Biden White House Leans Toward Releasing Information About trump And Jan. 6 Attack, Setting Off Legal And Political Showdown

Should we remind the left that they were silent when Obama killed an American citizen with a missile yet went apeshit when Trump killed an Iranian terrorist with one?

He took his teenaged son to Yemen when he was there training suicide bombers. Grow up.
Should we remind the left that they were silent when Obama killed an American citizen with a missile yet went apeshit when Trump killed an Iranian terrorist with one?

The Iranian guy was the only one who could negotiate to get the Houthis to stop their war in Yemen.
Please, bitch. Just stop with the right wing bullshit and and conspiracy theories. You're regurgitating Gateway Pundit tin foil hat shit. It didn't have credibility the first time you tried it and it has even less now.

What are you talking about woman?

This is a fact

Our media doesn't talk about it because it's morbid and doesn't sell ads. "gateway pundit"

Not because it's not true you vapid bitch. Do not disrespect that poor boy like that you fucking canadian.

Stay out of it you fucking ****. You have no business talking about him

2013 NYT, gateway pundit eh?

Gateway pundit eh?

When are you going to learn you have no fucking idea what is going on next to me? Trust me I could and would clearly make a much better lawyer than you because my retention is much better. Idiot

What the fuck does some peasant canook care anyway? Shut the fuck up. He was one of our children you dumb bitch I don't go around finding canadians to talk about their dead kids. Between you and the ****** i'd throttle you both. Terrible people masquerading as moral. Neither of you are half the fucking human I am, and i am not a good person.
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The White House IS releasing the documents. There is no doubt they'll be released to the public. There is no compelling reason to keep them secret. What Trump was saying and doing at the time of the insurrection SHOULD be a matter of public record.

What are Trump and his minions trying to hide?
Your title is extremely misleading. You made it sound like the White House is releasing the documents.

The documents are being released to the Jan. 6 Select Committee, and their release to the public is in serious question.

Some are just a little slow.
I don't think that's going to happen. There is no William Barr to save him.
Doesn't need Barr.... Trump has since grown very wise as to how the Democrat evil playbook of wickedness was used against him.
You haven't the vaguest clue what you're talking about. The President of the United States does not control the price of gas.

In one breath you claim that you don't want to live in a "socialist country", and yet here you are demanding that the government take control of gas and oil production, to ensure lower prices. That's the very definition of a "socialist economy" - one where the government controls production and prices.

Secondly, YOU certainly weren't saying anything like this when the price of gas went up by a $1.00 a gallon after Trump got into office. Gas was $1.83 under President Obama, in 2016. A year and a half later, under Trump, it was $2.83 a gallon. You neither thanked Obama, who increased gasoline production by 88% during his administration, nor did you blame Trump for not having a plan to reduce the price of gas.

Last, but certainly not least, the price of gasoline is high right now because US production and world production was drastically reduced during the pandemic - 9 million barrels per day for OPEC. There was no room left to store the oil they had. Now that the reserves have been exhausted, OPEC has refused to increase their production to any close to pre-pandemic levels, creating a bidding competition for lower levels of production. Shortages always equal higher prices. American oil companies are just as happy as OPEC to keep prices high.

So unless you want the government taking over the oil companies and telling them how much to produce and what they can charge for it, this is how capitalism works. They can make as much or as little as they want. They can charge whatever the traffic will bear for it, and it you don't like it, find a cheaper energy source.

Every farm where I live has a solar array on the barn roof, or the garage, or some other southward facing structure. Windmills dot the landscape. A lot of people are driving hybrids. The sun is the one source of energy that we're never going to run out of. Everything where I live is either solar or hydro-electric. All the coal-fire plants closed 25 years ago. I haven't had to go to the hospital on account of my asthma since they closed.

The pedophile in the White House????? You're the one who doesn't have a clue. You believe that Joe Biden is a pedophile. How stupid and gullible are you? I guess the answer to that question is "Stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump - twice", and to still support him.

Either you believe the lies, in which case you are stupid, or your support a fascist dictatorship. You certainly can't be voting for Trump because you ended up better off than when he started. Not unless you started out as a billionaire.
We were energy independent under Trump, then Biden stopped that. You cannot deny that and his spokeswoman said that they want this to promote electric cars. You ready to spend $50,000 on something that will last about 4 years?
This is an interesting development.

trump won't have the last say on what documents are released to the Jan 6th committee.

Biden can override trump. trump can take Biden to court but executive privilege is for current presidents. Not former ones.

It will be interesting to see how this all works out.

Go ahead. Let him do it. I hope Biden releases the document because it will open up a back and forth between Democrats and Republicans for years to come on opening documents.
You are so full of it.
Has all the evidence been released? Oh, I didn't know. I guess that all those subpoenas that the House Committee sent are just superfluous, yes? You obviously know the facts. Either that, or your mouth is getting in the way of your brains again.
Biden is not why gas is 5 bucks. You guys are making this claim to distract from the fact that Biden is doing a good job and republicans have offered no policies.

Where is gas 5 dollars?

I was in Hawaii last summer. At that time it was just under 4 dollars.

I'm in Hawaii now, it's around 4.39 now.

Hawaii usually has the highest gas prices in the nation. There is no pipeline to the islands and the only way to get it here is to ship it which makes the price much higher than on the mainland.

I just did a search on it. I found a lot of articles PREDICTING 5 dollars in California but none that say the price is that high.

I did find gas selling for 5 dollars a gallon in California and New York.


This article is dated November 21, 2019. Weird, I don't recall any of the trump people having a problem with it at the time.

Where is gas 5 dollars?

I was in Hawaii last summer. At that time it was just under 4 dollars.

I'm in Hawaii now, it's around 4.39 now.

Hawaii usually has the highest gas prices in the nation. There is no pipeline to the islands and the only way to get it here is to ship it which makes the price much higher than on the mainland.

I just did a search on it. I found a lot of articles PREDICTING 5 dollars in California but none that say the price is that high.

I did find gas selling for 5 dollars a gallon in California and New York.


This article is dated November 21, 2019. Weird, I don't recall any of the trump people having a problem with it at the time.

two island countries that want no part of middle america. yeah we know.
Trump had policies that made us energy independent, first in 50 years. Yes that does effect the price of oil.
It doesn't. What effects the price of oil is global supply and demand, but an abundance of natl gas in the US should affect the price of heating and elec. And the Baaken Field didn't start in 2017
Trump may have been involved in a legal demonstration authorized by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution so what's the problem? The Brandon administration is desperate to keep Jan 6 fresh in the minds of loyal hate filled lefties so they leak information that promises to leak information. It would be funny if it wasn't so freaking sad.
Trump may have been involved in a legal demonstration authorized by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution so what's the problem? The Brandon administration is desperate to keep Jan 6 fresh in the minds of loyal hate filled lefties so they leak information that promises to leak information. It would be funny if it wasn't so freaking sad.
The insurrection was not a "legal demonstration". It was an attack against your government by a bunch of asshole criminals, who destroyed and killed. There is no "leaked" information, only the release of facts to a committee who is investigating an event that will or will not involve Tump. It has nothing to do with "loyal hate filled lefties", as you so stupidly put it. We are all Americans, and this horrific attack was perpetrated against all of us, so get off your high fucking horse and give a shit about your Democracy.
es, it will. Especially considering how Trump is using his lies about the "stolen election" to fuel hundreds of anti-democratic laws, and pushing out election officials in states who refused his directives to "find votes" and overturn the election. States now have the power to overturn the elections, and Trump is driving honest election officials out of office and replacing them with "loyal" vote counters who will change the results.
The US has faced similar class conflicts in its history, but, of course, most Americans don't believe there is class war in their country. In 1860 most US millionaires lived in southern slave states; 600,000 dead was that price to exterminate chattel slavery from the "Land of the Free."

70 years later, capitalists crashed the global economy, and America was torn between FDR's New Deal and the Business Plot.
Yes, it will. Especially considering how Trump is using his lies about the "stolen election" to fuel hundreds of anti-democratic laws, and pushing out election officials in states who refused his directives to "find votes" and overturn the election. States now have the power to overturn the elections, and Trump is driving honest election officials out of office and replacing them with "loyal" vote counters who will change the results.
The US faced a similar crisis when the Business Plot took aim at FDR's New Deal:

Episode 102: The Business Plot - Blurry Photos

Possibly because the 1934 coup plotters were never prosecuted by government, their fiscal descendants believe they can successfully accomplish their task today?

I really don't expect much resistance from corporate Democrats.

While stealing elections is as American as baseball, over the past two decades there is far more evidence for Republican voter suppression than for Democrats signing up the undocumented, yet Democrats never expose the GOP's suppression activities.

Since both major political parties serve rich donor interests instead of the interests of a majority of voters, it seems likely Fascism will do better in 2024 than it did in 1934.
We were energy independent under Trump, then Biden stopped that. You cannot deny that and his spokeswoman said that they want this to promote electric cars. You ready to spend $50,000 on something that will last about 4 years?
We were energy dependent because of Obama. Biden did not create dependence by closing less than 12 percent of where we were getting oil. Those like you don't get it. If we continue doing what we are now, you won't have to worry about whhat anything costs because the planet will be dead.
Yeah energy independent, low energy prices, low inflation, and low food prices. We were in a bad place.
trump didn't do that. He inherited what Obama created. In the end, 600,000 had die with no end to the deaths is sight, prices were rising because trumps failed trade war with China, and miles long food lines. You seem to forget how everything closed and millions lost jobs due to trumps incompetence.

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