Biden White House Desecrates The American Flag

The three flags grouped together do not follow protocol.


See the American flag on the center flagpole? Highest flag too. That is the official WH flag, btw. Sometimes American flags that have flown there are gifted to military members when they retire....something you know nothing about.
Only in your cartoon fantasies RW. I will say you went to a lot of trouble photoshopping that video just to get your rocks off.
So I guess MAGA will even tolerate Trump humping our flag

See the American flag on the center flagpole? Highest flag too. That is the official WH flag, btw. Sometimes American flags that have flown there are gifted to military members when they retire....something you know nothing about.

When displayed together with other flags.

Where do you see the "red, white, and blue" in this picture?

If it's the only American flag on display. The official American flag on the flagpole is the highest and centered. You think you know more than the WH Protocol Office? :heehee:
Yes. Protocol should ALWAYS feature the American flag front and center and all others on the periphery.
Oh ... that tiny dot way off in the distance. Hardly noticed with the blatant Fag Flag all front and center and everything.
So you are disrespectful of the official WH American flag. Look who the disrespectful one is. What a surprise.

Disrespectful of the official WH American flag.

DIsrespectful of the official WH American flag.

Disrespectful of the official WH American flag.
As always, MAGAs whining about something they don't understand. The flags are displayed properly.

No, they are not. If you read the article you'd know that, if you loved America you'd know that, and if you were like me and served in the military you would definitely know that.

You are 100% wrong.

No, they are not. If you read the article you'd know that, if you loved America you'd know that, and if you were like me and served in the military you would definitely know that.

You are 100% wrong.
The flags were displayed properly. If you weren't a childishly whiney MAGA you would know that. Fox isn't even whining about it, and they whine about everything.
Where is that a crime? And I mean simply burning a rainbow flag, not leaving it on someone’s property as a threat or anything like that. Where is it illegal for me to buy a rainbow flag and go burn it in my backyard grill?
/——/ You will be charged with a hate crime.
That's hilarious on many fronts.

Tell me, what is "patriotism"? (and I'm asking because I don't know what YOU think it is, I have my own views which I well share once you've stated what you think it is)

Also, Trump went around breaking all the rules for how a president should be, and the people who call themselves "patriots" were loving it.
/——-/ What rules did Trump break? Who wrote those rules? When we’re they codified into law?

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