Biden will unveil unconstitutional gun control EO's

Anyone know how gun sales are going today?

No figures handy, but they went back on a steep rise last November.
Well now that the word is out I'm sure there will be lines as long as a river tomorrow.
The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective 133 million firearms. Facts show owning more than 40 guns is actually fairly common in the United States.

What a ridiculous claim. There are at minimum, 95 million gun owners in the USA, and collectively there are well over 300 MILLION firearms in the country.

Those were the figures used in ... 1998. ;)

And they were ridiculously wrong back then. The facts are that at least a third of the US population has ALWAYS had guns.
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Anyone know how gun sales are going today?

No figures handy, but they went back on a steep rise last November.
Well now that the word is out I'm sure there will be lines as long as a river tomorrow.
The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective 133 million firearms. Facts show owning more than 40 guns is actually fairly common in the United States.

What a ridiculous claim. There are at minimum, 95 million gun owners in the USA, and collectively there are well over 300 MILLION firearms in the country.

Those were the figures used in ... 1998. ;)

And they were ridiculously wrong back then. The facts are that at least a thirds of the US population has ALWAYS had guns.

Certainly 'way more than our elected civil servants know about.

Here we go....

Let's tell it as it is.

The dear gentleman is not able "to kick" anything.

It is his woke caregivers who are putting those words in his mouth.

Let's hope that more moderate Dems can succeed in taming the more radical elements of their party when it comes to gun control.
Well he can kick plane stairs and crash. So you're not accurate.
Why should any person that lives in the blessed by God countryside, black, white, or Hispanic not oppose this idiots executive orders?
Lawsuits will follow in a matter of days and we'll begin to see which states are serious about protecting 2A and which will be willing to bend over for Uncle Sugar. The lines are now being drawn.
Why should any person that lives in the blessed by God countryside, black, white, or Hispanic not oppose this idiots executive orders?
The only way, it might work is if manufacturers forced to serial number upper receivers/barrel group and that is not complete either. Never done one from a kit. Just completed my build with parts from 3 different suppliers and 4 different manufacturers to get exactly what I wanted.
Why should any person that lives in the blessed by God countryside, black, white, or Hispanic not oppose this idiots executive orders?
This is a lie.

Biden’s proposed firearm regulatory measures are perfectly consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence, none of the proposed measures have been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Lawsuits will follow in a matter of days and we'll begin to see which states are serious about protecting 2A and which will be willing to bend over for Uncle Sugar. The lines are now being drawn.
Another lie.

Proposing perfectly Constitutional firearm regulatory measures is in no manner an ‘attack’ on the Second Amendment, as such proposed measures are consistent with Second Amendment case law.
Why should any person that lives in the blessed by God countryside, black, white, or Hispanic not oppose this idiots executive orders?

The biggest problem in the US is easy access to guns. People with guns in rural areas are a potential supply of weapons for inner cities. But just that fact of so many guns swimming around, leads to this easy access.

Unless you want to have borders between rural areas and cities, then you need similar laws

Here we go....

Joe be jivin'.

I was expecting another attempt at banning bump stops. Hopefully we will be asking the questions first before removing guns from people proven to be violent.
I expect it to be totally Unconstitutional!
We have a very conservative SCOTUS. If it is unconstitutional it will never become law. No need for war when we have a Constitution.

You'd think, eh?
Why is it that so many conservatives hate democracy?

Dotard reminder: it's not a Democracy. It's a Republic, if we can keep it!
7th grade civics!
College civics:
‘America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy’ Is a Dangerous—And Wrong—Argument
Enabling sustained minority rule at the national level is not a feature of our constitutional design, but a perversion of it.
NOVEMBER 2, 2020
George Thomas
Professor of American political institutions at Claremont McKenna College


Actually, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

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