Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

States had laws against murder, but not the newly formed federal government. They didn't make it a federal crime until 1948, so any acts by the Barbary pirates would have to be handled as an act of war, not as a crime for which they could be imprisoned or executed.

Don't need specific legislation.
The fact no state could act made it default to federal jurisdiction, and then prosecutable like on any federal act on the high seas.
Maritime law always existed.
Did I not just explain to you that your suspicions are not a fact make?

You may SUSPECT Joe Biden somehow corruptly selling out, but that doesn't make it so.

When you have specific, solid evidence of actual quid pro quo (the way there was plenty of against Trump), you run on back here and present it, for now you have nothing.

Yes that does make it so when he is paid that much for nothing.
It is also illegal for Joe to demand the Inspector General of the Ukraine, Shokin, be fired.
That is a protected, civil service position.
Guilt is way beyond doubt.
I've searched but have been unable to find a single unbiased source. It's a shame.
I honestly feel there is a market for a totally unbiased source of factual news.

Did I not just explain to you that your suspicions are not a fact make?

You may SUSPECT Joe Biden somehow corruptly selling out, but that doesn't make it so.

When you have specific, solid evidence of actual quid pro quo (the way there was plenty of against Trump), you run on back here and present it, for now you have nothing.
You are right. I have nothing and never will because our DOJ ano FBI are corrupt and will never investigate Biden corruption unless forced to. If forced to the investigation will be a white wash. Of course they investigated Trump and broke all sorts of rules and laws doing so but nobody will pay a price for that. Trump was definitely not above the rule of law but it sure looks like he was squeaky clean as no charges have sever stuck.

Keep in mind corruption grows over time and your children and grand children will live in a more corrupt nation than we have today. Of course that assumes the Chinese don’t take us over which may well be what happens.

One thing we have going for us is the residual patriotism of normal Americans. Try as they might, the garbage elite has yet to wring out all of the love of country among normal people and replace it with some gooey “citizen of the world” nonsense designed to make it easier for these globalist losers to exploit us. We do not want to be a colony of Red China. We are America, and that still means something.
States had laws against murder, but not the newly formed federal government. They didn't make it a federal crime until 1948, so any acts by the Barbary pirates would have to be handled as an act of war, not as a crime for which they could be imprisoned or executed.

The normal way to deal with a crime in another country is to demand extradition, and if the country refuses, then that should be conidered and act of war.
That is exactly how the Russians got the Serbians to start WWI, by assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and his wife.
Which shows we were on the criminal side even in WWI. We never seem to get it right.
You are right. I have nothing and never will because our DOJ ano FBI are corrupt and will never investigate Biden corruption unless forced to.
Thats just more wishfull thinking, not serious evidence based facts. You keep confusing the two.

Your thesis seems circular:

Biden is corrupt.
But I can't prove it because everyone in DOJ is corrupt.
But I know they are corrupt because they didn't find Biden guilty of anything.

I think what is actually going here is that you came to belive certain things for bad reasons.
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Thats just more wishfull thinking, not serious evidence based facts. You keep confusing the two.

Your thesis seems circular:

Biden is corrupt.
But I can't prove it because everyone in DOJ is corrupt.
But I know they are corrupt because they didn't find Biden guilty of anything.

I think what is actually going here is that you came to belive certain things for bad reasons.

That is silly.
Of course there is evidence beyond reproach.
Hunter Biden did nothing for Burisma holdings, and he admitted it live in TV.
He is not an artist, and everyone can see that.
And it is officially illegal to fire Shokin, the civil servant Inspector General.
Plus Congress holds the purse strings legally, and the executive can not withhold congressional foreign aid.
Those very specific and incontrovertible crimes.
WWII would not have happened if not for WWI, and we screwed WWI.
We were party to half a dozen war crimes.
True. One of which was the "San Francisco flu" of 1918 which was in reality not a virus at all, but the effects of the Germans gassing us to death in America, which the government was too ashamed to admit it could not stop.
That is silly.
Of course there is evidence beyond reproach.
Hunter Biden did nothing for Burisma holdings, and he admitted it live in TV.
He is not an artist, and everyone can see that.
And it is officially illegal to fire Shokin, the civil servant Inspector General.
Plus Congress holds the purse strings legally, and the executive can not withhold congressional foreign aid.
Those very specific and incontrovertible crimes.
Horseshit, Hunter Biden, a clean-cut son of Vice President of the United States is A PRIME HIRE for some thirld world energy company board that is looking to fix it's reputation. It's not fair, but thats how the world works, and it's not any serious evidence that Joe Biden did anything inapropriate.

It is 100% legal for Ukrainian government to fire a corrupt Ukrainian Inspector Prosecutor General, you don't know what you are talking about. DoS, IMF, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups and even Shokin's own deputy were calling him corrupt and demanded his outster. But he also had powerful ally in Poroshenko and it took America threatening to withhold funding to get him out finally.

Don't want to listen to me? Listen to a REPUBLICAN REPORT:

87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.
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True. One of which was the "San Francisco flu" of 1918 which was in reality not a virus at all, but the effects of the Germans gassing us to death in America, which the government was too ashamed to admit it could not stop.

As in every city, it is impossible to know just how the first case of influenza was contracted in San Francisco. According to contemporary newspaper reports, however, a local man who had returned to his home after a recent trip to Chicago brought the disease to San Francisco. Learning of the case on September 23, San Francisco Health Officer Dr. William C. Hassler ordered the man to the city hospital and placed his home under quarantine. The hope was that these actions might stop the spread of the disease in its tracks, sparing San Francisco from an epidemic. However, by October 9 the city had at least 169 cases of influenza. Only a week later that number had jumped to over 2,000. San Francisco’s epidemic had started.1
As the number of cases began to rise sharply, the city Board of Health issued a series of recommendations to the public on how best to avoid contracting influenza. City residents were advised to avoid streetcars during peak rush hour times, asked to not dance in public places and to avoid crowds, and instructed to pay particular attention to their personal hygiene as well as that of their children. Dance halls were closed. Streetcar conductors were ordered to keep the windows of their cars open in all but rainy weather, hospitals were ordered to only accept patients who absolutely required their care, and hospital physicians and nurses were instructed to wear gauze masks when with flu patients. As in nearly every other American city, the need for nurses was severe, and the board made the call for volunteers and for existing nurses to put in extra hours each day until the epidemic subsided.2
Within two days, however, the number of influenza cases in San Francisco had reached a whopping 2,179, and it became clear to Health Officer Hassler that a more drastic set of measures that those initially implemented would be required if the city were to make any headway in checking the spread of the disease.
Horseshit, Hunter Biden, a clean-cut son of Vice President of the United States is A PRIME HIRE for some thirld world energy company board that is looking to fix it's reputation. It's not fair, but thats how the world works, and it's not any serious evidence that Joe Biden did anything inapropriate.

It is 100% legal for Ukrainian government to fire a corrupt Ukrainian Inspector Prosecutor General, you don't know what you are talking about. DoS, IMF, Ukrainian anti-corruption groups and even Shokin's own deputy were calling him corrupt and demanded his outster. But he also had powerful ally in Poroshenko and it took America threatening to withhold funding to get him out finally.

Don't want to listen to me? Listen to a REPUBLICAN REPORT:

87-page report summing up the findings, released jointly on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees, contained no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed. In fact, investigators heard witness testimony that rebutted those charges.

Obviously wrong.
Hunter is not at all "clean cut", and washed out of the military for heavy cocaine use.
He has no skills or knowledge, or else he would not have gone into the military in the first place.
He did no speak Ukrainian or any other language than English, never went to the Ukraine, and never did a thing for Burisma Holdings.

The way it works in the Ukraine is that the top prosecutor is the one in charge of preventing corruption, so than has a civil service protection layer.
You can not legally just fire them. They have to be found guilty of something after a hearing.
No such charges were ever made.
It would have been easy to get rid of Shokin legally is any of those corruption charges were true.
But since not a single one was ever prosecuted, we know for certain that not a single one was true.
And it is totally illegal to fire him without a hearing.
At the very least it is slander.

And you are mistaken to pass me a Republican link.
I am far more left, progressive, liberal than you are, and I don't trust any republicans at all.
I am sure republicans would love it when Shokin was fired, but that is because it would distance the Ukraine more from Russia, which is corrupt.
Obviously wrong.
Hunter is not at all "clean cut", and washed out of the military for heavy cocaine use.
He has no skills or knowledge, or else he would not have gone into the military in the first place.
He did no speak Ukrainian or any other language than English, never went to the Ukraine, and never did a thing for Burisma Holdings.

The way it works in the Ukraine is that the top prosecutor is the one in charge of preventing corruption, so than has a civil service protection layer.
You can not legally just fire them. They have to be found guilty of something after a hearing.
No such charges were ever made.
It would have been easy to get rid of Shokin legally is any of those corruption charges were true.
But since not a single one was ever prosecuted, we know for certain that not a single one was true.
And it is totally illegal to fire him without a hearing.
At the very least it is slander.

And you are mistaken to pass me a Republican link.
I am far more left, progressive, liberal than you are, and I don't trust any republicans at all.
I am sure republicans would love it when Shokin was fired, but that is because it would distance the Ukraine more from Russia, which is corrupt.

What you are saying is straight up stupid nonsense.

Ukrainian prosecutor was fired by the Ukrainian government, of course they could do it, but even if he was somehow removed without due process in accordance with Ukranian laws, it's their own internal matter.
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How does a biased person know an unbiased source when he sees one?
Are you suggesting that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times and the Washington Post are unbiased? Or that Fox News OANN, the New York Post are unbiased?

It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that all sources of news today in this nation are biased. You can be biased liberal or conservative and still recognize your favorite sites are biased in your favor.

For example I was just watching Fox News who was showing pictures of crowded cages holding illegal immigrants. The commentator mentioned that these pictures had been ignored by the liberal media. That makes sense. Fox is biased conservative and conservatives want a secure border. Liberal networks don’t want to paint Joe Biden in a bad light and showing the crowded cages would damage his approach to an open border especially since many of the illegal immigrants have COVIID-19.

Thats just more wishfull thinking, not serious evidence based facts. You keep confusing the two.

Your thesis seems circular:

Biden is corrupt.
But I can't prove it because everyone in DOJ is corrupt.
But I know they are corrupt because they didn't find Biden guilty of anything.

I think what is actually going here is that you came to belive certain things for bad reasons.
It is also possible that you loyalty to democrat politicians like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and your hatred of Donal Trump is clouding your judgement and making it impossible to see the corruption occurring dailly in the Swamp.

Surely you can see that art by a rank amateur is not worth half a million dollars. You can’t be that stupid. Can you imagine buying a painting by some totally unknown artist and bragging to your friends how you paid half a million dollars for it. They would call you a fool to your face. There is absolutely no doubt Hunter’s painting is merely a unique pay for play scheme especially since the buyers will remain “unknown.”

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Are you suggesting that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times and the Washington Post are unbiased? Or that Fox News OANN, the New York Post are unbiased?

It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that all sources of news today in this nation are biased. You can be biased liberal or conservative and still recognize your favorite sites are biased in your favor.

For example I was just watching Fox News who was showing pictures of crowded cages holding illegal immigrants. The commentator mentioned that these pictures had been ignored by the liberal media. That makes sense. Fox is biased conservative and conservatives want a secure border. Liberal networks don’t want to paint Joe Biden in a bad light and showing the crowded cages would damage his approach to an open border especially since many of the illegal immigrants have COVIID-19.

I'm suggesting that a perfectly unbaised source would be unrecognized by a biased audience.

It is also possible that you loyalty to democrat politicians like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and your hatred of Donal Trump is clouding your judgement and making it impossible to see the corruption occurring dailly in the Swamp.

Surely you can see that art by a rank amateur is not worth half a million dollars. You can’t be that stupid. Can you imagine buying a painting by some totally unknown artist and bragging to your friends how you paid half a million dollars for it. They would call you a fool to your face. There is absolutely no doubt Hunter’s painting is merely a unique pay for play scheme especially since the buyers will remain “unknown.”

I'm not interested in your biased opinions, judgements about worth of art, and speculations.

Just the facts.

FACT - Hunter selling some art is not serious evidence of Joe Biden or anyone else doing something illegal. Mmk?

You complain about biased sources but then link to a total hack and full time opinionator like Liz Wheeler??? Seems to be lacking any sort of self awareness.
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