Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

Let the Republicans mess around and find out.
You'll see what he does.

What makes you think it makes any difference what the "republicans do"?

The D's intend to pack the court and have said so, regardless of what President Trump or Sen. McConnell do.

Not true
Dems will not pack the court unless Republicans fill a Supreme Court vacancy during or after an election
We had elections in 2016 and 2018. The GOP won. The term doesn’t end until January. Even RBG said this.

Maybe if she hadn’t been so petty, she would had been replaced by the Hussein. But she just had to be replaced by a nominee from a “Madam President”, not a man.

The McConnell Rule says they will not fill SCOTUS vacancies in an election year.

The Schumer/Pelosi Rule will say Congress will decide on the number of court seats
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.

Debunked. Lincoln nominated in December because that was when Congress was back in session.
Lincoln could put Chase in with a recess appointment in that case, But Lincoln didn't do that either.
There you have it, folks.
Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

Yep. You need to elect me to find out why you voted for me.

Of course it will be the headline in every paper, Joe. Because it's big news that could decide this election. No one would it on the front page if Joe merely said that he DIDN'T favor packing the court.


Meantime, Dems rip Trump on every single issue demanding Trump answer because America needs to know? Like his tax returns?
There you have it, folks.

Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

UNPACK the courts. Republicans have already packed the courts. There are no vacancies in any of the federal courts except the Supreme Court.
Is there any evidence voters give a fuck about this issue?

Not Democratic voters that for sure. Most couldn't name one Supreme Court Justice nor one branch of government.
The McConnell Rule says they will not fill SCOTUS vacancies in an election year.
When there are opposing parties in the WH and Senate. Try to keep up.

Mitch made it clear that he makes the rules and Democrats can’t do anything about it

When Republicans lose the Senate, Democrats will do the same

Payback is a BITCH
The McConnell Rule says they will not fill SCOTUS vacancies in an election year.
When there are opposing parties in the WH and Senate. Try to keep up.

Mitch made it clear that he makes the rules and Democrats can’t do anything about it

When Republicans lose the Senate, Democrats will do the same

Payback is a BITCH

Actually, this IS payback, RW. In 2007, Schumer made it clear that he wasn't confirming ANY of W's Supreme picks during the entire term of Congress after the D's took over. The GOP is just returning the favor.
Payback is a BITCH
So it’s really about “payback”, or retribution, or inflicting harm to the institution, not to strengthen it.

Thanks for being honest for once.


Republicans have not made many friends by blocking Obama’s appointment because it was an election year and then filling a vacancy in the middle of an election.

Dems win in November, they will do what they want
Why? Because they can

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