Biden’s brilliant solution to Afghanistan withdrawal: import thousands of refugees.

Of course, listen to these MSM shills say that the “least we can do” is give free citizenship to Afghan Muslims because the Taliban is threatening them.

Yup, picking up right where the Hussein left off: causing a huge refugee crisis and of course the only people that can help are the US and Europe. More Muslim trash to be imported into the West.

YOU caused this refugee crisis by invading Afghanistan and staying there for 20 years, creating an entire class of "collaborators" now in danger of being killed by the Taliban. You broke it, you own it.
Hannity brings up a great point. It should be considered when discussing allowing refugees from Afghanistan to come here.

---Nationally syndicated radio host Sean Hannity pointed to the “clash of cultures” between Sharia Law and American values, asking how we will know whether Syrian refugees raised under Sharia Law “want to assimilate into American values.”---

The Taliban are the ones who believe in strict Sharia law. If they wanted to live under those rules, why would they want to leave Afghanistan?
When will we have American Regime Change?

Biden wants 2 Taliban Refugees for every America Murdered in Afghanistan????

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