Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

Hateful fools like that will never admit they were wrong, not even to themselves. They'll go to their graves regurgitating the party line on their miseries being caused by the Bad Orange Man.

I am beginning to believe that a lot of liberals feel a Global Government run by China would be a vast improvement over what we have today. It seems to me that the liberals are doing everything they can to destroy our nation. Trump set their plans back a decade or two and they are busy today trying to catch up to where they were.
According to which law exactly, can you cite? :auiqs.jpg:

As a matter of fact Trump fired Comey, the FBI director, under false pretenses and many other people in DOJ without any official reason.

Just a small example:

Michael Atkinson, the inspector general removed by President Trump late Friday, said he believes he was fired for having properly handled a whistleblower complaint that became a centerpiece of the case for the president’s impeachment.

“I am disappointed and saddened that President Trump has decided to remove me as the inspector general of the intelligence community because I did not have his ‘fullest confidence,’ ” Atkinson said in a seven-paragraph statement issued Sunday. “It is hard not to think that the president’s loss of confidence in me derives from my having faithfully discharged my legal obligations as an independent and impartial inspector general.”

According to your theory of the law that is criminal - right?

False or not, Comey was not arbitrarily fired.
The civil service protection has always been around to some degree.


The Firing Process​

What happens if you get fired from the federal government? When an agency wants to fire or suspend competitive-service employees, they have to follow procedure. First, they give the employees advance written notice, stating the reasons. The employees then have a reasonable time to answer the notice; if they contest the reasons, they can furnish affidavits and other evidence to support their side of the matter.
If the agency proceeds with a firing, suspension or reduction in pay, the employees get 30 days of advance notice. Once again, the employees can respond. They can also appeal the firing to the MSPB. To win, the agency must prove the charged conduct occurred, prove it's relevant to civil-service efficiency and show the penalty is proportionate to the actions. Firing for excepted-service employees works much the same.
SES temporary appointees are at-will and may be fired at any time. An SES career civil service employee must be removed if they receive too many unsatisfactory ratings on their performance reviews. SES employees can't appeal to MSPB, although they can request a hearing before the board.

Can the President Fire Civil Servants?​

Much of the federal bureaucracy is based in the executive branch. As the president is the top dog, "Can the president fire civil servants?" seems like a logical question. For a long stretch of American history, the answer was yes.
The University of Pittsburgh says that up until the late 19th century, the U.S. civil service was run on the "spoils system." When the White House changed hands, the new president awarded jobs to their supporters and allies. George Washington argued it made sense to pick competent people you knew and trusted, and his successors initially followed that thinking: Jobs might be rewards to your supporters, but only competent supporters.
Andrew Jackson, however, wanted to open the civil service to more people. His administration didn't worry as much about competence, and many civil service employees paid kickbacks to get their positions. Things got worse from there: James Buchanan replaced almost the entire civil service during his presidency, and Lincoln was almost as drastic.
By the 1880s, the United States was increasingly fed up with incompetence and corruption in the civil service. The federal government instituted competitive examination and rules against firing employees for political reasons. The 1939 Hatch Act sets limits on federal employee's political activities, according to the FDA, to keep the civil service apolitical. Future administrations could change this; for example, former President Trump issued executive orders making it easier to fire many employees.
Is CNN good enough?
There are a few others but I thought CNN was like some kind of unholy grail for your types.
Lets read togather, shall we?

US Border Patrol encounters are also expected to be largely made up of single adults, who are being turned away at the US southern border as soon as they're encountered under a public health order, and as a result, might also account for repeat crossers.

So what is it about that, that you don't like?
If they are appointed members of the executive branch - DoJ, FBI, and so on, then the president can invite them to leave at his discretion and no one else has a say in that, nor does he need to have ANY reason to justify doing so. Obama and most other presidents FTM, cleaned house of all political appointees during their transition. There's nothing new or sinister in doing this, it's common. Trump erred greatly by not following that example.

I disagree.
Civil service protection against arbitrary firing is essential to a democratic republic.


The Firing Process​

What happens if you get fired from the federal government? When an agency wants to fire or suspend competitive-service employees, they have to follow procedure. First, they give the employees advance written notice, stating the reasons. The employees then have a reasonable time to answer the notice; if they contest the reasons, they can furnish affidavits and other evidence to support their side of the matter.
If the agency proceeds with a firing, suspension or reduction in pay, the employees get 30 days of advance notice. Once again, the employees can respond. They can also appeal the firing to the MSPB. To win, the agency must prove the charged conduct occurred, prove it's relevant to civil-service efficiency and show the penalty is proportionate to the actions. Firing for excepted-service employees works much the same.
SES temporary appointees are at-will and may be fired at any time. An SES career civil service employee must be removed if they receive too many unsatisfactory ratings on their performance reviews. SES employees can't appeal to MSPB, although they can request a hearing before the board.

Can the President Fire Civil Servants?​

Much of the federal bureaucracy is based in the executive branch. As the president is the top dog, "Can the president fire civil servants?" seems like a logical question. For a long stretch of American history, the answer was yes.
The University of Pittsburgh says that up until the late 19th century, the U.S. civil service was run on the "spoils system." When the White House changed hands, the new president awarded jobs to their supporters and allies. George Washington argued it made sense to pick competent people you knew and trusted, and his successors initially followed that thinking: Jobs might be rewards to your supporters, but only competent supporters.
Andrew Jackson, however, wanted to open the civil service to more people. His administration didn't worry as much about competence, and many civil service employees paid kickbacks to get their positions. Things got worse from there: James Buchanan replaced almost the entire civil service during his presidency, and Lincoln was almost as drastic.
By the 1880s, the United States was increasingly fed up with incompetence and corruption in the civil service. The federal government instituted competitive examination and rules against firing employees for political reasons. The 1939 Hatch Act sets limits on federal employee's political activities, according to the FDA, to keep the civil service apolitical. Future administrations could change this; for example, former President Trump issued executive orders making it easier to fire many employees.
False or not, Comey was not arbitrarily fired.
It was worse than arbitrary, it was straight up FALSE.

Trump officialy fired him under false pretense that Comey mistreated Clinton during the email investigation. (I assumed no one was actually stupid enough to belive that, but apparently I was wrong)

He then stated publicly that the firing was actually over Russia investigation.

It was worse than arbitrary, it was straight up FALSE.

Trump officialy fired him under false pretense that Comey mistreated Clinton during the email investigation. (I assumed no one was actually stupid enough to belive that, but apparently I was wrong)

He then stated publicly that the firing was actually over Russia investigation.

Sure, but are you saying that it was good or right for Trump to fire Comey?
I don't.
Something like THAT is what Trump should have been chastised or impeached over, not the fake Russian collusion or Ukraine investigation.
I am beginning to believe that a lot of liberals feel a Global Government run by China would be a vast improvement over what we have today. It seems to me that the liberals are doing everything they can to destroy our nation. Trump set their plans back a decade or two and they are busy today trying to catch up to where they were.
I Believe that pretty close to zero people want China running our country, And history shows that to be true.
Sure, but are you saying that it was good or right for Trump to fire Comey?
I don't.
Something like THAT is what Trump should have been chastised or impeached over, not the fake Russian collusion or Ukraine investigation.
What I'm saying is IT'S NOT CRIMINAL, it is done all the time, and you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to either American or Ukranian laws in their respective jurisdictions.
I Believe that pretty close to zero people want China running our country, And history shows that to be true.
Well that is the likely end result of what the liberals are pushing today.

Liberals promote racism and hatred of white people, Marist style socialism, defunding the police, allowing criminals back on the street without requiring bail, rioting and burning down cities, unlimited shoplifting, total failure in many cities to properly educate our youth, unhindered corruption by public officials and allowing one rule of law for the rich and well connected and another for the peons .

Eventually the nation will split apart and vultures like the Chinese swoop in to devour the remains.
What I'm saying is IT'S NOT CRIMINAL, it is done all the time, and you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to either American or Ukranian laws in their respective jurisdictions.

Comey was FBI, not Justice Department, and especially not Inspector General, who you can not just fire without good cause.
And whether or not Trump lied about the real cause, he did give cause that could legally excuse the firing of Comey.
There was no such rational given when Shokin was illegally fired.

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