Iraq has a better standard of living than a country like Morocco.

03. Iraq now has democratic elections and peaceful transitions of power.

04. Iraq is now acting a bridge of cooperation and peace between the adversaries Saudi Arabia and Iran. In the long run this could make the entire region more stable and peaceful.
Someone better versed than I:
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

I have already read what Annan has said on the topic and he is wrong. The United States was already bombing Iraq on annual basis from 1991 through 2003. It did so with the approval of UN security council resolution 678 and 687.

Saddam's Iraq was in violation of 15 UN Security Council resolutions on the day the United States and the coalition sent ground troops into Iraq in March 2003. Again, this use of military force was covered by UN security council resolutions 678 and 687 just like the annual bombing of Iraq had been for the previous 12 years. But, they actually got an extra resolution with 1441 in November of 2002 which reaffirmed both resolution 678 and 687.

In June 2003 after Saddam was removed from power, the UN Security Council approved resolution 1483 which authorized United States and coalition forces to be inside Iraq. The time period last for a year after which the resolution would be up for a vote again. The UN Security Council approved it every year until 2009 when Iraq and the United States worked out a new separate status of forces agreement.

At NO time, did the UN general assembly ever attempt a resolution protesting the ground invasion of Iraq in 2003. At NO time did the UN general assembly ever attempt a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of US and coalition forces.

CONTRAST THAT with the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979:

When the Russians invaded Afghanistan in December of 1979, the UN general assembly approved a resolution protesting the Russian invasion. They then approved a resolution demanding that the Russians withdraw.


In contrast, not only did the UN never protest or ask the United States to leave, they authorized the occupation on an annual basis starting in June.
He has far too much baggage.

If you mean Trump, that's correct. Trump is a Russian/Putin ally, a traitor to his country. Lets remove this Russian mole from the White House as soon as possible.
So if a presidential candidate talks to Russian officials during an election they are a traitor?? Lol

It depends on what they talk about and the context. Team Trump wanted help beating Hillary. The Russians broke into DNC headquarters for team TRUMP among other things. Watergate 1972 all over again, except this time its a foreign enemy helping the candidate.
He has far too much baggage.

If you mean Trump, that's correct. Trump is a Russian/Putin ally, a traitor to his country. Lets remove this Russian mole from the White House as soon as possible.
So if a presidential candidate talks to Russian officials during an election they are a traitor?? Lol

It depends on what they talk about and the context. Team Trump wanted help beating Hillary. The Russians broke into DNC headquarters for team TRUMP among other things. Watergate 1972 all over again, except this time its a foreign enemy helping the candidate.
Hillary Clinton bought evidence off of fucking Russians Lol what are you talking about lol
The Democrats will not nominate Biden. They don't want him. He's too Old, too White, too Male and not Progressive enough.
He has far too much baggage.

If you mean Trump, that's correct. Trump is a Russian/Putin ally, a traitor to his country. Lets remove this Russian mole from the White House as soon as possible.
So if a presidential candidate talks to Russian officials during an election they are a traitor?? Lol

It depends on what they talk about and the context. Team Trump wanted help beating Hillary. The Russians broke into DNC headquarters for team TRUMP among other things. Watergate 1972 all over again, except this time its a foreign enemy helping the candidate.
Hillary Clinton bought evidence off of fucking Russians Lol what are you talking about lol

Whatever you think of Hillary she is not running for President. Finally its one thing to receive information legally, its another thing to break in to DNC headquarters and steal it. The DNC at Watergate was broken into in 1972, in 2016, DNC headquarters is broken into by the Russians. Same actions in both cases. Obstruction of the investigation into what happened in both cases.
LOL Biden is getting 4 times as many votes as he's ever won and Trump is still crushing him 80% to 20% :auiqs.jpg:

I know you may live in this forum, but this forum is not the real world. In the real world, Trump is an unpopular President. Your in for a shock on November 3, 2020.

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