Biden will have his first Presser

This is reminiscent of Obama, who took 15 minutes to answer even the simplest question. Therefore, answered very few questions.
And like Obama, he is rambling all over the place.

Lobs love to do that. They filibuster. Take forever to answer a simple question, then say you are out of time.
And the "questions" are 90% editorial commentary.
Thanks for the posts folks. I still can't get it on my tablet but from what you posted I didn't miss much.

He's deporting illegals?? If that true then why is be bussing them all over our country?? Illegals don't belong here. Someone should tell that stuttering fuck illegals are just that illegals.

You should be able to find it streaming on YOUTUBE.
Oh shit....Joe just said he is going to deport unaccompanied minors.

This bitch is actually stepping to Joe....and he got mad! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He just said the conditions in his kid prisons are totally unacceptable.

Forgot to blame Trump.
I know. It’s like a drug. It gives you a high knowing a mature, intelligent adult is now president.
1. Biden is a bit TOO mature. (aka senile)
2. He's one of the LEAST intelligent people ever to be in the govt.
3. He's not "president". He is a HIGHJACKER, who has used a widespread fraud conspiracy to highjack the White House. he was in on it from the beginning, which is why he stayed in his basement for months, didn't campaign, and laughed a lot, figuring he already had the election sewed up, from his fraud setup.
Nah you’re just a sore loser. That’s all this boils down to. Republicans are like kids who lost a soccer game at recess.
Oh for fucks sake.... he just basically said he won't allow access to reporters till it is cleaned up. And then asked when is that... he said I don't know.
That is the worse answer I have ever heard from a President.
Reports are not allowed to see obviously troubled areas, and he says they will continue to be blocked until they clean it up.
Holy shit people.
He just referred to the female reporter as MAN. :auiqs.jpg:

Now he is just fucking lying...90% of Fortune 500 companies do not pay any taxes????? Huh?

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