Biden's Abduction theories


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Not to be consummated with other Biden story telling.
Or The most fantastical alien abduction movie :
- Fire in the Sky - { 1993 } in some circles The best Alien
Abduction movie of it's time.I tend to agree.
So with uber bated breath we as americans await a nutter
Biden nutty version of Life.Like I guess that's cuts it.To the
Chase and more.
Like -The Chase - { 1966 } a great mid 60's drama is not
dynamic enough.Starring Marlon Brando,Jane Fonda,Robert Redford
and huge supporting cast.
One can learn a lot from good Movie making.
No too sure about how a President can impact society.
In such dramatic fashion.
Albeit short of creating AIversions of Alien Life
forces taking over Government.
I guess short of Donald J.Trumps orange hair always
meticulously groomed.

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