Biden’s 20 shell LLC companies: What business were they in?

And are the LLC's Joe's or Hunter's?

They may be. We know Hunter didn't pay his fair share of taxes. But neither did Trump Corporation. The corporation was found guilty of tax evasion/fraud and Trump's CFO went to jail for it.

If the Biden Corporations are guilty, throw them in jail. But the Biden HUMANS walk free. In fact the Biden's won't even be charged. Their CFO will fall on the grenade. And if Biden supporters are anything like Trump supporters, this will only make him more popular. LOL.

Remember Hillary called it when she said Trump doesn't pay his taxes? Trump said that made him smart. No Don. If you did it legally that would make you smart. Like GE or all the other big corporations who legally don't pay taxes. Trump was breaking the law when he dodged taxes.

I don't think Don or Hunter should go to jail for it but neither of them should be President.
Thank you for highlighting how corrupt this Admin guy, a former CFO of a political rival goes to jail....and then Joey Xiden's corrupt admin protects his son with a sweet heart deal.

Joey Xiden and the Demafascsit don't believe in the rule of law.
I remember it was obvious Reagan had Alzheimers and they were handling him. His adversaries often suggested his penchant for contradictory statements, forgetting names and seeming absent-mindedness could be linked to dementia.

In 1984, Mr. Reagan’s poor performance in his first presidential debate with Vice President Walter Mondale renewed questions about his mental capacity. A study published in 1988 suggested that Mr. Reagan had some cognitive impairment during his debates with President Jimmy Carter and Mr. Mondale

And don't you Republicans consider him one of the greatest of all time?

His son says you are an idiot

Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.

"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes.

Why would he make that up about his dead father?
Is libtard Ronny Jr a doctor?
Well then, there you have it folks.

Jill Biden had some insurance policies……so nothing to see here. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
shows us how ignorant you really are ... trump buys buildings and puts his name on them...I think it was the late 1980s or early 90's no banks would lend him any money anymore so the only thing he knows how to do is destroy businesses or in our case almost the united states as we know it...
Is libtard Ronny Jr a doctor?
he knows a brain-dead boob when he sees one ... Reagan never did a thing for the people of the united states except run up the debt as all Republicans do ... the only president worse than the brain-dead Ronnie was Donald J (jerk) Trump... he too ran us into a huge debt 3 trillion the first year... thank goodness Biden won the election this way the democrats would have such a huge debt to try and pay off from you no tax and charge it republicans
So you claim, fanboy. The WSJ says otherwise Opinion | How the Bidens Dodged the Payroll Tax
nothing in the Wallstreet Journal is factual Fox owns it ,,, as for being a tax cheat that to was a response from right when Biden called out the Republicans trying to take Medicare from us ... so they came up with an attack ad that Biden dodge the payroll taxon medicare ... again a bogus lie from the right ... like I said WSJ is a joke of a publication these days ...
nothing in the Wallstreet Journal is factual Fox owns it ,,, as for being a tax cheat that to was a response from right when Biden called out the Republicans trying to take Medicare from us ... so they came up with an attack ad that Biden dodge the payroll taxon medicare ... again a bogus lie from the right ... like I said WSJ is a joke of a publication these days ...

Does Fox own The Hill as well?

"Much of the Bidens’ income in 2020 came from Giacoppa Corp., an entity Jill Biden uses for book payments and speaking engagements, as well as from pensions and annuities." Biden, Harris release 2020 tax returns
Thank you for highlighting how corrupt this Admin guy, a former CFO of a political rival goes to jail....and then Joey Xiden's corrupt admin protects his son with a sweet heart deal.

Joey Xiden and the Demafascsit don't believe in the rule of law.
You guys knew about this for how many years and didn't tell us about it? I find that hard to believe. You should have told us when Biden ran against Trump. So this must be new information you got after Biden became President? Because he's been in government for 40 plus years and the only dirt you have on him is his son has problems.

So did Reagan's kids.
Let's update the tally...

Number of legitimate businesses the Biden Crime Family ran out of their 20 sham LLCs: ZERO.

The needle hasn't moved any folks. You clowns need to try harder.
I wouldn't explain it either. If you want to look into the Biden's LLC's, you're on your own.

And Trust me, Republicans know what these 20 LLC's are. And they haven't found any evidence of wrong doing. They simply want to find one customer with the last name CHANG and then they'll say that's evidence the Biden's are working with China.

Republicans aren't going to prove anything. They want to imply something is shady.

But they'll ignore the $2 billion the Saudi's gave Jared 4 months after Trump left office. So obvious. This is the kind of dirt you're trying to find on Hunter.
Yeah. It could be that they have found nothing, but still know to sprinkle in a reference to "The Biden Crime Family" in interviews, to keep the rubes happy. Or angry, or manipulated, or whatever the hell this is.
Does Fox own The Hill as well?

"Much of the Bidens’ income in 2020 came from Giacoppa Corp., an entity Jill Biden uses for book payments and speaking engagements, as well as from pensions and annuities." Biden, Harris release 2020 tax returns
you always need to look at the sources background ... the hill is owned by Nexstar media group Nexstar media group is own by John Muse ... OwnerJohn Muse is a conservative media mogul owner of a 192 media outlets ... who uses his media to distort the conservative talking points.... do I take the hill as a good source that's not biased ... I would do like you would do if they were own by democrats/liberals group... I would not take the Nextstar media group as a good source ... all of my information comes from government sites or fact checkers.... I realize you will probably reject any fact checker ... because they tend to prove the majority of Republican statements as being lies ... even though the fact checker I use was put together by Republicans trying to expose Democrat's lies ... what happen is they seem to find that it was the republicans who were lying to the public ... has remained in existence since its beginning to expose democrats ... but people like you will reject it because of their researchers' outing republicans ... finally you will reject my source... cause republicans don't like a fact, checkers it exposes republicans as the liars they are ... ...
You guys knew about this for how many years and didn't tell us about it? I find that hard to believe. You should have told us when Biden ran against Trump. So this must be new information you got after Biden became President? Because he's been in government for 40 plus years and the only dirt you have on him is his son has problems.

So did Reagan's kids.
what are you talking about? Folks have been telling you for years that the Xiden's were all lied and called it russian disinformation....
Yeah. It could be that they have found nothing, but still know to sprinkle in a reference to "The Biden Crime Family" in interviews, to keep the rubes happy. Or angry, or manipulated, or whatever the hell this is.

They think Hillary lying about being under sniper fire is equal to all the lies Trump told while in office. Seems like if any Democrat has ever lied once, it gives them a free pass to lie all they want.

And here's my favorite come back. "oh you don't think they all do it?" No. I think Alito and Thomas do it. If you have any evidence the liberal justices are being bribed please show us.

As for LLC's. During the past half century, the personal backgrounds and demographic makeup of Congress have changed substantially.

How many LLC's do you think Republican Senators and House members have combined? Thousands?

But a separate demographic shift—the changing nature of occupations held by members of Congress before they become public servants—can also play a role in influencing policy outcomes.

In the 114th Congress, 231 members of the House of Representatives had previous occupations that fell under the “business or banking” category. In fact, this was the second most common prior occupation for House members behind “public service/ politics,” at 271 members. Nearly one-and-a-half times the number of members were coded under business or banking during the 114th Congress as were during the 107th Congress, just 15 years prior.

This is how Republicans knew to look for Biden LLC's. No doubt everything they accuse Biden of doing, they are doing themselves. Shell game, money laudering, hiding gifts from billionaires.

Too bad Clarence and Alito didn't have LLC's.
Let's update the tally...

Number of legitimate businesses the Biden Crime Family ran out of their 20 sham LLCs: ZERO.

The needle hasn't moved any folks. You clowns need to try harder.
like everything Businesses has tracking information do LLC's so far you have shown us one of these businesses or LLC's whys that ... i mean you're so adamant about these so-called 20 businesses but you don't have a name or how much money they got ... it's just you rambling on about nothing ... this isn't my first time I asked about this ... either put up or shut up
They think Hillary lying about being under sniper fire is equal to all the lies Trump told while in office. Seems like if any Democrat has ever lied once, it gives them a free pass to lie all they want.

And here's my favorite come back. "oh you don't think they all do it?" No. I think Alito and Thomas do it. If you have any evidence the liberal justices are being bribed please show us.

As for LLC's. During the past half century, the personal backgrounds and demographic makeup of Congress have changed substantially.

How many LLC's do you think Republican Senators and House members have combined? Thousands?

But a separate demographic shift—the changing nature of occupations held by members of Congress before they become public servants—can also play a role in influencing policy outcomes.

In the 114th Congress, 231 members of the House of Representatives had previous occupations that fell under the “business or banking” category. In fact, this was the second most common prior occupation for House members behind “public service/ politics,” at 271 members. Nearly one-and-a-half times the number of members were coded under business or banking during the 114th Congress as were during the 107th Congress, just 15 years prior.

This is how Republicans knew to look for Biden LLC's. No doubt everything they accuse Biden of doing, they are doing themselves. Shell game, money laudering, hiding gifts from billionaires.

Too bad Clarence and Alito didn't have LLC's.
well said ...
They think Hillary lying about being under sniper fire is equal to all the lies Trump told while in office. Seems like if any Democrat has ever lied once, it gives them a free pass to lie all they want.

And here's my favorite come back. "oh you don't think they all do it?" No. I think Alito and Thomas do it. If you have any evidence the liberal justices are being bribed please show us.

As for LLC's. During the past half century, the personal backgrounds and demographic makeup of Congress have changed substantially.

How many LLC's do you think Republican Senators and House members have combined? Thousands?

But a separate demographic shift—the changing nature of occupations held by members of Congress before they become public servants—can also play a role in influencing policy outcomes.

In the 114th Congress, 231 members of the House of Representatives had previous occupations that fell under the “business or banking” category. In fact, this was the second most common prior occupation for House members behind “public service/ politics,” at 271 members. Nearly one-and-a-half times the number of members were coded under business or banking during the 114th Congress as were during the 107th Congress, just 15 years prior.

This is how Republicans knew to look for Biden LLC's. No doubt everything they accuse Biden of doing, they are doing themselves. Shell game, money laudering, hiding gifts from billionaires.

Too bad Clarence and Alito didn't have LLC's.
So you are excusing the Biden Crime Family's crimes because you think some members of Congress may have done the same over the past 50 years.

Don't think that would work in a courtroom, Simp.
So you are excusing the Biden Crime Family's crimes because you think some members of Congress may have done the same over the past 50 years.

Don't think that would work in a courtroom, Simp.
I think Republicans Senators are doing it. You think the Biden family is doing it. Do either of us have any evidence? Nope.

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