Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

I said in 2016 when McConnell made the rule, not when he reversed himself two years later.

You're just proving my point. McConnell and every other republicans said "NOT DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR"

With no other caveats.

EPIC FAIL on your part.
Wrong, you claimed he didn’t have that position until 2020.
I said McConnell did a complete reversal in 2020, when he started twisting was well after 2016.

As I said, find a republican in 2016 who said who ran the senate had anything to do with their "NO SUPREME COURT JUSTICES DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR" rule.
When there is opposing parties. Why would any party not pass a vote on a nominee if they hold both? Stupid.
The old Democrat double standard. They tried to replace a conservative justice with a liberal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are replacing a liberal justice with a conservative Dems are squealing like stuck pigs.
A sitting President tried to fill a vacant seat a year before the election.
Now, Republicans are trying to fill a seat DURING an election

Why? because they could

See how tolerant Dems are if they win next month
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.

Empty, irrelevant talking points, fed to a gullible lackwit who will desperately parrot them in hopes of fooling people that he has something real to say.

The REAL reason that Justices haven't been confirmed in the fall of an election year - and why Lincoln's choice of Salmon P. Chase was delayed until after his re-election - is because, until the 1940s or so, the Senate usually WASN'T IN SESSION after September. Fucktard.

You should slap Kamala Harris for lying to you and making you look like a jackass publicly this way.
What's there to "correct"? President Trump was elected for 4 years, and is entitled to nominate justices during the entire term.

You libs didn't say anything when Obama tried to ram Merrick Garland up our asses.

Republicans kept a vacancy on the supreme court that lasted 400 days.
As was their right since they controlled the Senate.

There is no "right" in the Constitution or the laws of the United States that says the Senate can refuse to consider the President's court appointees, or hold a position open in the hopes of winning the next election. There was a "gentleman's agreement" between the parties that no appointments would be made after the presidential campaigns had begun - after the conventions, but Garland was appointed in February. There hadn't even been a primary yet.

What McConnell has done with holding the seat open, and refusing to even meet with or consider Garland's nomination was unprecedented, and I fully expect the incoming administration to ensure it never happens again.

Donald Trump talked about how Obama "left" over 100 federal judicial appointments "open" for him. That it wasn't very smart of Obama to do this and that he has now filled these vacancies. And he has filled these vacancies from list provided by the Federalist Society, which has been co-opted by hard right conservatives who have been waiting for this opportunity.

Mitch McConnell slow rolled all of Obama's judicial appointments, slowing the approval process to a glacial pace, especially when the appointees were non-white or female. The pace of confirmations was the slowest in American history. Again, what McConnell did wasn't against the "rules" and it didn't violate the Constitution, but it was neither ethical, nor moral and it violated the spirit and intent of the Constitution, which was that the sitting President's nominations should be honoured. The Senate's role of "advise and consent", not to "obstruct and deny".

The President is the one with the "right" to determine who judges. The Consitution specifies that the role of the judiciary is to interpret the laws based on the Constitution, on a unbiased, bi-partisan basis. McConnell and Trump have packed the courts with lifelong appointments to hard right activist white male judges. Many Americans will welcome the "unpacking" to follow.
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.

Empty, irrelevant talking points, fed to a gullible lackwit who will desperately parrot them in hopes of fooling people that he has something real to say.

The REAL reason that Justices haven't been confirmed in the fall of an election year - and why Lincoln's choice of Salmon P. Chase was delayed until after his re-election - is because, until the 1940s or so, the Senate usually WASN'T IN SESSION after September. Fucktard.

You should slap Kamala Harris for lying to you and making you look like a jackass publicly this way.

You should slap Kamala Harris???? You posted this on a day when more than a dozen men were arrested for plotting to kipnap and murder a sitting governor after having been encouraged to attack Ms. Whitmer by the President of the United States.

You vicious ass-clowns are inciting violence with your vicious and violent language and your disparaging remarks against female politicians in this country.
What's there to "correct"? President Trump was elected for 4 years, and is entitled to nominate justices during the entire term.

You libs didn't say anything when Obama tried to ram Merrick Garland up our asses.

Republicans kept a vacancy on the supreme court that lasted 400 days.
As was their right since they controlled the Senate.

There is no "right" in the Constitution or the laws of the United States that says the Senate can refuse to consider the President's court appointees, or hold a position open in the hopes of winning the next election. There was a "gentleman's agreement" between the parties that no appointments would be made after the presidential campaigns had begun - after the conventions, but Garland was appointed in February. There hadn't even been a primary yet.

What McConnell has done with holding the seat open, and refusing to even meet with or consider Garland's nomination was unprecedented, and I fully expect the incoming administration to ensure it never happens again.

Donald Trump talked about how Obama "left" over 100 federal judicial appointments "open" for him. That it wasn't very smart of Obama to do this and that he has now filled these vacancies. And he has filled these vacancies from list provided by the Federalist Society, which has been co-opted by hard right conservatives who have been waiting for this opportunity.

Mitch McConnell slow rolled all of Obama's judicial appointments, slowing the approval process to a glacial pace, especially when the appointees were non-white or female. The pace of confirmations was the slowest in American history. Again, what McConnell did wasn't against the "rules" and it didn't violate the Constitution, but it was neither ethical, nor moral and it violated the spirit and intent of the Constitution, which was that the sitting President's nominations should be honoured. The Senate's role of "advise and consent", not to "obstruct and deny".

The President is the one with the "right" to determine who judges. The Consitution specifies that the role of the judiciary is to interpret the laws based on the Constitution, on a unbiased, bi-partisan basis. McConnell and Trump have packed the courts with lifelong appointments to hard right activist white male judges. Many Americans will welcome the "unpacking" to follow.
Wrong on everything, as usual. The Constitution empowers the President to make an appointment. It also empowers the Senate to confirm or deny it. There is no “gentlemen’s agreement” between Dems and Republicans, and I could care less if there was. Even RBG said the President’s term ends in January, and he should appoint. Nothing ever stopped the Hussein from making an appointment. But the Senate was under no obligation to confirm his radical leftwing activist.

You should stay in Canada, where your government can and does suppress the freedoms of individuals every day.
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.

Empty, irrelevant talking points, fed to a gullible lackwit who will desperately parrot them in hopes of fooling people that he has something real to say.

The REAL reason that Justices haven't been confirmed in the fall of an election year - and why Lincoln's choice of Salmon P. Chase was delayed until after his re-election - is because, until the 1940s or so, the Senate usually WASN'T IN SESSION after September. Fucktard.

You should slap Kamala Harris for lying to you and making you look like a jackass publicly this way.

You should slap Kamala Harris???? You posted this on a day when more than a dozen men were arrested for plotting to kipnap and murder a sitting governor after having been encouraged to attack Ms. Whitmer by the President of the United States.

You vicious ass-clowns are inciting violence with your vicious and violent language and your disparaging remarks against female politicians in this country.
There was no “plot” from right wingers.

The idiot they arrested is an anarchist.
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For Biden to have any meaningful plan at all the public will have to reject Republicans in this election much the same as they did in 2008. Why such fear?
The old Democrat double standard. They tried to replace a conservative justice with a liberal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are replacing a liberal justice with a conservative Dems are squealing like stuck pigs.
A sitting President tried to fill a vacant seat a year before the election.
Now, Republicans are trying to fill a seat DURING an election

Why? because they could

See how tolerant Dems are if they win next month

Lib please Dems would fill a seat a day before an election with a liberal justice and you know it. :eusa_hand:
The old Democrat double standard. They tried to replace a conservative justice with a liberal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are replacing a liberal justice with a conservative Dems are squealing like stuck pigs.
A sitting President tried to fill a vacant seat a year before the election.
Now, Republicans are trying to fill a seat DURING an election

Why? because they could

See how tolerant Dems are if they win next month

Lib please Dems would fill a seat a day before an election with a liberal justice and you know it. :eusa_hand:
Stop the Bullshit

Dems have never denied a sitting Republican President the right to fill a SCOTUS vacancy
There you have it, folks.

Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

UNPACK the courts. Republicans have already packed the courts. There are no vacancies in any of the federal courts except the Supreme Court.

And you, in your mouthbreathing foreign-country "wisdom" about what's best for nations you don't live in and the people in them who are not you, have somehow decided that what America really needs is to not have those appointed officials so that their jobs aren't being done?

Let's be clear, LizardTwat. The laws of the United States of America - which are none of your fucking business - say that the President of the United States, who is elected by the people of the United States - none of whom are you - gets to nominate judges to empty seats. The Senate of the United States, which is also elected by the people of the United States - which STILL does not in any way include you - gets to approve or disapprove of those nominations.

Nowhere in the laws of the United States of America - which are still none of your fucking business - is there any provision for "Unless some crusty, vapid foreign busybody decides it's a heinous outrage that judges she doesn't agree with are appointed to courts she's not in the jurisdiction of in a country that thanks God she's not in it."
The old Democrat double standard. They tried to replace a conservative justice with a liberal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are replacing a liberal justice with a conservative Dems are squealing like stuck pigs.
A sitting President tried to fill a vacant seat a year before the election.
Now, Republicans are trying to fill a seat DURING an election

Why? because they could

See how tolerant Dems are if they win next month

Lib please Dems would fill a seat a day before an election with a liberal justice and you know it. :eusa_hand:
Stop the Bullshit

Dems have never denied a sitting Republican President the right to fill a SCOTUS vacancy

Dems are trying to do just that at this moment. Just admit it we have the Dems in a choke hold.
Let the Republicans mess around and find out.
You'll see what he does.

Keel over and die.

The motherfucker has not guts and what's more funny is that you'll vote for that petrified piece of shit even though he won't tell you what he's going to do.

I get that you enjoy the life of a Lemming, but following this prick is way beyond lemminghood.
There you have it, folks.

Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

UNPACK the courts. Republicans have already packed the courts. There are no vacancies in any of the federal courts except the Supreme Court.

And you, in your mouthbreathing foreign-country "wisdom" about what's best for nations you don't live in and the people in them who are not you, have somehow decided that what America really needs is to not have those appointed officials so that their jobs aren't being done?

Let's be clear, LizardTwat. The laws of the United States of America - which are none of your fucking business - say that the President of the United States, who is elected by the people of the United States - none of whom are you - gets to nominate judges to empty seats. The Senate of the United States, which is also elected by the people of the United States - which STILL does not in any way include you - gets to approve or disapprove of those nominations.

Nowhere in the laws of the United States of America - which are still none of your fucking business - is there any provision for "Unless some crusty, vapid foreign busybody decides it's a heinous outrage that judges she doesn't agree with are appointed to courts she's not in the jurisdiction of in a country that thanks God she's not in it."

LizardTwat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now, it is all hypothetical.

Regardless, Biden cannot pack the courts
Only Congress can add additional seats.

The President can only fill vacancies

Moron, he nominates the dope...

I can think of nothing that would trigger the left more than president Trump nominating and seating Ginsburg's replacement on the SCOTUS. It's as if God is now trolling the Dems. :auiqs.jpg:
There you have it, folks.

Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

I can't believe any politician actually said he will tell you his position on an issue after he gets elected. How could anyone vote for such a jackass?

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