Biden’s brilliant solution to Afghanistan withdrawal: import thousands of refugees.

Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.
I mean, these guys did risk their lives to help us, so it seems like the least we could do.
Umm no. It’s THEIR country, why do we have to do anything for them? If they can’t function as a country then we should had made Afghanistan a territory or the 51st state. Then at least we have some land and resources. Instead we’re just stuck with hundreds of thousands (if not millions when it’s all said and done) of refugees?
Gee, you were all for it when we sent troops in.

What changed?

Oh wait, let me're now going to disavow that you were ever for sending troops over there to start with.

Typical republicunt.
Wrong, I was all for destroying the country and every savage Muslim in it, and taking the natural resources for ourselves.

I was against nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq from day one, since I have always known that barbarian Muslims are incompatible with Democracy.
There are many Muslim democracies. You are just ignorant.
LOL, name them.
It’s already happening. You and I don’t get a say in the matter, nor any other American citizen. Biden has unilaterally declared it.

It is US policy to save the people who help you. Anyone who would leave the people who helped you for 20 years years, behind, should be taken to Afghanistan and left there for the Taliban to find.
Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.
I mean, these guys did risk their lives to help us, so it seems like the least we could do.
Umm no. It’s THEIR country, why do we have to do anything for them? If they can’t function as a country then we should had made Afghanistan a territory or the 51st state. Then at least we have some land and resources. Instead we’re just stuck with hundreds of thousands (if not millions when it’s all said and done) of refugees?
Gee, you were all for it when we sent troops in.

What changed?

Oh wait, let me're now going to disavow that you were ever for sending troops over there to start with.

Typical republicunt.
Wrong, I was all for destroying the country and every savage Muslim in it, and taking the natural resources for ourselves.

I was against nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq from day one, since I have always known that barbarian Muslims are incompatible with Democracy.
Yeah...sure. Let me guess. You also were against all 3 supreme court justices your blob put on the bench, didn't vote for McCain or Romney, didn't want AG Barr and thought General Mattis was a bad choice for SEC/DEF. Right?


Obama approves 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan
It’s already happening. You and I don’t get a say in the matter, nor any other American citizen. Biden has unilaterally declared it.

It is US policy to save the people who help you. Anyone who would leave the people who helped you for 20 years years, behind, should be taken to Afghanistan and left there for the Taliban to find.
STFU, you don’t get to lecture us about US policy. You’re a dumb Canadian. Go burn some more churches down.
Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.
I mean, these guys did risk their lives to help us, so it seems like the least we could do.
Umm no. It’s THEIR country, why do we have to do anything for them? If they can’t function as a country then we should had made Afghanistan a territory or the 51st state. Then at least we have some land and resources. Instead we’re just stuck with hundreds of thousands (if not millions when it’s all said and done) of refugees?
Gee, you were all for it when we sent troops in.

What changed?

Oh wait, let me're now going to disavow that you were ever for sending troops over there to start with.

Typical republicunt.
Wrong, I was all for destroying the country and every savage Muslim in it, and taking the natural resources for ourselves.

I was against nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq from day one, since I have always known that barbarian Muslims are incompatible with Democracy.
Yeah...sure. Let me guess. You also were against all 3 supreme court justices your blob put on the bench, didn't vote for McCain or Romney, didn't want AG Barr and thought General Mattis was a bad choice for SEC/DEF. Right?


Obama approves 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan
And you must have voted for Obama since McCain wanted to leave them for "a hundred years".... right?
The Bush Administration created the clusterf**k there. Trump didn't fix it. Someone has to fix it and we all know it won't be a Republican doing it.
Why didnt Obama fix it…you know…instead of starting more “conflicts”? Since democrats are so great and all…
Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.
I mean, these guys did risk their lives to help us, so it seems like the least we could do.
Umm no. It’s THEIR country, why do we have to do anything for them? If they can’t function as a country then we should had made Afghanistan a territory or the 51st state. Then at least we have some land and resources. Instead we’re just stuck with hundreds of thousands (if not millions when it’s all said and done) of refugees?
Gee, you were all for it when we sent troops in.

What changed?

Oh wait, let me're now going to disavow that you were ever for sending troops over there to start with.

Typical republicunt.
Wrong, I was all for destroying the country and every savage Muslim in it, and taking the natural resources for ourselves.

I was against nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq from day one, since I have always known that barbarian Muslims are incompatible with Democracy.
Yeah...sure. Let me guess. You also were against all 3 supreme court justices your blob put on the bench, didn't vote for McCain or Romney, didn't want AG Barr and thought General Mattis was a bad choice for SEC/DEF. Right?


Obama approves 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan
And you must have voted for Obama since McCain wanted to leave them for "a hundred years".... right?
No. I knew Obama wouldn’t do shit, and I was 100% correct. Every major Dem voted for the war, they were just as much in the Defense Contract money as Republicans were.

Mc-shit-Stain gave away the game, the Washington Establishment wanted us in the Middle East indefinitely.

The left attacked President Trump for not starting a new Regime Change war with Assad, and criticized his withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq. So you lost all rights to criticize anyone about war policy.
Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.
I mean, these guys did risk their lives to help us, so it seems like the least we could do.
Umm no. It’s THEIR country, why do we have to do anything for them? If they can’t function as a country then we should had made Afghanistan a territory or the 51st state. Then at least we have some land and resources. Instead we’re just stuck with hundreds of thousands (if not millions when it’s all said and done) of refugees?
Gee, you were all for it when we sent troops in.

What changed?

Oh wait, let me're now going to disavow that you were ever for sending troops over there to start with.

Typical republicunt.
Wrong, I was all for destroying the country and every savage Muslim in it, and taking the natural resources for ourselves.

I was against nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq from day one, since I have always known that barbarian Muslims are incompatible with Democracy.
Yeah...sure. Let me guess. You also were against all 3 supreme court justices your blob put on the bench, didn't vote for McCain or Romney, didn't want AG Barr and thought General Mattis was a bad choice for SEC/DEF. Right?


Obama approves 13,000 more troops to Afghanistan
And you must have voted for Obama since McCain wanted to leave them for "a hundred years".... right?
No. I knew Obama wouldn’t do shit, and I was 100% correct.
Except he killed Bin Laden. So he did do shit. Of course you were against that too or are at least you are now....politics is your only barometer.
Every major Dem voted for the war, they were just as much in the Defense Contract money as Republicans were.

Obama didn't vote for it shit brains. He's a pretty major democrat...
Mc-shit-Stain gave away the game, the Washington Establishment wanted us in the Middle East indefinitely.
Yet here you are complaining that Biden is pulling out of Afghanistan. You do support his pulling out, right? Let me'll some how be against it now...again...once more...for once.
The left attacked President Trump for not starting a new Regime Change war with Assad, and criticized his withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq. So you lost all rights to criticize anyone about war policy.
We did? I criticized him for not following through...hence we were still in both places after he was tossed out off office on his ass.
The Bush Administration created the clusterf**k there. Trump didn't fix it. Someone has to fix it and we all know it won't be a Republican doing it.
Why didnt Obama fix it…you know…instead of starting more “conflicts”? Since democrats are so great and all…
Fair question.... He scaled down bigtime in Afghanistan but didn't withdraw after we got Bin Laden.
The Bush Administration created the clusterf**k there. Trump didn't fix it. Someone has to fix it and we all know it won't be a Republican doing it.

You left out Øbama.

Trump already had the plans in place to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Except he killed Bin Laden. So he did do shit. Of course you were against that too or are at least you are now....politics is your only barometer.

Biden was opposed to killing bin laden. Øbama had to be dragged into doing it.
Except he killed Bin Laden. So he did do shit. Of course you were against that too or are at least you are now....politics is your only barometer.
Yet he still didn’t pull out of Afghanistan. Do you have a point?
how come you skipped over obama?
He fixed GWB's Operation Iraqi Clusterf**k. It was Trump's turn to fix something.

Yet here you are complaining that Biden is pulling out of Afghanistan. You do support his pulling out, right? Let me'll some how be against it now...again...once more...for once
I’m not complaining about us pulling out of Afghanistan, you dolt. We just don’t need to bring a million Afghan refugees with us, that was never part of the deal going in.
how come you skipped over obama?
He fixed GWB's Operation Iraqi Clusterf**k. It was Trump's turn to fix something.

View attachment 513383

I agree President Trump made Reagan look like a moderate.

Obama is the one that made Nixon look innocent in comparison.

President Trump made Bush look like more of a moron (as well as Obama) by totally destroying ISIS without invading a new country, and bringing relative peace to the Middle East.

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