Biden's DHS is infested with Hamas supporters

Mayorkas of course isn't doing anything to root out the radicalized Jew-haters he employs. Likewise Biden.

The DemoKKKrats are quickly cementing their place in history alongside the Third Reich.

Oh my, one person out of more than 260,000. Hair on fire much?
The west, especially France proper has had a growing problem with immigrants of islamic faith. Europe in general has a real problem on their hands with Islamic immigrants. Canada is taking on an ever larger population of Islamic immigrants with violent encounters becoming ever more frequent. America @ current has 3.45 million people of the Islamic faith. So yes the Islamos are literally everywhere. Interesting is the fact that Christianity is down to only 64% of the population in America @ current, with Christianity projected to drop like a stone over the next few decades(see below).

The posts include more than one Hamas supporter in DHS. Try to keep up.
So? How many did he mention? 2? 3? Those posts might have been disgusting, but still allowed under the 1st amendment. Are you proposing our government should deny first amendment rights to those 2 or 3 people? Show where a large percentage of DHS shares those thoughts, and you might have something to whine about. So far, it's just whining.

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