Weird huh…one would think that an amazing moderate leader/uniter could coerce all Americans into taking experimental medicine / the Trump Vaccine.
The "one" underestimates the devotion to the orange Dear Leader
what left leaning positions does G5000 hold?
Hahahaha…like you, it’s his typing fingers that are Left as fuck…he has thoroughly convinced himself that he’s conservative…he just somehow ALWAYS forgets to tell his typing fingers that REAL conservatives NEVER EVER side with Leftists.

g5000 -
“I like guns, I like small fiscally responsible government, I’m pro-life yet somehow every single one of my posts read like a hardcore TDS inflicted Leftist typed it…it’s so fucking bizarre, I can’t explain it….DAMN my typing fingers.”
Hahahaha…like you, it’s his typing fingers that are Left as fuck…he has thoroughly convinced himself that he’s conservative…he just somehow ALWAYS forgets to tell his typing fingers that REAL conservatives NEVER EVER side with Leftists.

g5000 -
“I like guns, I like small fiscally responsible government, I’m pro-life yet somehow every single one of my posts read like a hardcore TDS inflicted Leftist typed it…it’s so fucking bizarre, I can’t explain it….DAMN my typing fingers.”

So you agree that he does not hold any left leaning positions.

Glad we could work that out.
The title. Of the thread. That you just opened. Just now. To whine like a little bitch in. FFS
You’re the RETARD and a BITCH He made it sound like if you receive it you ‘re OK, Please tell us why he NEVER 👎 took into account NATURAL IMMUNITY or have ANY consideration for women who were pregnant 🤰 and extremely skeptical 🤨 or those who who advised by their Physicians NOT to take it??
Post the quote then liar.

And "not taking into account" natural immunity is the sane thing to do retard.

Vaccines are the answer (I're a vaxxer...fuck off)
How can you Prove
Post the quote then liar.

And "not taking into account" natural immunity is the sane thing to do retard.

Vaccines are the answer (I're a vaxxer...fuck off)
How can you prove a Negative?? Have you EVER heard him Mention Natural Immunity Retard????? FUCK OFF !!!!!!
How can you Prove

How can you prove a Negative?? Have you EVER heard him Mention Natural Immunity Retard????? FUCK OFF !!!!!!
Posting a quote to back up your claims is NOT "proving a negative"

Posting a link to show that "natural immunity" is something Biden should have mentioned isn't either.

You're a dope and a liar
Posting a quote to back up your claims is NOT "proving a negative"

Posting a link to show that "natural immunity" is something Biden should have mentioned isn't either.

You're a dope and a liar
You’re a Ass 🕳 Hole. Show me where he EVER mentioned Natural Immunity or took into acct those who were advised against it
You’re the RETARD and a BITCH He made it sound like if you receive it you ‘re OK, Please tell us why he NEVER 👎 took into account NATURAL IMMUNITY or have ANY consideration for women who were pregnant 🤰 and extremely skeptical 🤨 or those who who advised by their Physicians NOT to take it??
Cute whining, crybaby.

Thread title? Biden was spot on.

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