Biden working hard to compensate for lack of trump covid plan

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Well, we have a President who is taking his position, and the virus, seriously, professionally and honestly.

In stark contrast to a "President" who:
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

Well, yea you have a point. If Trump didn't get these out they would have blamed him for more deaths on a virus that still hasn't been proven to exist. And the "virus" that black eyed snake Biden says you can't call the China virus now. :D
Chinese Americans are getting assaulted on the back of trumps moronic china flu bollox. You characters are sub human.
Blacks are sub human?
I knew you welshmen were racist

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

So republicans are not even taking vaccines, good to know. I opine that tramp is responsible for over 1/2 million deaths.
Dude was holding rallies nationwide with no mask on, of course he's responsible for deaths. Only a dumbass would disagree.
All those dead folk are free now to enjoy their liberty.

Trump was too busy with important initiatives to take on the virus.Bleach cocktails and injecting sunshine up your arse took up a lot of time.

I do believe we are infinite consciousness and sure they are enjoying their freedom from the experience of living on this Earth. Just like many of the people also will be and are from dying from the mRNA jab. Which overtime will be more deaths then the COVID or lockdowns even killed. But you won't hear about it on the MSM, since their main line of funding comes from the very companies that promote these poisons.

That is funny. I never wear a mask and I have never died or even gotten sick. I guess you still haven't figured out that this has been a scam on the whole world. Congrats in not figuring that out yet. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes vaccines are very hazardous to health in relation to the dangers they pose.

View attachment 466750


And that is exactly what happened in 1918. Thanks for pointing that out Tommy. And now you fools and suckers are falling for it again. :auiqs.jpg:

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Its a polio ward you thick fucker. Pop down to your local polio hospital to see one. Oh!!

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

So republicans are not even taking vaccines, good to know. I opine that tramp is responsible for over 1/2 million deaths.
Dude was holding rallies nationwide with no mask on, of course he's responsible for deaths. Only a dumbass would disagree.
All those dead folk are free now to enjoy their liberty.

Trump was too busy with important initiatives to take on the virus.Bleach cocktails and injecting sunshine up your arse took up a lot of time.

I do believe we are infinite consciousness and sure they are enjoying their freedom from the experience of living on this Earth. Just like many of the people also will be and are from dying from the mRNA jab. Which overtime will be more deaths then the COVID or lockdowns even killed. But you won't hear about it on the MSM, since their main line of funding comes from the very companies that promote these poisons.

That is funny. I never wear a mask and I have never died or even gotten sick. I guess you still haven't figured out that this has been a scam on the whole world. Congrats in not figuring that out yet. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes vaccines are very hazardous to health in relation to the dangers they pose.

View attachment 466750


And that is exactly what happened in 1918. Thanks for pointing that out Tommy. And now you fools and suckers are falling for it again. :auiqs.jpg:

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Its a polio ward you thick fucker. Pop down to your local polio hospital to see one. Oh!!

Polio was caused by DDT and Pesticides Tommy. Sure, my girlfriend says I am a thick fucker. But I don't swing that way Tommy boy. :D

During the 30 years before DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972, a total of approximately 1.35 billion pounds of the chemical was sprayed throughout the country10 … based on a false theory that mosquitoes carried a germ that spread polio, and under the false assumption that DDT was completely harmless to humans—so much so that one of the popular advertising slogans of the 1940s and 1950s was, “DDT Is Good For Me-e-e!”


A clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS-related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement, as one would expect if it were caused by a virus. Both the medical and popular imaginations are haunted by the image of a virus that invades (or infects) and begins replicating to the point of producing disease.

In the laboratory, however, poliovirus does not easily behave in such a predatory manner. Laboratory attempts to demonstrate causation are performed under conditions which are extremely artificial and aberrant.
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There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

So republicans are not even taking vaccines, good to know. I opine that tramp is responsible for over 1/2 million deaths.
Dude was holding rallies nationwide with no mask on, of course he's responsible for deaths. Only a dumbass would disagree.
Talk about a dumbass,this kid wins first prize,he is one of the dumbass trolls same as tommy troll who thinks the virus is dangerous and believes in the social distance bullshit :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl: :rofl:One of the posters here was at one of the trump rallies with many friends of his,neither him or any of his friends got sick despite being around thousands of people. :abgg2q.jpg: :cuckoo:

Exactly friend. They are the COVID CULT. I just haven't figured out who their leader is. It is a toss up between quack Fauci and Eugenicist Bill Gates.
China Joe and the Dems are the enemy of all of western civilization

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

So republicans are not even taking vaccines, good to know. I opine that tramp is responsible for over 1/2 million deaths.
Dude was holding rallies nationwide with no mask on, of course he's responsible for deaths. Only a dumbass would disagree.
All those dead folk are free now to enjoy their liberty.

Trump was too busy with important initiatives to take on the virus.Bleach cocktails and injecting sunshine up your arse took up a lot of time.

I do believe we are infinite consciousness and sure they are enjoying their freedom from the experience of living on this Earth. Just like many of the people also will be and are from dying from the mRNA jab. Which overtime will be more deaths then the COVID or lockdowns even killed. But you won't hear about it on the MSM, since their main line of funding comes from the very companies that promote these poisons.

That is funny. I never wear a mask and I have never died or even gotten sick. I guess you still haven't figured out that this has been a scam on the whole world. Congrats in not figuring that out yet. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes vaccines are very hazardous to health in relation to the dangers they pose.

View attachment 466750


And that is exactly what happened in 1918. Thanks for pointing that out Tommy. And now you fools and suckers are falling for it again. :auiqs.jpg:

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Its a polio ward you thick fucker. Pop down to your local polio hospital to see one. Oh!!

Polio was caused by DDT and Pesticides Tommy. Sure, my girlfriend says I am a thick fucker. But I don't swing that way Tommy boy. :D

During the 30 years before DDT was banned in the U.S. in 1972, a total of approximately 1.35 billion pounds of the chemical was sprayed throughout the country10 … based on a false theory that mosquitoes carried a germ that spread polio, and under the false assumption that DDT was completely harmless to humans—so much so that one of the popular advertising slogans of the 1940s and 1950s was, “DDT Is Good For Me-e-e!”

View attachment 467137

A clear, direct, one-to-one relationship between pesticides and polio over a period of 30 years, with pesticides preceding polio incidence in the context of the CNS-related physiology just described, leaves little room for complicated virus arguments, even as a cofactor, unless there exists a rigorous proof for virus causation. Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement, as one would expect if it were caused by a virus. Both the medical and popular imaginations are haunted by the image of a virus that invades (or infects) and begins replicating to the point of producing disease.

In the laboratory, however, poliovirus does not easily behave in such a predatory manner. Laboratory attempts to demonstrate causation are performed under conditions which are extremely artificial and aberrant.
Please save me from twitter grade science.
Are you talking about these same vaccines that would still be years away from production if the Democrats had been in control of the white house when Covid struck by any chance?

You literally just said "I went back in time to a different past where Joe Biden was President in 2020 when COVID hit and I saw what happened".

Are you retarded?

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
Does that include the millions of doses the fat fuck lost ? He probably sold them to Russia or similar.

He didn't lose anything...the democrat governors lost idiot.
This is a lie.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?
I presume you have zero idea of how long it will take to give 2 shots to 80% of 350,000,000 US citizens waiting to get their 1st shot.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?
I presume you have zero idea of how long it will take to give 2 shots to 80% of 350,000,000 US citizens waiting to get their 1st shot.
Morons like AFrench2 don’t question the media or their Dem State Masters.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?
I presume you have zero idea of how long it will take to give 2 shots to 80% of 350,000,000 US citizens waiting to get their 1st shot.
Morons like AFrench2 don’t question the media or their Dem State Masters.
It's really scary what our public schools produce these days.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?
I presume you have zero idea of how long it will take to give 2 shots to 80% of 350,000,000 US citizens waiting to get their 1st shot.
He just said May 1st like yesterday for "All adults" ??

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.
Then how did 12 million get vaccinated before Jan 20th?
It was a miscount. Trump hid from the public that he and Melania got their vaccines in January. He's so fat that they accidentally marked him down for 12million doses.
Why are we sending vaccines to Africa?
Who is "we"? Pharmaceutical companies?

Probably because they create products to sell.
You might try reading the news once in a while; your hero Biden is sending millions of doses to Africa before all US citizens get theirs.
Isn't he ahead of schedule? Wanted it to be 100 days but will be May 1st I thought, right?
I presume you have zero idea of how long it will take to give 2 shots to 80% of 350,000,000 US citizens waiting to get their 1st shot.
He just said May 1st like yesterday for "All adults" ??
I know what the politician said; I bet it made you feel good.
I work in a professional environment and we all looked at each other to indicate what a moron Biden is.

There wasnt even a vax schedule. President Joe is saving the US.

They can shove the mRNA jabs up where the sun don't shine. I think it was BS Trump pushing the whole agenda of these poisons into the human population. Big Pharma and the Vaccine companies have a medical tyranny over the world. One should realize that these entities only make money off of sick people not healthy. And they have made trillions and still continue to doop the populations with their fraud.
President Trump did it for the paranoid lefties that crave domination by the state and corporations. Let them be the guinea pigs.

So republicans are not even taking vaccines, good to know. I opine that tramp is responsible for over 1/2 million deaths.
Dude was holding rallies nationwide with no mask on, of course he's responsible for deaths. Only a dumbass would disagree.
All those dead folk are free now to enjoy their liberty.

Trump was too busy with important initiatives to take on the virus.Bleach cocktails and injecting sunshine up your arse took up a lot of time.

This from someone who throws out the term subhuman ? There is so much misinformation in this post it is like someone from Britain put it up....

Oh wait.

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