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Biden Won’t Fire Anyone Over Afghanistan Debacle

Oh stop with the “Military Industrial Complex” bullshit….The key in that question was that Biden just empowered the Muslim terrorist network, and more Americans, will die on our shores because of it. Plus, he has totally alienated our allies to the point where they can’t trust us with him at the helm….You proud of that?
What utter horse sh#t. That country has resisted outside influence/control for a thousand years or more. The only thing they picked up from us, is it good to have someone else (the US military) to fight their battles for them, rather than use material support to establish a society and government that can and is willing to defend itself. This is rather like Americans liking the US military as long as they don't have to serve on the line themselves. Having us there is nothing but a profit center for the select few. Other countries are there, because we are there. We were there for a specific mission. That mission was accomplished, and we should have been long gone and them too, unless they had another purpose and mission. The other countries should have been getting their civilians out as well.
We have good intelligence and strong home defenses including massive data collection and communications monitoring. We got our wake-up call on 9/11 and are ready to meet the challenge of maintaining vigilance at home.
Foreign aid to that country is something I can support, but not with American troops on the ground. They have to decide. Not us. We have trained, equipped, and supplied their military, but that country, that military must rise to the challenge of its own self-defense and not fold like a cheap suit. They cannot even feed themselves, yet have and maintain the most fertile poppy fields on the planet. My guess is, it is their biggest export and not a beneficial one to the rest of the world. History is replete with chapters in the opium wars of Asia. Is that what we are supporting with the lives of our troops? Is it worth it to you? It is not, to me.
Peddle your crap elsewhere. I'm not buying.
Ps. Don't be a dumb ass. Just because you ignore the words of Eisenhower, does not mean he was wrong. He has been proven right time and again, and the money they make isn't worth it.
This ball is in motion, in the air. He will not fire anybody at this time and will not telegraph future moves. The plan was shitty, a result of a combination of military, State Department and executive branch.
Obama should have been shutting down that war down after we accomplished our mission in that country of killing Osama. Trump should also have been getting us out of there (as one of the things I think he ran on back in 2016), but didn't, though had the military make plans well before he left office, though not acted on, as it would have impacted the election he lost anyway.
Biden said months ago we were pulling out and should have been getting all American civilians out starting months ago, including State Department civilians. Everybody knew this was coming. American contractors should have been getting their people out months ago, also. By this time there shouldn't have been many Americans (not in uniform) there.
I hate it, that many high level Afghani support personnel are and will be stuck. It always happens. They could have been getting them out over the last few months also, but elected to use them to the end. There should not have been that many involved, but it was part of spread the money and influence in trying to build that country more to our liking, which should not have been a goal in the first place.
There is absolutely no reason usable weapons and equipment could not have been destroyed rather than us seeing them in Taliban hands on international TV news.
Someday (hopefully sooner than later) pulling out of Iraq is going to be an equal shitshow. Turning over a country after a failed effort to transplant American ideal of what a country should be is another lesson we have not learned.
I don't think JFK initially fired anyone over the Bay of Pigs, which was an Eisenhower plan he inherited, and while we'll never know now how it would have turned out, JFK was not in a position of strength vis a vis Goldwater on the issue, at least not until his Ich bin ein Berliner speech
What utter horse sh#t. That country has resisted outside influence/control for a thousand years or more. The only thing they picked up from us, is it good to have someone else (the US military) to fight their battles for them, rather than use material support to establish a society and government that can and is willing to defend itself. This is rather like Americans liking the US military as long as they don't have to serve on the line themselves. Having us there is nothing but a profit center for the select few. Other countries are there, because we are there. We were there for a specific mission. That mission was accomplished, and we should have been long gone and them too, unless they had another purpose and mission. The other countries should have been getting their civilians out as well.
We have good intelligence and strong home defenses including massive data collection and communications monitoring. We got our wake-up call on 9/11 and are ready to meet the challenge of maintaining vigilance at home.
Foreign aid to that country is something I can support, but not with American troops on the ground. They have to decide. Not us. We have trained, equipped, and supplied their military, but that country, that military must rise to the challenge of its own self-defense and not fold like a cheap suit. They cannot even feed themselves, yet have and maintain the most fertile poppy fields on the planet. My guess is, it is their biggest export and not a beneficial one to the rest of the world. History is replete with chapters in the opium wars of Asia. Is that what we are supporting with the lives of our troops? Is it worth it to you? It is not, to me.
Peddle your crap elsewhere. I'm not buying.
Ps. Don't be a dumb ass. Just because you ignore the words of Eisenhower, does not mean he was wrong. He has been proven right time and again, and the money they make isn't worth it.
one of the few things I agreed with Trump upon, along with the secure border, was getting the hell out of Afghan. IF they let AQ do terrorist training, we have B-52s.
I don't think JFK initially fired anyone over the Bay of Pigs, which was an Eisenhower plan he inherited, and while we'll never know now how it would have turned out, JFK was not in a position of strength vis a vis Goldwater on the issue, at least not until his Ich bin ein Berliner speech

The Bay of Pigs leaders met with JFK and believed he promised them air cover. Then they went out on the beach and JFK didn't provide it and they were killed and captured. JFK did that, not Eisenhower. JFK had the chance to pull out and didn't until they were on the beach waiting for him
one of the few things I agreed with Trump upon, along with the secure border, was getting the hell out of Afghan. IF they let AQ do terrorist training, we have B-52s.
That is a post George H.W. bush kind of warfare I can support. Fly the missions from here. Drop the payload or take out the installation and then back here for dinner at the O-Club and back to the suburbs, off post for family time, awaiting the next mission. I'm a big drone fan, also. Never walk when you can ride. Never ride when you can fly and if you don't really have to go, don't bother suiting up and packing a mission bag.
Yes, it's fun to watch the mental handstands the crazy Right is going through this week, jumping for joy at the thought of Biden getting hit by the bag of shit Trump threw over the wall.

All the anti-Deep State Hippy Drum Circle types who were for ending the war last year now wanted Biden to Escalate it.

All the people who supported the Muslim Ban and ending asylum entries are now outraged we aren't bringing over more refugees.
44% approval Dimmer.....
U2 edge slapped that shit right back up your ass in the other thread…I couldn’t say it better….I suggest you go read his responses on pg 14 over and over until it sink through your thick skull, you anti America POS.

You mean his defense of the Forever War(TM) that pretended that the Afghan Army wasn't anything but the joke it turned out to be?

For Sale

300,000 Afghan Army Rifles

Never Fired, only dropped once.
You mean his defense of the Forever War(TM) that pretended that the Afghan Army wasn't anything but the joke it turned out to be?

For Sale

300,000 Afghan Army Rifles

Never Fired, only dropped once.
60,000 Afghan soldiers dead, fighting…Better get some new sources dumbass…
Everybody knows Afghanistan is a debacle but it isn't a debacle until the mainstream media calls it and it ain't likely to happen. Waco was a debacle but the mainstream media didn't call it and Operation Fast/Furious was a debacle but the media didn't consider it a debacle so nobody was indicted or even fired. That's how the system works when democrats are in power and the media becomes their propaganda arm. the Truth is out there but it's hard to find.
Everybody knows Afghanistan is a debacle but it isn't a debacle until the mainstream media calls it and it ain't likely to happen. Waco was a debacle but the mainstream media didn't call it and Operation Fast/Furious was a debacle but the media didn't consider it a debacle so nobody was indicted or even fired. That's how the system works when democrats are in power and the media becomes their propaganda arm. the Truth is out there but it's hard to find.

Quite the contrary, I will freely admit that Afghanistan is a debacle...

It was a debacle when Bush invaded it, put a bunch of crooks in charge and we spent 2 trillion dollars, 20 years and thousands of lives trying to prop up a kleptocracy.

Biden thankfully put an end to it.... and much like when the dentist takes out a rotting, impacted wisdom tooth, it hurts at the time but we are better off in the long run.
Over a 20 year period? I think we lose more people to urban street crime.

Again, kind of tired of pissing away lives and money for people who won't fight for their own country.
Yeah, those stranded Americans, fuck em…right?
Uh, those Americans were told back in May to leave. They didn't. Now we have Marines getting blown up trying to get them out...

Wow, you have a really distorted view on how this unfolded…All of this unfolded on Biden’s watch. In May he was saying everything was ok. No chance the Taliban would take over.

And we have Marines getting killed because he now has terrorists guarding the airport like a fool, and he won’t go get them.

I have never in my life seen a president forsake Americans behind enemy lines until this coward, with his fake crying…
Wow, you have a really distorted view on how this unfolded…All of this unfolded on Biden’s watch. In May he was saying everything was ok. No chance the Taliban would take over.

Which was a reasonable expectation, given that after 20 years of war and 2 Trillion spent, the Afghan army outnumbered the Taliban 4-1.

And we have Marines getting killed because he now has terrorists guarding the airport like a fool, and he won’t go get them.
No, we have Marines being killed because we didn't leave when we promised to leave.

We've had 10,000 people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, ever since Bush lied us into these wars, and NOW you are upset?

John Kerry once asked "How do you ask someone to be the last person to die for a mistake?"

I have never in my life seen a president forsake Americans behind enemy lines until this coward, with his fake crying…

You haven't?

These Americans were told that Afghanistan was unsafe for Americans. They decided to stay anyway.
Which was a reasonable expectation, given that after 20 years of war and 2 Trillion spent, the Afghan army outnumbered the Taliban 4-1.

No, we have Marines being killed because we didn't leave when we promised to leave.

We've had 10,000 people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, ever since Bush lied us into these wars, and NOW you are upset?

John Kerry once asked "How do you ask someone to be the last person to die for a mistake?"

You haven't?

These Americans were told that Afghanistan was unsafe for Americans. They decided to stay anyway.
No, I haven’t…But let me make sure I understand you. After 9/11/01, you would have what? Apologized to AQ?
Who would he fire? It was HIS decision.
Well who caused it?

George W Bush invaded... Can't fire him...
Trump signed the withdrawal agreement... US People fired him...
Pompeo negotiated the deal... Again US People got that..

The Generals said not to reduce the troop levels so low... They were right so can't fire them...

Seems Biden is right... US People fired everyone who should have been fired...

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