BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?

BIDEN VS. TRUMP, who will you vote for on November 3, 2020?



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01. Historically, NATO countries efforts at spending and military capability were always highest when the United States made its greatest contributions in terms of basing U.S. forces in Europe. In the past when the United States left things up to Europe alone, we got World War I and then World War II. If Trump is, supposedly, trying to get Europe to do more, he is going about it the wrong way based on history. Reality is that Trump does not understand international relations, history, or NATO itself. He moranically looks at it as some type of business transaction which it is anything but.

02. True, but Barack Obama condemned the annexation as illegal. In contrast, Trump has considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. Trump did NOT order the attack on Russian mercenaries in Syria. The 300 Russian mercenaries were killed because they attack a Kurdish base that had U.S. advisors. The U.S. advisors called in air support to defend the Kurdish base. It was only after the attack was over that U.S advisors and Kurdish forces discovered that the attackers had actually been Russian mercenaries. TRUMP NEVER ordered anything. He learned about the whole think like you, through the media or an intelligence report. It was likely the media since Trump rarely reads any of his intelligence reports.

03. No excuse. U.S. Presidents don't show power and authority by meeting in private with an enemy adversary without any cabinet members. That does not show power or authority. It only shows weakness and subservience to a foreign power.

04. Whatever criticism you can muster against John Brennan, it pales in comparison to what can be done against Trump. I'd trust former CIA director John Brennan any day over Trump and his sycophants.

05. He is on the record in asking the Russians to help him though. The Russians did interfere in the election in order to try to help Trump win it.

06. North Korean leaders for decades have asked for a face to face meeting with a U.S. President. Why? It bolsters the North Korean leader in the eyes of their people, and gives them a stage on the world scene with the most powerful country. It helps bolster the image of the North Korean leader and home and abroad. So Trump gave them this HUGE diplomatic gift and got nothing in return. In the meantime, North Korean military and WMD programs continue in development.

07. What else is he lying about.

08. I'd say its cut and dry. When was the last time a President fired a sitting FBI director that was investigating the President from criminal conduct?

09. Hillary Clinton is not running for President. Donald Trump is and asked the Russians to get him information. They broke into the DNC for him. Just like in 1972. Except this time, its not simply another political party, its a foreign enemy of the United States. Its worse than Watergate.

10. This point had nothing to do with conspiracy or collusion. Its all about Russia and why they interfered in the 2016 elections to help TRUMP.

Not finding evidence of what Mueller DEFINES as conspiracy and collusion does not mean it did not happen. I would define many of the dealings as both conspiracy and collusion. Hell, I define meeting alone with Putin for 3 hours in Helskini Finland to be conspiracy and collusion.

1) Subjective. He wants NATO to pay its "fair share". What that is or means is up to experts and that is neither you nor I but that is why he threatened to exit.

2) Link? Not as I understand it. Obama said words and did nothing. Trump DID arm the Ukrainians. And it was Pompeo who approved the strike, Trump's appointee.

3) Subjective. How world leaders negotiate is up to them. You don't like it? Vote them out. What he did was not illegal and within his pervue.

4) Subjective. We can argue about this for hours.

5) He is on the record in front of millions and no one cared because everyone thought he would lose. He wasn't hiding anything.

6) So from that "gift" what exactly happened? How are we worse off? How are the NK people worse off?

7) IDK...all politicians lie. Bush lied. Clinton lied. Reagan lied.

8) He fired Comey for incompetence and many agree. In fact many Democrats agreed.

9) At the time they were both running for POTUS. What are you talking about?

10) Who was the POTUS in 2016? It was BHO. Why didn't he stop them? Or say anything about it? Because he like everyone else thought HRC would win.

Your posts smell like sour grapes. You need to take a class in political science and another in economics.

01. Its not subjective its historical fact. NATO forces fielded its largest forces in Europe in terms of numbers combat brigades, divisions, main battle tanks, artillery, combat aircraft, when U.S. deployments in Europe were at their peak. That and the case of World War I and World War II, proves that the only way to get Europeans to responsibly maintain military capability is having the United States lead the way on the continent. The United States withdrawing from NATO would just take Europe back to the 1930s when security was neglected.

02. The President is not involved in ordering sudden battlefield strikes in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. Soldiers on the ground don't have to ask for permission to defend themselves. The attack was launched by the para-military group on a Kurdish headquarters near the town of Khasham Syria at 10 PM Syrian time. The fighting lasted 4 hours. "According to the U.S. military, the presence of U.S. special operations personnel in the targeted base elicited a response by U.S.-led coalition aircraft, including AC-130 gunships, F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles (MQ-9), AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, B-52s, and F-22s.[10][8][9] Nearby U.S. Marine artillery batteries, including a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, shelled Syrian forces as well.[9] " This was a sudden rapidly escalating situation. Approval for the strike came from the U.S. military in order to protect the lives of U.S. military personal at the base. The response to the attack came within minutes. The United States always has aircraft flying through Syrian Air Space 24/7 ready to respond to an emergency. This was an emergency. No one in the chain of command outside of the region was contacted for the strike. THERE WAS NO NEED NOR ENOUGH TIME.
Battle of Khasham - Wikipedia

03. It was unusual, bizarre and raised deep concerns among members of the intelligence community. John Brennan stated that Trumps behavior in Helsinki amounted to Treason!

04. Yep, and you would be on the losing side for hours trying to defend the indefensible with regards to Trump.

05. Whatever, the fact remains, he asked the Russians for help, and they broke into the DNC for him. Watergate 1972 all over again except this time a foreign enemy of the United States is involved which makes it WORSE!

06. The world and the North Korean people are worse off because the gift strengthened Kims position in North Korea. You could have used the meeting to leverage getting U.S. inspectors on the ground in North Korea to start dismantling the Nuclear program. Kim gets to meet the President of the United States on the world stage, but in return we get something as well. That didn't happen! Wasted opportunity! The North Koreans have been trying to set up such a meeting for decades and Trump gave it to them for NOTHING!

07. They did not lie about anything relevant to national or international policy.

08. No one at the FBI agrees. The only Democrats that agree are those who think he treated Hillary unfairly. Supposedly Trump fired Comey because of his actions related to Hillary E-mail, something Trump was on record at the time of supporting! So no, that shows it was about one thing and one thing only, obstructing the investigation into his dealings with Russia. That's a obstruction of Justice and just one of the reasons why Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office!

09. Except Trumps actions led to the break in of the DNC by the Russians in order to get info to help Trump, which Trump was willing to receive. Watergate 1972 all over again.

10. Again, there were meetings between Russian officials and Trump campaign officials. They both talked about defeating Hillary Clinton. Trumps team was ready to receive any info the Russians had. The Russians actively went about getting it for team Trump.

1) Again, he wants them to pay their "fair share". We have a $22TRN deficit. Neither you nor I are security experts. Stop trying to act like one.

2) He did kill Russian Mercs, he did arm the Ukrainians (you keep dodging that one) and he did impose sanctions on Russia. We also need Russia to fight the growing radical Islam factions in the ME and Europe. France and the UK certainly aren't doing it.

3) That was his opinion. The people elected Trump and he does as he sees fit. If you don't like it then vote him out. It was not illegal and you know Brennan is biased. BHO sat idly by as Russia interfered in our 2016 election and instead of stopping them he spied on Trump? Odd.

4) In your smug opinion. You have lost every debate to me thus far. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

5) He made a joke on national TV in front of millions and no one cared until he actually won. You know this is true. You're losing badly.

6) NK has been the same since the war that split the countries. Subjective if the people are worse or better. Their situation is awful. South Korea approved these meetings. Trump did his best. I thought it was a waste of time too. But I don't see NK as better off.

7) Really? Benghazi? Fast & Furious? WMDs in Iraq? Again you're losing badly.

8) Again you broad brush. That is simply not true. Many cared. Many still care. Watch the news. Not just CNN and MSNBC.

9) What actions? His joke? If HRC had nothing to hide why the bleaching and destruction of blackberries? Trump openly stated, please hack her emails as a joke. NO ONE cared. Including you. Until she lost. Just admit that. You are losing very badly. Again.

10) They did? I must have missed that in the Mueller report. No conspiracy and no collusion. The only gray area is obstruction.

You lost yet another debate to me. But you keep trying. How long to sing that song?

01. NATO has never had a spending requirement for any countries in the Alliance. During Obama's second term, spending 2% of GDP on defense a year was presented as a GUIDE, not a requirement. Its not how much you spend, but what military capability you can provide that matters. Spending does not always equal a certain level of military capability. The United States currently only has 3 combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's half of the six brigades Germany has in Europe. France has 10 combat brigades in Europe. So in terms of raw combat capability currently stationed in Europe, its the United States that needs to improve its level and capability. The United States has a 22 Trillion dollar national debt, NOT a deficit that large. Spending on national security is a necessity. Tax cuts for the rich are not a necessity. If you want to address the national debt, you need to raise the top federal tax rate, not cut it.

02. As I explained earlier and provided the link to the battle discussed, Trump was not involved with the decision to attack the para-military force that at the time was assumed to be Syrian, on February 7, 2018. The decision was made by special forces at the Kurdish base who called in air support that was approved by the commander of forces in Syria. It never went any higher than that. Trump and his stooges learned about it later. Trump likely learned about it through the media because he never reads the daily intelligence reports he receives.

03. Its the majority opinion in the intelligence community. They don't like Trump and like his actions here even less.

04. Trump is one of the worst Presidents this country has ever had and he will thankfully be going home on January 20, 2021.

05. Does not matter if it was a joke or not. He said it. The Russians within hours of him saying were hacking into the DNC. Watergate 2016!

06. The "Kim Jung Un" Regimes position is better off within North Korea after the meetings. The meetings were a terrible mistake, an the United States gave up important leverage that it could have used to try and get something out of North Korea.

07. Nobody lied about WMD's. Certain intelligence turned out not to be correct. That does not show that anyone lied.

08. No one at the FBI agrees. The only Democrats that agree are those who think he treated Hillary unfairly. Supposedly Trump fired Comey because of his actions related to Hillary E-mail, something Trump was on record at the time of supporting! So no, that shows it was about one thing and one thing only, obstructing the investigation into his dealings with Russia. That's a obstruction of Justice and just one of the reasons why Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office!

09. FACT, within hours of Trump asking Russia for help, the Russians were hacking into the DNC. Team Trump and the Russians met each other and discussed defeating Hillary Clinton. The Russians stated they were willing to help and Team Trump said they were willing to receive any help they could provide.

10. Yep, but strangely what occurred did not meet the definition that Mueller had for collusion and conspiracy. It definitely meets mine and many other peoples definition. I'm sure it also meets the definition of many people in Congress.

1) We have the highest GDP and the Euro countries are most threatened why are we paying more? As I said neither of us are experts but you keep beating that dead horse. NATO was set up to defend the world vs. Communism and the Soviet Union. The SU is gone. Maybe they need to reconsider the fundings? Did I say deficit? I meant we have a deficit and $22Trn in debt. So we have to make cuts.

2) You keep avoiding the line where he armed the Ukrainians and Obama did not.

3) How do you know this? You don't. You have no idea. That is all conjecture.

4) My clients tell me Trump is the best president they have seen in their lifetimes. Opinions vary.

5) He said it on LIVE TV while he was running. He was not in power and no one thought he would win so no one cared. Any citizen can say please hack some emails. He was not POTUS at the time. You're not making any sense.

6) You have failed to prove this. NK remains a backward asshole nation. Not any better or worse post Trump negotiations.

7) People disagree. They state that Bush and Cheney lied. No WMDs in Iraq. Company Cheney had equity in got a big contract...Haliburton?

8) More broad brush. NOBODY?!?!? I know some in the FBI who think Trump is great and HRC was a crook. You cannot speak for 1000s of agents.

9) Trump was a candidate with no power. He did it on live TV LOL. Everyone saw it and no one cared. Until he won. Admit it.

10) Yours? Who cares? That is subjective. Mueller and the AG are the experts not you. What do you do for work to make you an expert? Plus you're super biased.

01. Anything that threatens Europe threatens the United States. There is no separation there. That's the way its been since the 1940s. NATO was set up to defend the countries that joined from any attack or threat to their security. Any attack against one country in the alliance would be an attack against all countries. The Strength of Common Defense. The United States may have the largest GDP and spend the highest percentage of GDP on that Defense, but much of that money is investment in military forces that have responsibilities all across the globe, not just Europe. If you were too look at US Defense spending, you would have to break it down by what fraction of it is really meant for defending Europe. Its inaccurate to be looking that the total as meant for Europe alone.
But again, the best way to look at real military contribution to defending Europe is too look who has the most ground troops in place in Europe in case a war were to break out. Again, the United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. The other NATO countries ground troop components in Europe are far larger. So in fact, its the United States that needs to increase its contribution.

02. Trump sent the Javlin Anti-Tank Missile, but that is about it. It was also later in his administration. But all of that is irrelevant to the fact that Trump considered recognizing Crimea as part of Ukraine. That's far more relevant than any of the other little things Trump has done, which were things done primarily by his cabinet, State Department and other officials. They were not things Trump took the lead in doing. In terms of ideas that came from the President, they have typically been pro-Russian in regards to the issue of Crimea.

03. I know this because Trumps general views on foreign policy and defense policy go against long standing foreign and defense policies that have served the United States well since World War II.

04. Well then your clients are idiots and certainly not representative of the average American who disapproves of Trumps job as President. Trumps average approval rating to date is only 40%, the lowest average of any President in history.

05. Your not allowed to work with a foreign government in trying to become elected President. Team Trump is guilty of this and then they try to obstruct the investigation into their dealings. You engage in obstruction to prevent others from finding the wrong doing you were engaged in.

06. North Korea's nuclear program has reached its greatest advancements since Trump became President. But the point here was Kim Jung Un and his power and prestige within North Korea. Meeting Trump enhanced that. It also gave away important leverage that the United States could use to get concessions from North Korea on its Nuclear program. Instead, we get nothing, and North Korean nuclear development continues. It will always remain a fact, that North Korea finally achieved the ability to hit the United States with a Ballistic Missile on Trump's watch.

07. Iraq had one of the largest WMD programs in world history. Tens of thousands of Iranian soldiers were killed and wounded by those WMD weapons. Tens of thousands of Kurdish civilians were also killed by such weapons. After the Gulf War, Iraq was mandated under Security Council resolutions to disarm of its large stockpile of weapons. Iraq cooperated from 1991 to 1996, but stopped cooperating after 1996. We may never know the full extent of Iraq's WMD program including what they may have done after they kicked inspectors out in 1998. But, since the 2003 invasion, the United States has discovered gradually over 10 years, over 10,000 Bio/Chem capable 155 mm artillery shells, many of them filled with sarin gas. While the majority of these artillery shells date from the mid to late 1980s, Iraq's possession of them is a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions. Some of the shells are severely degraded given the number of years since they were filled with sarin gas and are largely impotent in terms of their harmful effects. Some shells found filled with Sarin Gas from the 1980s still have 90% purity. Just one of these shells could kill over a thousand people in a city given the right conditions!

08. Well, every organization has their bad apples. Most people interested in law and order are not fans of someone like Donald Trump. Most people who have spent their whole lives in service to their country don't easily identify with a man who has NEVER served his country in any capacity until getting elected President.

09. That Trump was a puppet of Putin was something that did come out in the debates between Hillary and Trump.

10. Doesn't matter. Congress will decide whether Trump gets impeached or not. The American people will get to remove Trump from office on November 3, 2020, although he won't have to actually leave until January 20, 2021. Trump is a one term President, and one of the worse we have had. I'd advise you not to get stuck in trying to defend this terrible aberration in American Government.
Biden won’t be the Democrat Nominee. He has NO chance.
Think again. He has the highest average percentage of support among all the candidates.

Biden is at 29%

Bernie is at 23%

Harris is a distant and I mean distant third at 8.5%

The largest plurality of the vote in a VERY crowded field = VICTORY FOR BIDEN!
It will be fun to watch them go at each other in the debates. Trump will shred Joe like he won't know what hits him.
But I wish you luck. :)

I seriously doubt it. Usually when dignified people like Joe Biden are up against some sleazy jerk like Trump, the dignified people make the sleaze bags look like what they are - sleaze bags.
Did you seriously just call Biden dignified? LMFAO
Compared to Drumph, Biden is exceedingly dignified.
Not even close. One would have to "suspend disbelief" in order to think that. Both are morally indefensible, and neither can be called dignified.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
I seriously doubt it. Usually when dignified people like Joe Biden are up against some sleazy jerk like Trump, the dignified people make the sleaze bags look like what they are - sleaze bags.
Did you seriously just call Biden dignified? LMFAO
Compared to Drumph, Biden is exceedingly dignified.
Not even close. One would have to "suspend disbelief" in order to think that. Both are morally indefensible, and neither can be called dignified.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Did you seriously just call Biden dignified? LMFAO
Compared to Drumph, Biden is exceedingly dignified.
Not even close. One would have to "suspend disbelief" in order to think that. Both are morally indefensible, and neither can be called dignified.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
Compared to Drumph, Biden is exceedingly dignified.
Not even close. One would have to "suspend disbelief" in order to think that. Both are morally indefensible, and neither can be called dignified.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Not even close. One would have to "suspend disbelief" in order to think that. Both are morally indefensible, and neither can be called dignified.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Name the person who Trump grabbed. Go ahead, give Me a name.

So, as I said, because he is a Democrat, you clown will look the other way and make excuses for a behavior you would criminalize in Republicans and Conservatives. Just look at what happened to Kavanaugh who was accused, without evidence, decades after the alleged incident.

There are also the questionable policies he has spouted off on, backed, signed, and pushed.

Joe Biden is every bit as reprehensible in his personal life at Trump and more so in his public life as a Senator and VP.

Now, enjoy your day as I have other pressing things to deal with tonight before bed.
Biden won’t be the Democrat Nominee. He has NO chance.
Think again. He has the highest average percentage of support among all the candidates.

Biden is at 29%

Bernie is at 23%

Harris is a distant and I mean distant third at 8.5%

The largest plurality of the vote in a VERY crowded field = VICTORY FOR BIDEN!

If he doesn’t get the nomination will you stop making these argumentative and stupid threads? Early leads mean very little. Ask Howard Dean.
1) Subjective. He wants NATO to pay its "fair share". What that is or means is up to experts and that is neither you nor I but that is why he threatened to exit.

2) Link? Not as I understand it. Obama said words and did nothing. Trump DID arm the Ukrainians. And it was Pompeo who approved the strike, Trump's appointee.

3) Subjective. How world leaders negotiate is up to them. You don't like it? Vote them out. What he did was not illegal and within his pervue.

4) Subjective. We can argue about this for hours.

5) He is on the record in front of millions and no one cared because everyone thought he would lose. He wasn't hiding anything.

6) So from that "gift" what exactly happened? How are we worse off? How are the NK people worse off?

7) IDK...all politicians lie. Bush lied. Clinton lied. Reagan lied.

8) He fired Comey for incompetence and many agree. In fact many Democrats agreed.

9) At the time they were both running for POTUS. What are you talking about?

10) Who was the POTUS in 2016? It was BHO. Why didn't he stop them? Or say anything about it? Because he like everyone else thought HRC would win.

Your posts smell like sour grapes. You need to take a class in political science and another in economics.

01. Its not subjective its historical fact. NATO forces fielded its largest forces in Europe in terms of numbers combat brigades, divisions, main battle tanks, artillery, combat aircraft, when U.S. deployments in Europe were at their peak. That and the case of World War I and World War II, proves that the only way to get Europeans to responsibly maintain military capability is having the United States lead the way on the continent. The United States withdrawing from NATO would just take Europe back to the 1930s when security was neglected.

02. The President is not involved in ordering sudden battlefield strikes in Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. Soldiers on the ground don't have to ask for permission to defend themselves. The attack was launched by the para-military group on a Kurdish headquarters near the town of Khasham Syria at 10 PM Syrian time. The fighting lasted 4 hours. "According to the U.S. military, the presence of U.S. special operations personnel in the targeted base elicited a response by U.S.-led coalition aircraft, including AC-130 gunships, F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles (MQ-9), AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, B-52s, and F-22s.[10][8][9] Nearby U.S. Marine artillery batteries, including a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, shelled Syrian forces as well.[9] " This was a sudden rapidly escalating situation. Approval for the strike came from the U.S. military in order to protect the lives of U.S. military personal at the base. The response to the attack came within minutes. The United States always has aircraft flying through Syrian Air Space 24/7 ready to respond to an emergency. This was an emergency. No one in the chain of command outside of the region was contacted for the strike. THERE WAS NO NEED NOR ENOUGH TIME.
Battle of Khasham - Wikipedia

03. It was unusual, bizarre and raised deep concerns among members of the intelligence community. John Brennan stated that Trumps behavior in Helsinki amounted to Treason!

04. Yep, and you would be on the losing side for hours trying to defend the indefensible with regards to Trump.

05. Whatever, the fact remains, he asked the Russians for help, and they broke into the DNC for him. Watergate 1972 all over again except this time a foreign enemy of the United States is involved which makes it WORSE!

06. The world and the North Korean people are worse off because the gift strengthened Kims position in North Korea. You could have used the meeting to leverage getting U.S. inspectors on the ground in North Korea to start dismantling the Nuclear program. Kim gets to meet the President of the United States on the world stage, but in return we get something as well. That didn't happen! Wasted opportunity! The North Koreans have been trying to set up such a meeting for decades and Trump gave it to them for NOTHING!

07. They did not lie about anything relevant to national or international policy.

08. No one at the FBI agrees. The only Democrats that agree are those who think he treated Hillary unfairly. Supposedly Trump fired Comey because of his actions related to Hillary E-mail, something Trump was on record at the time of supporting! So no, that shows it was about one thing and one thing only, obstructing the investigation into his dealings with Russia. That's a obstruction of Justice and just one of the reasons why Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office!

09. Except Trumps actions led to the break in of the DNC by the Russians in order to get info to help Trump, which Trump was willing to receive. Watergate 1972 all over again.

10. Again, there were meetings between Russian officials and Trump campaign officials. They both talked about defeating Hillary Clinton. Trumps team was ready to receive any info the Russians had. The Russians actively went about getting it for team Trump.

1) Again, he wants them to pay their "fair share". We have a $22TRN deficit. Neither you nor I are security experts. Stop trying to act like one.

2) He did kill Russian Mercs, he did arm the Ukrainians (you keep dodging that one) and he did impose sanctions on Russia. We also need Russia to fight the growing radical Islam factions in the ME and Europe. France and the UK certainly aren't doing it.

3) That was his opinion. The people elected Trump and he does as he sees fit. If you don't like it then vote him out. It was not illegal and you know Brennan is biased. BHO sat idly by as Russia interfered in our 2016 election and instead of stopping them he spied on Trump? Odd.

4) In your smug opinion. You have lost every debate to me thus far. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

5) He made a joke on national TV in front of millions and no one cared until he actually won. You know this is true. You're losing badly.

6) NK has been the same since the war that split the countries. Subjective if the people are worse or better. Their situation is awful. South Korea approved these meetings. Trump did his best. I thought it was a waste of time too. But I don't see NK as better off.

7) Really? Benghazi? Fast & Furious? WMDs in Iraq? Again you're losing badly.

8) Again you broad brush. That is simply not true. Many cared. Many still care. Watch the news. Not just CNN and MSNBC.

9) What actions? His joke? If HRC had nothing to hide why the bleaching and destruction of blackberries? Trump openly stated, please hack her emails as a joke. NO ONE cared. Including you. Until she lost. Just admit that. You are losing very badly. Again.

10) They did? I must have missed that in the Mueller report. No conspiracy and no collusion. The only gray area is obstruction.

You lost yet another debate to me. But you keep trying. How long to sing that song?

01. NATO has never had a spending requirement for any countries in the Alliance. During Obama's second term, spending 2% of GDP on defense a year was presented as a GUIDE, not a requirement. Its not how much you spend, but what military capability you can provide that matters. Spending does not always equal a certain level of military capability. The United States currently only has 3 combat brigades stationed in Europe. That's half of the six brigades Germany has in Europe. France has 10 combat brigades in Europe. So in terms of raw combat capability currently stationed in Europe, its the United States that needs to improve its level and capability. The United States has a 22 Trillion dollar national debt, NOT a deficit that large. Spending on national security is a necessity. Tax cuts for the rich are not a necessity. If you want to address the national debt, you need to raise the top federal tax rate, not cut it.

02. As I explained earlier and provided the link to the battle discussed, Trump was not involved with the decision to attack the para-military force that at the time was assumed to be Syrian, on February 7, 2018. The decision was made by special forces at the Kurdish base who called in air support that was approved by the commander of forces in Syria. It never went any higher than that. Trump and his stooges learned about it later. Trump likely learned about it through the media because he never reads the daily intelligence reports he receives.

03. Its the majority opinion in the intelligence community. They don't like Trump and like his actions here even less.

04. Trump is one of the worst Presidents this country has ever had and he will thankfully be going home on January 20, 2021.

05. Does not matter if it was a joke or not. He said it. The Russians within hours of him saying were hacking into the DNC. Watergate 2016!

06. The "Kim Jung Un" Regimes position is better off within North Korea after the meetings. The meetings were a terrible mistake, an the United States gave up important leverage that it could have used to try and get something out of North Korea.

07. Nobody lied about WMD's. Certain intelligence turned out not to be correct. That does not show that anyone lied.

08. No one at the FBI agrees. The only Democrats that agree are those who think he treated Hillary unfairly. Supposedly Trump fired Comey because of his actions related to Hillary E-mail, something Trump was on record at the time of supporting! So no, that shows it was about one thing and one thing only, obstructing the investigation into his dealings with Russia. That's a obstruction of Justice and just one of the reasons why Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office!

09. FACT, within hours of Trump asking Russia for help, the Russians were hacking into the DNC. Team Trump and the Russians met each other and discussed defeating Hillary Clinton. The Russians stated they were willing to help and Team Trump said they were willing to receive any help they could provide.

10. Yep, but strangely what occurred did not meet the definition that Mueller had for collusion and conspiracy. It definitely meets mine and many other peoples definition. I'm sure it also meets the definition of many people in Congress.

1) We have the highest GDP and the Euro countries are most threatened why are we paying more? As I said neither of us are experts but you keep beating that dead horse. NATO was set up to defend the world vs. Communism and the Soviet Union. The SU is gone. Maybe they need to reconsider the fundings? Did I say deficit? I meant we have a deficit and $22Trn in debt. So we have to make cuts.

2) You keep avoiding the line where he armed the Ukrainians and Obama did not.

3) How do you know this? You don't. You have no idea. That is all conjecture.

4) My clients tell me Trump is the best president they have seen in their lifetimes. Opinions vary.

5) He said it on LIVE TV while he was running. He was not in power and no one thought he would win so no one cared. Any citizen can say please hack some emails. He was not POTUS at the time. You're not making any sense.

6) You have failed to prove this. NK remains a backward asshole nation. Not any better or worse post Trump negotiations.

7) People disagree. They state that Bush and Cheney lied. No WMDs in Iraq. Company Cheney had equity in got a big contract...Haliburton?

8) More broad brush. NOBODY?!?!? I know some in the FBI who think Trump is great and HRC was a crook. You cannot speak for 1000s of agents.

9) Trump was a candidate with no power. He did it on live TV LOL. Everyone saw it and no one cared. Until he won. Admit it.

10) Yours? Who cares? That is subjective. Mueller and the AG are the experts not you. What do you do for work to make you an expert? Plus you're super biased.

01. Anything that threatens Europe threatens the United States. There is no separation there. That's the way its been since the 1940s. NATO was set up to defend the countries that joined from any attack or threat to their security. Any attack against one country in the alliance would be an attack against all countries. The Strength of Common Defense. The United States may have the largest GDP and spend the highest percentage of GDP on that Defense, but much of that money is investment in military forces that have responsibilities all across the globe, not just Europe. If you were too look at US Defense spending, you would have to break it down by what fraction of it is really meant for defending Europe. Its inaccurate to be looking that the total as meant for Europe alone.
But again, the best way to look at real military contribution to defending Europe is too look who has the most ground troops in place in Europe in case a war were to break out. Again, the United States currently only has 3 ground combat brigades stationed in Europe. The other NATO countries ground troop components in Europe are far larger. So in fact, its the United States that needs to increase its contribution.

02. Trump sent the Javlin Anti-Tank Missile, but that is about it. It was also later in his administration. But all of that is irrelevant to the fact that Trump considered recognizing Crimea as part of Ukraine. That's far more relevant than any of the other little things Trump has done, which were things done primarily by his cabinet, State Department and other officials. They were not things Trump took the lead in doing. In terms of ideas that came from the President, they have typically been pro-Russian in regards to the issue of Crimea.

03. I know this because Trumps general views on foreign policy and defense policy go against long standing foreign and defense policies that have served the United States well since World War II.

04. Well then your clients are idiots and certainly not representative of the average American who disapproves of Trumps job as President. Trumps average approval rating to date is only 40%, the lowest average of any President in history.

05. Your not allowed to work with a foreign government in trying to become elected President. Team Trump is guilty of this and then they try to obstruct the investigation into their dealings. You engage in obstruction to prevent others from finding the wrong doing you were engaged in.

06. North Korea's nuclear program has reached its greatest advancements since Trump became President. But the point here was Kim Jung Un and his power and prestige within North Korea. Meeting Trump enhanced that. It also gave away important leverage that the United States could use to get concessions from North Korea on its Nuclear program. Instead, we get nothing, and North Korean nuclear development continues. It will always remain a fact, that North Korea finally achieved the ability to hit the United States with a Ballistic Missile on Trump's watch.

07. Iraq had one of the largest WMD programs in world history. Tens of thousands of Iranian soldiers were killed and wounded by those WMD weapons. Tens of thousands of Kurdish civilians were also killed by such weapons. After the Gulf War, Iraq was mandated under Security Council resolutions to disarm of its large stockpile of weapons. Iraq cooperated from 1991 to 1996, but stopped cooperating after 1996. We may never know the full extent of Iraq's WMD program including what they may have done after they kicked inspectors out in 1998. But, since the 2003 invasion, the United States has discovered gradually over 10 years, over 10,000 Bio/Chem capable 155 mm artillery shells, many of them filled with sarin gas. While the majority of these artillery shells date from the mid to late 1980s, Iraq's possession of them is a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions. Some of the shells are severely degraded given the number of years since they were filled with sarin gas and are largely impotent in terms of their harmful effects. Some shells found filled with Sarin Gas from the 1980s still have 90% purity. Just one of these shells could kill over a thousand people in a city given the right conditions!

08. Well, every organization has their bad apples. Most people interested in law and order are not fans of someone like Donald Trump. Most people who have spent their whole lives in service to their country don't easily identify with a man who has NEVER served his country in any capacity until getting elected President.

09. That Trump was a puppet of Putin was something that did come out in the debates between Hillary and Trump.

10. Doesn't matter. Congress will decide whether Trump gets impeached or not. The American people will get to remove Trump from office on November 3, 2020, although he won't have to actually leave until January 20, 2021. Trump is a one term President, and one of the worse we have had. I'd advise you not to get stuck in trying to defend this terrible aberration in American Government.

I need to end this because we are talking over one another. You have not read on word I wrote. You post just to make yourself feel better so enjoy talking to yourself. Trump won and you cannot get over it. Sad.
Most of the members in these forums are republicans... which a huge indication that most of them have too much on their hands.
Blue states should stop paying foe their lazy asses.
What has Biden done that is 'morally indefensible'? And how is he not dignified? You live in an imaginary world.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Name the person who Trump grabbed. Go ahead, give Me a name.

So, as I said, because he is a Democrat, you clown will look the other way and make excuses for a behavior you would criminalize in Republicans and Conservatives. Just look at what happened to Kavanaugh who was accused, without evidence, decades after the alleged incident.

There are also the questionable policies he has spouted off on, backed, signed, and pushed.

Joe Biden is every bit as reprehensible in his personal life at Trump and more so in his public life as a Senator and VP.

Now, enjoy your day as I have other pressing things to deal with tonight before bed.
I don't remember all the names of the many women who accused Trump of touching their vaginas without permission, but I'm sure you could look it upl Biden is absolutely not at all reprehensible in his personal life. You're laughable.
I live in the real world, however, I think you should turn and ask that pink unicorn what she thinks.
You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Name the person who Trump grabbed. Go ahead, give Me a name.

So, as I said, because he is a Democrat, you clown will look the other way and make excuses for a behavior you would criminalize in Republicans and Conservatives. Just look at what happened to Kavanaugh who was accused, without evidence, decades after the alleged incident.

There are also the questionable policies he has spouted off on, backed, signed, and pushed.

Joe Biden is every bit as reprehensible in his personal life at Trump and more so in his public life as a Senator and VP.

Now, enjoy your day as I have other pressing things to deal with tonight before bed.
I don't remember all the names of the many women who accused Trump of touching their vaginas without permission, but I'm sure you could look it upl Biden is absolutely not at all reprehensible in his personal life. You're laughable.

Sorry, Joe's a Pedo

You can't come up with anything, can you?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Name the person who Trump grabbed. Go ahead, give Me a name.

So, as I said, because he is a Democrat, you clown will look the other way and make excuses for a behavior you would criminalize in Republicans and Conservatives. Just look at what happened to Kavanaugh who was accused, without evidence, decades after the alleged incident.

There are also the questionable policies he has spouted off on, backed, signed, and pushed.

Joe Biden is every bit as reprehensible in his personal life at Trump and more so in his public life as a Senator and VP.

Now, enjoy your day as I have other pressing things to deal with tonight before bed.
I don't remember all the names of the many women who accused Trump of touching their vaginas without permission, but I'm sure you could look it upl Biden is absolutely not at all reprehensible in his personal life. You're laughable.

Sorry, Joe's a Pedo

View attachment 258059
No he isn't. That's RW propaganda twirling around in your empty head.
There are some who consider themselves intelligent when they say they are anti-establishment. When it comes to politics, more specifically, the Presidency, I dearly would like to ask these people some questions.

Despite the fantasies some people have as to how terrible the establishment is, I would ask, what is wrong with the establishment? Let me put it a different way. What do you have against experience?

Would you take your children to someone for medical care who never attended medical school or practiced medicine? Would you hire a plumber who had absolutely no experience in plumbing? Would you ask someone with no experience in automotive care to fix the engine of your car?

Why in the world would you vote for a President who had no experience in government?

Someone experienced in medical care, an experienced plumber, and an experienced auto mechanic are, in the real world, the establishment. The establishment is what a person wants in their daily lives, but somehow the establishment is wrong if it pertains to the governing of our nation? That makes no sense!

The most compelling argument for an experienced executive in the Oval Office is Donald J. Trump. Those who voted for him voted for anti-establishment, voted against experience. Trump is so bad his own supporters can't defend him. They don't even want to talk about him. The Trump administration is so tied up in alleged crimes and litigation, it can't govern.

Trump is what happens when one votes with anti-establishment principles in mind. For 25 years we have voted for a President with little or no experience to run our country. We have paid the price for that mistake ...

Over and over again. One was impeached for sexual promiscuity. Another launched an aggressive war that killed 5,000 Americans. Another was an inexperienced black President and that caused irreconcilable racial differences, and he was followed by the idiot we have now.

That is the record of the anti-establishment or inexperience executive. Sad, isn't it?
There are some who consider themselves intelligent when they say they are anti-establishment. When it comes to politics, more specifically, the Presidency, I dearly would like to ask these people some questions.

Despite the fantasies some people have as to how terrible the establishment is, I would ask, what is wrong with the establishment? Let me put it a different way. What do you have against experience?

Would you take your children to someone for medical care who never attended medical school or practiced medicine? Would you hire a plumber who had absolutely no experience in plumbing? Would you ask someone with no experience in automotive care to fix the engine of your car?

Why in the world would you vote for a President who had no experience in government?

Someone experienced in medical care, an experienced plumber, and an experienced auto mechanic are, in the real world, the establishment. The establishment is what a person wants in their daily lives, but somehow the establishment is wrong if it pertains to the governing of our nation? That makes no sense!

The most compelling argument for an experienced executive in the Oval Office is Donald J. Trump. Those who voted for him voted for anti-establishment, voted against experience. Trump is so bad his own supporters can't defend him. They don't even want to talk about him. The Trump administration is so tied up in alleged crimes and litigation, it can't govern.

Trump is what happens when one votes with anti-establishment principles in mind. For 25 years we have voted for a President with little or no experience to run our country. We have paid the price for that mistake ...

Over and over again. One was impeached for sexual promiscuity. Another launched an aggressive war that killed 5,000 Americans. Another was an inexperienced black President and that caused irreconcilable racial differences, and he was followed by the idiot we have now.

That is the record of the anti-establishment or inexperience executive. Sad, isn't it?

I wrote earlier, "Speaking of Sanders, it can be argued that progressive is responsible for Trump. In 2016, Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, ran against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Sanders promised a lot of free stuff, free medical care, free college tuition. guaranteed income for all, and so on. As a consequence, he attracted a lot of young, naive voters facing life's uncertainties.

"As we all know the Democratic National Convention chose a Democrat, Clinton. Sanders cried foul, accusing the DNC of preferential treatment toward Clinton. His young, wide-eyed followers believed him, and many of them expressed their anger by either refusing to vote or, incredible as it may seem, voted for Sanders' direct political opposite, Donald J. Trump.

"Clinton lost the election by less than 80,000 votes in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. It is logical to assume Trump became our President because of a progressive named Sanders. Sanders won the Wisconsin and Michigan primaries in 2016, and received nearly 732,000 votes in Pennsylvania."

Are progressives going to elect Trump again? Two leading progressives running for President are trying as they attack the leading Democratic contender, Joe Biden, providing ammunition for Trump's machine.

Bernie Sanders, the self-described Independent socialist wrote: “It’s a big day in the Democratic primary and we’re hoping to end it strong. Not with a fundraiser in the home of a corporate lobbyist, but with an overwhelming number of individual donations.” Envy? With $6.3 million Biden topped the one day total for all Democratic candidates on just his first day.

“Joe Biden was on the side of credit card companies,” Elizabeth Warren said Thursday at an event in Iowa.

Her disagreement with Biden over bankruptcy legislation “is a matter of public record,” she said.

Can't these two progressives win on their own merits? Do they have to attack a fellow Democrat? Do they have to provide arguments to Trump when he is attacking Biden?

Put a different way, if one is a Democrat, or an Independent running as a Democrat, how stupid can you get?
Of course, I can. Will you believe any of it?

If Biden wasn't a Democrat, the #metoo crowd would have him at the top of the list of creepy people who get away with harassing women. I suppose you'd like to be sniffed by him, though so your grasp on morality is pretty weak.
He hasn't done anything sexual to anyone. He's a hugger, a touchy feely person. He has not been sensitive to others' personal space, that is all. Nothing like grabbing women's ***** as your hero Drumph has done, multitudinous times. As well as walking into the dressing rooms of beauty contestants (including teens) for a peek at them when they are undressed. And whoring around on all of his wives, even when they are in the hospital having his child. There is no comparison. None.
Name the person who Trump grabbed. Go ahead, give Me a name.

So, as I said, because he is a Democrat, you clown will look the other way and make excuses for a behavior you would criminalize in Republicans and Conservatives. Just look at what happened to Kavanaugh who was accused, without evidence, decades after the alleged incident.

There are also the questionable policies he has spouted off on, backed, signed, and pushed.

Joe Biden is every bit as reprehensible in his personal life at Trump and more so in his public life as a Senator and VP.

Now, enjoy your day as I have other pressing things to deal with tonight before bed.
I don't remember all the names of the many women who accused Trump of touching their vaginas without permission, but I'm sure you could look it upl Biden is absolutely not at all reprehensible in his personal life. You're laughable.

Sorry, Joe's a Pedo

View attachment 258059
No he isn't. That's RW propaganda twirling around in your empty head.

Joe's a Pedo, look at the little girls trying to avoid him. Look at him kiss the little boys on the mouth. But hey, you're ok with Pedo tendencies.
There are some who consider themselves intelligent when they say they are anti-establishment. When it comes to politics, more specifically, the Presidency, I dearly would like to ask these people some questions.

Despite the fantasies some people have as to how terrible the establishment is, I would ask, what is wrong with the establishment? Let me put it a different way. What do you have against experience?

Would you take your children to someone for medical care who never attended medical school or practiced medicine? Would you hire a plumber who had absolutely no experience in plumbing? Would you ask someone with no experience in automotive care to fix the engine of your car?

Why in the world would you vote for a President who had no experience in government?

Someone experienced in medical care, an experienced plumber, and an experienced auto mechanic are, in the real world, the establishment. The establishment is what a person wants in their daily lives, but somehow the establishment is wrong if it pertains to the governing of our nation? That makes no sense!

The most compelling argument for an experienced executive in the Oval Office is Donald J. Trump. Those who voted for him voted for anti-establishment, voted against experience. Trump is so bad his own supporters can't defend him. They don't even want to talk about him. The Trump administration is so tied up in alleged crimes and litigation, it can't govern.

Trump is what happens when one votes with anti-establishment principles in mind. For 25 years we have voted for a President with little or no experience to run our country. We have paid the price for that mistake ...

Over and over again. One was impeached for sexual promiscuity. Another launched an aggressive war that killed 5,000 Americans. Another was an inexperienced black President and that caused irreconcilable racial differences, and he was followed by the idiot we have now.

That is the record of the anti-establishment or inexperience executive. Sad, isn't it?

I wrote earlier, "Speaking of Sanders, it can be argued that progressive is responsible for Trump. In 2016, Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, ran against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Sanders promised a lot of free stuff, free medical care, free college tuition. guaranteed income for all, and so on. As a consequence, he attracted a lot of young, naive voters facing life's uncertainties.

"As we all know the Democratic National Convention chose a Democrat, Clinton. Sanders cried foul, accusing the DNC of preferential treatment toward Clinton. His young, wide-eyed followers believed him, and many of them expressed their anger by either refusing to vote or, incredible as it may seem, voted for Sanders' direct political opposite, Donald J. Trump.

"Clinton lost the election by less than 80,000 votes in three states, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. It is logical to assume Trump became our President because of a progressive named Sanders. Sanders won the Wisconsin and Michigan primaries in 2016, and received nearly 732,000 votes in Pennsylvania."

Are progressives going to elect Trump again? Two leading progressives running for President are trying as they attack the leading Democratic contender, Joe Biden, providing ammunition for Trump's machine.

Bernie Sanders, the self-described Independent socialist wrote: “It’s a big day in the Democratic primary and we’re hoping to end it strong. Not with a fundraiser in the home of a corporate lobbyist, but with an overwhelming number of individual donations.” Envy? With $6.3 million Biden topped the one day total for all Democratic candidates on just his first day.

“Joe Biden was on the side of credit card companies,” Elizabeth Warren said Thursday at an event in Iowa.

Her disagreement with Biden over bankruptcy legislation “is a matter of public record,” she said.

Can't these two progressives win on their own merits? Do they have to attack a fellow Democrat? Do they have to provide arguments to Trump when he is attacking Biden?

Put a different way, if one is a Democrat, or an Independent running as a Democrat, how stupid can you get?
Oh, bullshit. Clinton didn't lose the election because of Sanders or the Russians or anyone else. She lost it because she is epically incompetent. In the last days of the campaign, the polls showed her lead in the swing states was paper thin. Trump and Clinton saw the same polls; while Trump responded by campaigning 20 hours a day in the swing states, Clinton responded by celebrating her victory with donors in California. We should all be thankful that someone so incompetent did not win the election, and it is a sad commentary on America that she came so close to winning.

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