LOL, he spends all of his time here denigrating Republicans and supporting Dems, you should be better at this.

He does spend a good amount of time denigrating Republicans, but I have not really seem him supporting the Dems.

can you name an issue he is left leaning on?

I translate that into I am right. Which shows what a dumbfuck you are.

Moron, that would be correct if 50% of the country was vaxxed. But that's not the case. The case is 91% of them are vaxxed.

You won't comprehend this because it's above your 1st grade math skills, but others here will. So really, I'm posting this for others, not for you....

There are 56 million people in England. 91% are vaxxed. That comes out to:

Unvaxxed .... 5,040,000
Vaxxed ...... 50,960,000

There were 33,003 English hospitalized between 1/24 an 2/20. Based on 75% vaxxed and 25% unvaxxed, that breaks down to:

Unvaxxed ..... 8,251
Vaxxed ....... 24,752

Percentagewise, based on population:

Unvaxxed ... 8,251 ÷ 5,040,000 = 0.16%
Vaxxed ..... 24,752 ÷ 50,960,000 = 0.05%

That means an unvaxxed person in England has a 1 in 611 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

Whereas a vaxxed person in England has a 1 in 2,059 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

237% higher chance of being hospitalized if they're not vaxxed.

Thanks for your assistance in showing how stupid people are for not getting vaxxed AND for showing what a flaming imbecile you are.
I translate that into I am right. Which shows what a dumbfuck you are.

Moron, that would be correct if 50% of the country was vaxxed. But that's not the case. The case is 91% of them are vaxxed.

You won't comprehend this because it's above your 1st grade math skills, but others here will. So really, I'm posting this for others, not for you....

There are 56 million people in England. 91% are vaxxed. That comes out to:

Unvaxxed .... 5,040,000
Vaxxed ...... 50,960,000

There were 33,003 English hospitalized between 1/24 an 2/20. Based on 75% vaxxed and 25% unvaxxed, that breaks down to:

Unvaxxed ..... 8,251
Vaxxed ....... 24,752

Percentagewise, based on population:

Unvaxxed ... 8,251 ÷ 5,040,000 = 0.16%
Vaxxed ..... 24,752 ÷ 50,960,000 = 0.05%

That means an unvaxxed person in England has a 1 in 611 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

Whereas a vaxxed person in England has a 1 in 2,059 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

237% higher chance of being hospitalized if they're not vaxxed.

Thanks for your assistance in showing how stupid people are for not getting vaxxed AND for showing what a flaming imbecile you are.
Shove those numbers up your ass, clown.
I translate that into I am right. Which shows what a dumbfuck you are.

Moron, that would be correct if 50% of the country was vaxxed. But that's not the case. The case is 91% of them are vaxxed.

You won't comprehend this because it's above your 1st grade math skills, but others here will. So really, I'm posting this for others, not for you....

There are 56 million people in England. 91% are vaxxed. That comes out to:

Unvaxxed .... 5,040,000
Vaxxed ...... 50,960,000

There were 33,003 English hospitalized between 1/24 an 2/20. Based on 75% vaxxed and 25% unvaxxed, that breaks down to:

Unvaxxed ..... 8,251
Vaxxed ....... 24,752

Percentagewise, based on population:

Unvaxxed ... 8,251 ÷ 5,040,000 = 0.16%
Vaxxed ..... 24,752 ÷ 50,960,000 = 0.05%

That means an unvaxxed person in England has a 1 in 611 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

Whereas a vaxxed person in England has a 1 in 2,059 chance of being hospitalized due to covid.

237% higher chance of being hospitalized if they're not vaxxed.

Thanks for your assistance in showing how stupid people are for not getting vaxxed AND for showing what a flaming imbecile you are.
good math :cool:
UK has 67.8 Million population. why the number (vaxxed + unvaxxed) don't match that? ANyway, I got the number from ONT, Canada. Since I only interested in the death, that is what I find, in avg, ~67% of death are vaxxed, ~33% of death are unvaxxed on ~85% are vaxxed. Then, in old age group only, 75% of death are vaxxed and 25% of death are unvaxxed. BTW, vaxxed or unvaxxed makes no different in youth age group.

At the end, it matches what we know all along. MSM and Biden are wrong
Why would I waste my time trying to show either of you anything? Your input is of no value whatsoever. It is narrative and it is a huge lie.


FruitLoops, you once again proved to the forum that you're an abject imbecile. A complete retard. No wonder you fell for Trump's Big Lie and believe the election was stolen.
good math :cool:
UK has 67.8 Million population. why the number (vaxxed + unvaxxed) don't match that? ANyway, I got the number from ONT, Canada. Since I only interested in the death, that is what I find, in avg, ~67% of death are vaxxed, ~33% of death are unvaxxed on ~85% are vaxxed. Then, in old age group only, 75% of death are vaxxed and 25% of death are unvaxxed. BTW, vaxxed or unvaxxed makes no different in youth age group.

At the end, it matches what we know all along. MSM and Biden are wrong

My number doesn't match your number because I based mine on England, not the UK. And with 237% more unvaxxed being hospitalized than vaxxed, and 38% more unvaxxed dying than vaxxed, who knows where you think the MSM and Biden are wrong??
My number doesn't match your number because I based mine on England, not the UK. And with 237% more unvaxxed being hospitalized than vaxxed, and 38% more unvaxxed dying than vaxxed, who knows where you think the MSM and Biden are wrong??
Unlike what MSM and Biden say, the facts are
C19 vaxx will not stop you from getting or spreading C19. (Vaxxed are still getting C19 in high numbers)
C19 vaxx makes it less likely that you will develop C19 serious symptoms, and you will have less chance to die from covid. (Vaxxed are still dead from C19, just a lot less than unvaxxed in term of %)

In fact, close to 450K death under his watch, I guess he may need to change his message, blame the unvaxxed is stupid. BTW, how do you get your 237% and 38%?
My number doesn't match your number because I based mine on England, not the UK. And with 237% more unvaxxed being hospitalized than vaxxed, and 38% more unvaxxed dying than vaxxed, who knows where you think the MSM and Biden are wrong??
Wrong thing to even focus on.

The fact is the average age of WuFlu deaths is about 80 years old.

Being old and/or fat is the biggest risk.

Also, according to Pfizer’s own numbers 2.9% died from the vaccine in the first three months alone. That’s a bigger death rate than WuFlu itself, especially in the population below age 65.

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