Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

Blah blah blah, with a side of fantasy.

Comeback when you actually have the facts to support your loud CORRUPTION claims, for now all you have is Hunter trying to sell his art.
Joe better make hay while the sun shines because dear Hunter is apt to OD at any given moment. He may evade the law by being a Democrat but addicts have a tendency to find a way to check out early on life. But I forgot! They can "find" a warehouse full of his "art" to keep shilling forever. Thugs. Those that support them are worse than thugs, IMO. They cheer while this nation is destroyed. Fools think they're winning something...
Thats just another politico fantasy in your head that you confuse for fact.

Too bad you are consistently too stupid to tell the difference.
Another thing I have noticed about liberals is they seriously believe they are very intelligent and look down at more conservative people and often call them “stupid.”

What such liberals never seem to realize is that such actions reveal a lot about their own intelligence or lack of it.
What you are saying is straight up stupid nonsense.

Ukrainian prosecutor was fired by the Ukrainian government, of course they could do it, but even if he was somehow removed without due process in accordance with Ukranian laws, it's their own internal matter.

The top prosecutor has civil service protection in all countries, including the Ukraine.
They can not be just arbitrarily fired by the executive.
The legislative or judicial has to be involved.
And they were not.
In fact, the claims of corruption were never charged, so then were false.
So the arbitrary firing of Shokin was criminal.
And any US person who conspired along with that crime are also guilty.
It is not an internal affair when obvious financial extortion of congressional money was involved.
wrong--Biden and co said FU to the Supreme Court decision on rent eviction ...they are ANTI-America nazi bastards
Remember when they wailed about Trump being a tyrant and he was respecting every lower court judge's decision until appeals could work through the system? Biden OPENLY, ADMITTEDLY stiff-arms SCOTUS and the Left celebrates his "courage". It gets tiresome pointing out the hypocrisy. I keep waiting on the kettle to boil.
So the arbitrary firing of Shokin was criminal.
And any US person who conspired along with that crime are also guilty.
According to which law exactly, can you cite? :auiqs.jpg:

As a matter of fact Trump fired Comey, the FBI director, under false pretenses and many other people in DOJ without any official reason.

Just a small example:

Michael Atkinson, the inspector general removed by President Trump late Friday, said he believes he was fired for having properly handled a whistleblower complaint that became a centerpiece of the case for the president’s impeachment.

“I am disappointed and saddened that President Trump has decided to remove me as the inspector general of the intelligence community because I did not have his ‘fullest confidence,’ ” Atkinson said in a seven-paragraph statement issued Sunday. “It is hard not to think that the president’s loss of confidence in me derives from my having faithfully discharged my legal obligations as an independent and impartial inspector general.”

According to your theory of the law that is criminal - right?
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Dems have been ignoring the law and courts for quite a while now. Lawless scum!
Yeah, but that's the first time I've seen any president basically tell SCOTUS to pound sand. Had Trump done that we'd be hearing the words "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS", at volume and on every corner of media. Disgusting hypocrites that they are. Oh well, if the senile meat-puppet is used to try to restrict freedom of movement between states, we may just get to see this party started for real.
Joe better make hay while the sun shines because dear Hunter is apt to OD at any given moment.
Joe's hay is a place in history as the President of The United States of America.

If he manages not to shit his pants too badly he'll even get paid millions for books and speeches after he is done with office.

He will die rich, like all American presidents, without any need for corrupt acts. DUH
I'm not interested in your biased opinions, judgements about worth of art, and speculations.

Just the facts.

FACT - Hunter selling some art is not serious evidence of Joe Biden or anyone else doing something illegal. Mmk?

You complain about biased sources but then link to a total hack and full time opinionator like Liz Wheeler??? Seems to be lacking any sort of self awareness.

People have done this sort of thing before and been convicted.
I remind you of Tom DeLay being convicted in TX for selling copies of his book as a way of laundering money.
AUSTIN, Tex. Tom DeLay, one of the most powerful and divisive Republican lawmakers ever to come out of Texas, was convicted Wednesday of money-laundering charges in a state trial, five years after his indictment here forced him to resign as majority leader in the House of Representatives.
As a matter of fact Trump fired Comey under false pretenses and many other people in DOJ without any official reason.
The Chief Executive has no constraints on his authority to fire anyone in the Executive branch. They serve at his pleasure, always have. It's his hiring of staff that Congress has a say in. Comey is a thug and part of an apparatus that was used to try to illegally take down a president. In most countries, that's known as a "coup". In those same countries, he'd have been shot.
The Chief Executive has no constraints on his authority to fire anyone in the Executive branch. They serve at his pleasure, always have. It's his hiring of staff that Congress has a say in. Comey is a thug and part of an apparatus that was used to try to illegally take down a president. In most countries, that's known as a "coup". In those same countries, he'd have been shot.

Oh really? You mean Rigby5 doesn't know what he is talking about when he says that the only way prosecutors could be fired is through some sort of due process?
Well so far Joe has not done anything really bad in my opinion.
I guess you have no problem with 2 million migrants flooding across our southern border without our government having the slightest idea who they are or whether they may be contagious with Covid or something worse? Is that really okay with you? Are you aware that a growing percentage of that wave of humanity is from lots of places other than central America or Mexico?

Oh yeah. It's a VERY "mixed bag" of "hard-working freedom seekers" we're watching the government transport to communities all over this country - without their permission or even their awareness. In short, our own government is helping facilitate an invasion.
Oh really? You mean Rigby5 doesn't know what he is talking about when he says that the only way prosecutors could be fired is through some sort of due process?
If they are appointed members of the executive branch - DoJ, FBI, and so on, then the president can invite them to leave at his discretion and no one else has a say in that, nor does he need to have ANY reason to justify doing so. Obama and most other presidents FTM, cleaned house of all political appointees during their transition. There's nothing new or sinister in doing this, it's common. Trump erred greatly by not following that example.
One day in the future when our nation is no longer the leader in this world and when it has possibly broke apart look back at your opinions today and enjoy learning to speak Mandarin Chinese.
Hateful fools like that will never admit they were wrong, not even to themselves. They'll go to their graves regurgitating the party line on their miseries being caused by the Bad Orange Man.
Thats just another politico fantasy in your head that you confuse for fact.

Your guy lost, your feelings got hurt and the country is surely collapsing :sleeping-smiley-015:

What you fools convince yourselves of would be funny, if it wasn't so sad .
Sure we still are the top nation in the world that right now is getting its ass kicked out of Afghanistan by a bunch of undisciplined and uneducated farmers using antique weapons plus weapons captured from us.

We ride in helicopters, tanks, and Humvees. The Taliban rides bikes.



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