Biden = War in the Middle East

hunt the vermin down and finish them off. It doesn't matter what Israel does, the scum of the Earth will continue to support Hamas and the fake 'refugees', so they should just do what needs doing and get it over with.

If they still had the Mossad hunter-killer teams running, this would never be a problem today. They caved to foreign media pressure and it has gotten them nothing but more violence and terror attacks, in Europe and Israel both.
Mossad are the scum of the earth.
The Arabs are the natives who bought and paid for the land, living there for thousands of years.
The Zionists paid for nothing and want to steal even more.
I look forward to the return of Christ when he destroys the enemies of Israel and The Enemies of God. You'll be among them.

Enjoy your day during the Tribulation to come.

There is nothing in the Bible so support your position.
The Bible says the Jews were destroyed because of their corruption.
The sins of arrogance and pride.
Remind me now, did the Jews support Christ or attack Christ?
Quoting the Bible?
Who owned the Land first?
I bet you get it wrong.
It doesn’t matter who owned it first. They’re all long dead.

The only thing that counts is who can hold it now.
I find it fascinating that no one gets involved when Arabs are killing Arabs.
Where did Hamas get the money for all of this artillery?

That was President Trump’s foreign policy, to contain and let Muslims kill each other.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden is funding Hamas now. After all he and the Hussein funded ISIS in Syria.

ISIS came out the the Iraq war.. circa 2004.
Wrong. They were just AQ at that time. They didn’t become prevalent until 2011 when Obama become their de facto leader and helping them overthrow secular governments in favor of their radical Sunni caliphate.

Obama and Clinton paid and armed ISIS to take down Assad. NEVER forget that, just like they pay Iran and Hamas to take out Israel.

What an ignorant lie. ISIS isn't AQ and never was.. Further, you are ignorant as hell about Syria.. Bibi wanted Assad taken out since 1996. See CLEAN BREAK STRATEGY.
hunt the vermin down and finish them off. It doesn't matter what Israel does, the scum of the Earth will continue to support Hamas and the fake 'refugees', so they should just do what needs doing and get it over with.

If they still had the Mossad hunter-killer teams running, this would never be a problem today. They caved to foreign media pressure and it has gotten them nothing but more violence and terror attacks, in Europe and Israel both.
Mossad are the scum of the earth.
The Arabs are the natives who bought and paid for the land, living there for thousands of years.
The Zionists paid for nothing and want to steal even more.
I look forward to the return of Christ when he destroys the enemies of Israel and The Enemies of God. You'll be among them.

Enjoy your day during the Tribulation to come.

There is nothing in the Bible so support your position.
The Bible says the Jews were destroyed because of their corruption.
The sins of arrogance and pride.
Remind me now, did the Jews support Christ or attack Christ?
Quoting the Bible?
Who owned the Land first?
I bet you get it wrong.
It doesn’t matter who owned it first. They’re all long dead.

The only thing that counts is who can hold it now.
I find it fascinating that no one gets involved when Arabs are killing Arabs.
Where did Hamas get the money for all of this artillery?

That was President Trump’s foreign policy, to contain and let Muslims kill each other.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden is funding Hamas now. After all he and the Hussein funded ISIS in Syria.

ISIS came out the the Iraq war.. circa 2004.
Wrong. They were just AQ at that time. They didn’t become prevalent until 2011 when Obama become their de facto leader and helping them overthrow secular governments in favor of their radical Sunni caliphate.

Obama and Clinton paid and armed ISIS to take down Assad. NEVER forget that, just like they pay Iran and Hamas to take out Israel.

What an ignorant lie. ISIS isn't AQ and never was.. Further, you are ignorant s hell about Syria.. Bibi wanted hi taken out since 1996. See CLEAN BREAK STRATEGY.
Assad is a threat, and that's true, but Clinton and Obama - Biden et al.....really the same thing....globalists.....wanted Assad out for different Qaddafi, they were trying to establish their own gold backed currencies, which would make them immune to their economies being manipulated by the Global Banking Consortium.

Sryia has NOTHIN that would benefit the US. They had drought, a collapse of oil sector and agriculture, overpopulation, inflation and civil strife long before Obama was ever elected presient.
Yeah but you're a punk and everything that comes out of your mouth is the result of being a spoiled brat as a child.

Wow, what does that have to do with Trump's incompetence?

Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss, the president who oversaw the second deadliest event in US history.

Yeah but you're a punk and everything that comes out of your mouth is the result of being a spoiled brat as a child.
It’s called reading one of the most read writings in history.

You mean the book with the talking snakes and the giants in it?
As opposed to all Brown people magically being tools for White people and people destroying property and committing assault and murder everyday?

I’ll go with my reality.
That’s quite a reality you have going there?
Yeah but you're a punk and everything that comes out of your mouth is the result of being a spoiled brat as a child.

Um, really? Frankly, I had pretty strict Catholic Parents, it's why I hate religion so much now.

As opposed to all Brown people magically being tools for White people and people destroying property and committing assault and murder everyday?

I’ll go with my reality.
That’s quite a reality you have going there?

I think you might be the first documented case of Racial Tourettes syndrome.

What did any of that have to do with the authenticity of Biblical accounts.

Or do you really think there were talking snakes and giants.
Yeah but you're a punk and everything that comes out of your mouth is the result of being a spoiled brat as a child.

Um, really? Frankly, I had pretty strict Catholic Parents, it's why I hate religion so much now.

As opposed to all Brown people magically being tools for White people and people destroying property and committing assault and murder everyday?

I’ll go with my reality.
That’s quite a reality you have going there?

I think you might be the first documented case of Racial Tourettes syndrome.

What did any of that have to do with the authenticity of Biblical accounts.

Or do you really think there were talking snakes and giants.
You understand the New Testament is a very ugly document when read verse by verse and not just selected verses.
If I grew up hearing about hell all the time I might have become an atheist.
You understand the New Testament is a very ugly document when read verse by verse and not just selected verses.
If I grew up hearing about hell all the time I might have become an atheist.

Actually, the NT is almost tolerable... The God of the NT isn't as much of a prick as the God of the OT, who drowns babies.

The God of the Old Testament comes off as kind of needy. Imagine having a friend who wants you to praise him all the time and threatens to punish you if don't love him sufficiently.
You understand the New Testament is a very ugly document when read verse by verse and not just selected verses.
If I grew up hearing about hell all the time I might have become an atheist.

Actually, the NT is almost tolerable... The God of the NT isn't as much of a prick as the God of the OT, who drowns babies.

The God of the Old Testament comes off as kind of needy. Imagine having a friend who wants you to praise him all the time and threatens to punish you if don't love him sufficiently.
Poor, needy JoeB...You are fully aware that The NT is sending you to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
But, then again, you never read it, did you?

Did you know Hebrew has no word for love?
The word means to give.
When you show Brown people your concern, don't love them, give to them.
Poor, needy JoeB...You are fully aware that The NT is sending you to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
But, then again, you never read it, did you?

Did you know Hebrew has no word for love?
The word means to give.
When you show Brown people your concern, don't love them, give to them.

Yes, the NT felt that just blaming God for all the natural catastrophes like the OT did wasn't going to fly with people who could actually read. So they needed to up the ante to keep the money flowing.

Christians are idiots
Jews are idiots
Muslims are idiots.

Anyone who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky is an idiot.
hunt the vermin down and finish them off. It doesn't matter what Israel does, the scum of the Earth will continue to support Hamas and the fake 'refugees', so they should just do what needs doing and get it over with.

If they still had the Mossad hunter-killer teams running, this would never be a problem today. They caved to foreign media pressure and it has gotten them nothing but more violence and terror attacks, in Europe and Israel both.
Mossad are the scum of the earth.
The Arabs are the natives who bought and paid for the land, living there for thousands of years.
The Zionists paid for nothing and want to steal even more.
I look forward to the return of Christ when he destroys the enemies of Israel and The Enemies of God. You'll be among them.

Enjoy your day during the Tribulation to come.

There is nothing in the Bible so support your position.
The Bible says the Jews were destroyed because of their corruption.
The sins of arrogance and pride.
Remind me now, did the Jews support Christ or attack Christ?
Quoting the Bible?
Who owned the Land first?
I bet you get it wrong.
It doesn’t matter who owned it first. They’re all long dead.

The only thing that counts is who can hold it now.
I find it fascinating that no one gets involved when Arabs are killing Arabs.
Where did Hamas get the money for all of this artillery?

That was President Trump’s foreign policy, to contain and let Muslims kill each other.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden is funding Hamas now. After all he and the Hussein funded ISIS in Syria.

ISIS came out the the Iraq war.. circa 2004.
Wrong. They were just AQ at that time. They didn’t become prevalent until 2011 when Obama become their de facto leader and helping them overthrow secular governments in favor of their radical Sunni caliphate.

Obama and Clinton paid and armed ISIS to take down Assad. NEVER forget that, just like they pay Iran and Hamas to take out Israel.

What an ignorant lie. ISIS isn't AQ and never was.. Further, you are ignorant s hell about Syria.. Bibi wanted hi taken out since 1996. See CLEAN BREAK STRATEGY.
Assad is a threat, and that's true, but Clinton and Obama - Biden et al.....really the same thing....globalists.....wanted Assad out for different Qaddafi, they were trying to establish their own gold backed currencies, which would make them immune to their economies being manipulated by the Global Banking Consortium.

LOLOL.. All the Arab states have gold backed currencies but Syria is POOR. Libya has had gold dinars since Idris was king. You're a moron.

Libya imports 90% of its food and they pay electronically just like everyone else.. Its saves on the bloody interest.
Poor, needy JoeB...You are fully aware that The NT is sending you to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
But, then again, you never read it, did you?

Did you know Hebrew has no word for love?
The word means to give.
When you show Brown people your concern, don't love them, give to them.

Yes, the NT felt that just blaming God for all the natural catastrophes like the OT did wasn't going to fly with people who could actually read. So they needed to up the ante to keep the money flowing.

Christians are idiots
Jews are idiots
Muslims are idiots.

Anyone who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky is an idiot.

In the story in the Bible about Siloam Jesus makes a point.

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower ...
"You remember," goes on the Master, "the catastrophe of the fall of the tower in Siloam; the poor sufferers who were crushed there were not specially wicked men." The Lord used these occasions, we see, for

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)
Wasn't Jarod supposed to fix this issue?

What happened?
Joe Biden happened! Duh?
So, Biden was the negotiator for ME "peace" plan?
No, Joe Biden is the "enabler" of Iran...the number one sponsor of world terror! Biden flushed all the good work of Jared Kushner right down the toilet with his Middle East foreign policy. We're right back to the failed policies of the Obama years.

Jared accomplished NOTHING.. and you know nothing about the ME or US foreign policy. The objective in Iran is to get them to rejoin the international community as good citizens.

Trump couldn't negotiate out of a wet paper bag..

He gave Israel everything and got NOTHING in return. He wanted them to like him an praise him.. Same with Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent.. That's laughable. Trump isnt smmart enough and can't keep his mouth shut.. He just wants Putin approval judging by his groveling letters to Putin in the past.
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Poor, needy JoeB...You are fully aware that The NT is sending you to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
But, then again, you never read it, did you?

Did you know Hebrew has no word for love?
The word means to give.
When you show Brown people your concern, don't love them, give to them.

Yes, the NT felt that just blaming God for all the natural catastrophes like the OT did wasn't going to fly with people who could actually read. So they needed to up the ante to keep the money flowing.

Christians are idiots
Jews are idiots
Muslims are idiots.

Anyone who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky is an idiot.
Humor me...
Once again, I ask you to prove you're a real atheist by simply posting, "You can have my world to come".
Of course you will post an ad hominem because few atheists are really atheists.

Yes, the NT felt that just blaming God for all the natural catastrophes like the OT did wasn't going to fly with people who could actually read. So they needed to up the ante to keep the money flowing.
I read the New Testament 5 times and I have zero idea what you are referring to.
You don't either; you just needed to release some negative energy.
Wasn't Jarod supposed to fix this issue?

What happened?
Joe Biden happened! Duh?
So, Biden was the negotiator for ME "peace" plan?
No, Joe Biden is the "enabler" of Iran...the number one sponsor of world terror! Biden flushed all the good work of Jared Kushner right down the toilet with his Middle East foreign policy. We're right back to the failed policies of the Obama years.

Jared accomplished NOTHING.. and you know nothing about the ME or US foreign policy. The objective in Iran is to get them to rejoin the interational community as good citizens.

Trump couldn't negotiate out of a wet paper bag..

He gave Israel everything and got NOTHING in return. He wanted them to like him an praise him.. Same with Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent.. That's laughable. Trump isnt smmart enough and can't keep his mouth shut.. He just wants Putin approval judging by his groveling letters to Putin in the past.
attn. cyberbuddies. surada is an EXPERT on the middle east-----she has been EXPOSED
to the same islamo nazi bullshit to which I was exposed from childhood to old age, starting
with published propaganda written by escaped nazi war criminals---moving on to young
muslims in the USA and now---DA NET. She is an asset here----you can derive the FULL LINE
OF BULLSHIT so easily
Wasn't Jarod supposed to fix this issue?

What happened?
Joe Biden happened! Duh?
So, Biden was the negotiator for ME "peace" plan?
No, Joe Biden is the "enabler" of Iran...the number one sponsor of world terror! Biden flushed all the good work of Jared Kushner right down the toilet with his Middle East foreign policy. We're right back to the failed policies of the Obama years.

Jared accomplished NOTHING.. and you know nothing about the ME or US foreign policy. The objective in Iran is to get them to rejoin the interational community as good citizens.

Trump couldn't negotiate out of a wet paper bag..

He gave Israel everything and got NOTHING in return. He wanted them to like him an praise him.. Same with Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent.. That's laughable. Trump isnt smmart enough and can't keep his mouth shut.. He just wants Putin approval judging by his groveling letters to Putin in the past.
attn. cyberbuddies. surada is an EXPERT on the middle east-----she has been EXPOSED
to the same islamo nazi bullshit to which I was exposed from childhood to old age, starting
with published propaganda written by escaped nazi war criminals---moving on to young
muslims in the USA and now---DA NET. She is an asset here----you can derive the FULL LINE
OF BULLSHIT so easily

What Nazi war criminals? They didn't go to the Midle East.

You have nothing but personal attacks, do you rosie?
Wasn't Jarod supposed to fix this issue?

What happened?
Joe Biden happened! Duh?
So, Biden was the negotiator for ME "peace" plan?
No, Joe Biden is the "enabler" of Iran...the number one sponsor of world terror! Biden flushed all the good work of Jared Kushner right down the toilet with his Middle East foreign policy. We're right back to the failed policies of the Obama years.

Jared accomplished NOTHING.. and you know nothing about the ME or US foreign policy. The objective in Iran is to get them to rejoin the interational community as good citizens.

Trump couldn't negotiate out of a wet paper bag..

He gave Israel everything and got NOTHING in return. He wanted them to like him an praise him.. Same with Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent.. That's laughable. Trump isnt smmart enough and can't keep his mouth shut.. He just wants Putin approval judging by his groveling letters to Putin in the past.
attn. cyberbuddies. surada is an EXPERT on the middle east-----she has been EXPOSED
to the same islamo nazi bullshit to which I was exposed from childhood to old age, starting
with published propaganda written by escaped nazi war criminals---moving on to young
muslims in the USA and now---DA NET. She is an asset here----you can derive the FULL LINE
OF BULLSHIT so easily

What Nazi war criminals? They didn't go to the Midle East.

You have nothing but personal attacks, do you rosie?
sheeeesh you are pretending not to know-----you liked them so much? They are
the guys who elaborated lots of the bullshit you spew and that which is spewed in
mosques. --------uhm.......some of your bestest friends?

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