Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each, but the US citizens in East Palestine living in chemical contamination get NOTHING,

You are wanting the government to pick up the tab for NORFOLK Southern? You think it has something to do with immigration? That is stupid.
The town is unlivable. Its a disaster, a superfund site. The government could help and then recoup the assistance.


Force Norfolk-Southern to relocate the town NOW, before the cancers start.
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When you can't attack the message, attack the messenger. Rule #11 Communist playbook.
When BOTH are FOS.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday dismissed the idea that immigrant families separated at the southern border under his predecessor’s zero-tolerance policy could receive payments of $450,000 per person in monetary settlements, calling the report “garbage.”

“If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah,” Biden said. “But it’s not true.”

When pressed on the matter, Biden appeared surprised by the $450,000 figure.
“$450,000 per person? Is that what you’re saying?” the president said. “That’s not going to happen.”

FOX put a unusual disclaimer on the story.

'The report, which Fox News has not confirmed, sparked immediate outrage from Republicans and former Trump officials at the prospect of using taxpayer money to turn illegal immigrants into millionaires'.
When BOTH are FOS.
President Joe Biden on Wednesday dismissed the idea that immigrant families separated at the southern border under his predecessor’s zero-tolerance policy could receive payments of $450,000 per person in monetary settlements, calling the report “garbage.”
“If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah,” Biden said. “But it’s not true.”
When pressed on the matter, Biden appeared surprised by the $450,000 figure.
“$450,000 per person? Is that what you’re saying?” the president said. “That’s not going to happen.”
FOX put a unusual disclaimer on the story.
'The report, which Fox News has not confirmed, sparked immediate outrage from Republicans and former Trump officials at the prospect of using taxpayer money to turn illegal immigrants into millionaires'.
See the links on post #4 they PROVE Biden wanted to pay the migrants $450,000 until he dismissed the idea.
If you believe that, you're retarded.
Good come back! There are many credible links that prove Biden wanted to pay migrants $450,000. It didn't happen, but he wanted to.

Biden did NOT offer to help the victims in East Palestine living in a chemical Superfund Site. See the difference?
See the links on post #4 they PROVE Biden wanted to pay the migrants $450,000 until he dismissed the idea.
Sure with a very obvious, edited video, from the NY Post?
Then, with a link to the Wall Street Journal that claims as THEIR source "people familiar with the matter".
When BOTH are FOS.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday dismissed the idea that immigrant families separated at the southern border under his predecessor’s zero-tolerance policy could receive payments of $450,000 per person in monetary settlements, calling the report “garbage.”

“If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah,” Biden said. “But it’s not true.”

When pressed on the matter, Biden appeared surprised by the $450,000 figure.
“$450,000 per person? Is that what you’re saying?” the president said. “That’s not going to happen.”

FOX put a unusual disclaimer on the story.

'The report, which Fox News has not confirmed, sparked immediate outrage from Republicans and former Trump officials at the prospect of using taxpayer money to turn illegal immigrants into millionaires'.

All you're telling me is that after the outrage they backed off the idea.
Never mind, this was a mostly middleclass white Christan urban community. Now, if this had happened in an underprivileged poor black gay trans Furries first nations community. They would be all over it stopping oppression and hate.
Actually, it looks like a lower-middle income or working class community - so even worse.

And you’re right that if they were one of the Democrats’ protected groups, they would be releasing emergency funds rather than refusing, and Biden would have gone into the middle of it showing how oppressed blacks, or whoever, are living like this due to oppression.

The anti-white racism from Democrats is blatant.

looks more like zero stars.

Yeah, they're treated so badly but they won't go home or leave the hotels.

Good come back! There are many credible links that prove Biden wanted to pay migrants $450,000. It didn't happen, but he wanted to.

Biden did NOT offer to help the victims in East Palestine living in a chemical Superfund Site. See the difference?
Yup. The Biden Administration proposed giving ILLEGALS $450,000 each - and then turns his back on working-class Americans in their time of need.
The town is unlivable. Its a disaster, a superfund site. The government could help and then recoup the assistance.


Force Norfolk-Southern to relocate the town NOW, before the cancers start.
The Republican Governor Mike Dewine, disagrees with you. You can't even convince the responsible Republican Elected officials, in the state where it happened, the water isn't fine, and the air isn't fine, because they cheat and use actual testing data, VS you, using nothing but hype, and you can't seem to keep the Governor off the networks, shooting down the bullsht you are pushing, by attesting to reality. I just saw him this morning on two different networks.
I am sure you hate it, when reality gets in the way of good right wing narrative, especially coming from responsible Republicans on the scene in charge. I guess they are letting your "good crises" go to waste.

Fix your messaging problem on the Republican, so they quit letting out the reality, then get back to me or get back at me. Right now, I am not impressed.
Its been two weeks and the people in East Palestine subjected to chemical warfare by the US government are stranded with no help.

Yet the fucking bastards in DC would give $450,000 to migrants?

They are putting migrants in exclusive hotels where they are throwing free food out.

Biden and Buttplug need to be IMPEACHED.

For breaking US immigration laws Biden wanted to give migrants $450,000 each. Yet US citizens get NO HELP!!!!!
So did it happen yet? Just wondering since your op article if from Published October 30, 2021 10:06am EDT
You're the moron. Learn how to use google, dumbass.

All year and half old articles. Are we still waiting?

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