Biden will have his first Presser Joe.. I am going to try to ask the question again after you took 5 minutes to not answer it before.... and here he goes again... another 5 minutes of all over the map rambling nonsensical... non answer
In his next press conference (if there ever is another one), when asked about the border crisis, he will go into the climatic impacts of honey bee diminishment, coupled with pollution effects on plants, intertwined with varying rainfall patterns effects on wildfires, floods, mudslides, washed out roads, infrastructure demands, within the context of dam decline, and 100 year flood zones delineated on US Army Corp of Engineers maps, which aren't here anymore, because they were eaten by his dog.

Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle; we'll be OK if we're still a country after 2 years of that dude)
Out of curiosity: Do you watch NewsMax because it covers the stories you want covered in the way you want them covered, or do you watch it because you believe it gives you the whole story without embellishment, representing both sides of a story accurately and fully?
I watch it because I know it gives US the whole story without embellishment, representing all sides of a story, accurately and fully. And if you watched it, in time you would find the same thing, once you got mental cleared from the false narratives of the liberal media (such as the lies that Biden told in his press conference about immigration)
Well, I believe that you believe that.

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