Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

Well then since being a ruthless partisan bastard that changes the rules to suit them is the real "McConnell rule" you will have no right to complain when two extra justices get added.

More like 20. That's how much they need to add.
It almost certainly depends on how McConnell acts in the next few weeks with the election going on and the judiciary committee republicans getting covid. If he jams through this nomination after Trump loses the election and with the senate maybe changing hands Biden has every right to correct matters,

You don't have to worry about it. She will be confirmed before the election. You can't stop it.
Well then since being a ruthless partisan bastard that changes the rules to suit them is the real "McConnell rule" you will have no right to complain when two extra justices get added.
Waah waah waah typical whiny liberal
Uh huh, your greatest fear is "whiny liberals" using republican tactics.
I'm not the one who is afraid.
It almost certainly depends on how McConnell acts in the next few weeks with the election going on and the judiciary committee republicans getting covid. If he jams through this nomination after Trump loses the election and with the senate maybe changing hands Biden has every right to correct matters,

You don't have to worry about it. She will be confirmed before the election. You can't stop it.
Well then since being a ruthless partisan bastard that changes the rules to suit them is the real "McConnell rule" you will have no right to complain when two extra justices get added.
Waah waah waah typical whiny liberal
Uh huh, your greatest fear is "whiny liberals" using republican tactics.

When is court packing a "Republican tactic"?
Let the Republicans mess around and find out.
You'll see what he does.

What makes you think it makes any difference what the "republicans do"?

The D's intend to pack the court and have said so, regardless of what President Trump or Sen. McConnell do.

Not true
Dems will not pack the court unless Republicans fill a Supreme Court vacancy during or after an election
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.
It almost certainly depends on how McConnell acts in the next few weeks with the election going on and the judiciary committee republicans getting covid. If he jams through this nomination after Trump loses the election and with the senate maybe changing hands Biden has every right to correct matters,
You guys have taught the Republicans a lot of lessons on being no good the last fifty years on our endless march leftward. Threats galore. Yahoooo!
President Trump should beat them to the punch and nominate 6 more conservative judges and confirmed before the election. The Senate can just rubber stamp them in.
jams through this nomination after
“Jams through”? Plenty of nominations have been done in this time period. The President and Senate agree on the nomination. Their term doesn’t end until January. There is nothing to “fix”.

No supreme court justice has been confirmed after people started voting for a new president.

when Chief Justice Roger B. Taney died 27 days before the 1864 presidential election. Then-president Abraham Lincoln delayed his nomination of Salmon P. Chase until after he won reelection.

Debunked. Lincoln nominated in December because that was when Congress was back in session.
What's there to "correct"? President Trump was elected for 4 years, and is entitled to nominate justices during the entire term.

You libs didn't say anything when Obama tried to ram Merrick Garland up our asses.

Republicans kept a vacancy on the supreme court that lasted 400 days.
Let the Republicans mess around and find out.
You'll see what he does.

What makes you think it makes any difference what the "republicans do"?

The D's intend to pack the court and have said so, regardless of what President Trump or Sen. McConnell do.

Not true
Dems will not pack the court unless Republicans fill a Supreme Court vacancy during or after an election
We had elections in 2016 and 2018. The GOP won. The term doesn’t end until January. Even RBG said this.

Maybe if she hadn’t been so petty, she would had been replaced by the Hussein. But she just had to be replaced by a nominee from a “Madam President”, not a man.
Leftists "If we lose and won't have our Antifa and BLM fueled communism, we will change the rules!"

I wouldn't bother with this leftists, you are not the only one who is capable of changing rules. And I must remind you, look at 20th century Europe. White people may be slow to get fed up, but once they are fed up, there is no stopping.

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