Biden's Embarrassing Lie About China's Spy Balloon


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
China launched a spy balloon that traveled half way around the world, violated US sovereignty / airspace, hovered over / spied on US ICBM sites & stealth bases before Biden finally ordered it be shot down ... and he watched it / knew about it from takeoff to splashdown.

He declared it was free-floating.
- He lied.

He declared the US jammed it, preventing it from sending back Intel to China.

- He lied.

He called it a 'silly balloon', attempting to make light of his national Security failure.

Now the Compromised CCP puppet is at it again...


Rather than just ignore the whole thing and hope Americans just forget about it before 2024, Biden has chosen to bring it back up AND MAKE IT WORSE.

1. Intelligent Americans who care about our national security are not 'embarrassed' over Biden allowing China to overfly the US, collect Intel on some of our biggest secret / secure installations - they are OUTRAGED.

2. The spy balloon flight was 'ACCIDENTAL'? Please tell me there is no one stupid enough to believe this bullshit from Biden!

I. The balloon did not DRIFT half way around the world, violate US airspace, and fly 'Figure 8' patterns over ICBM sites and Stealth bases on its own by ACCIDENT. It was FLOWN. It was already reported that the balloon had its own navigation system and could be - WAS - flown by China.

II. This balloon was NOT THE 1ST spy ballloon flew to / over US territory. How many 'embarrassing accidents' does Joe want us to believe there has been?

What a pathetic clown circus thos administration is with Xi's bitch acting as Ring Master!

'China has some legitimate difficulties unrelated to the United States, and I think one of the things that balloon caused was not so much that it got shot down, but I don't think the leadership knew where it was, knew what it was in it and what was going on.'
-- Joe Biden

Replace the word 'China' with 'United States' and visa versa, and Biden is 100%correct about the Chicom spy balloon.
"I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional."
-- Joe Biden


What was embarrassing was Biden's response to China's VERY INTENTIONAL and facilitated spying.

What is embarrassing is having compromised, lying, dementia-ravaged, ass-clown Joe Biden as President.

Biden is a senile old fool

Never mind all the crazy things he says such as “God save the queen” or these comments on the china spy balloon

When the cards are on the table so far he has been tough on china and hopefully he will remain so
China launched a spy balloon that traveled half way around the world, violated US sovereignty / airspace, hovered over / spied on US ICBM sites & stealth bases before Biden finally ordered it be shot down ... and he watched it / knew about it from takeoff to splashdown.

He declared it was free-floating.
- He lied.

He declared the US jammed it, preventing it from sending back Intel to China.

- He lied.

He called it a 'silly balloon', attempting to make light of his national Security failure.

Now the Compromised CCP puppet is at it again...


Rather than just ignore the whole thing and hope Americans just forget about it before 2024, Biden has chosen to bring it back up AND MAKE IT WORSE.

1. Intelligent Americans who care about our national security are not 'embarrassed' over Biden allowing China to overfly the US, collect Intel on some of our biggest secret / secure installations - they are OUTRAGED.

2. The spy balloon flight was 'ACCIDENTAL'? Please tell me there is no one stupid enough to believe this bullshit from Biden!

I. The balloon did not DRIFT half way around the world, violate US airspace, and fly 'Figure 8' patterns over ICBM sites and Stealth bases on its own by ACCIDENT. It was FLOWN. It was already reported that the balloon had its own navigation system and could be - WAS - flown by China.

II. This balloon was NOT THE 1ST spy ballloon flew to / over US territory. How many 'embarrassing accidents' does Joe want us to believe there has been?

What a pathetic clown circus thos administration is with Xi's bitch acting as Ring Master!

We've been fed so much 'malarky' by this President or whoever is manipulating his marionette strings, we have been told that more than half of Americans are an 'existential threat to our democracy', and we have watched as Obama and Biden's administrations have been dishonestly and unethically weaponized against political opponents to a dangerous degree that it is impossible to trust much of anything this administration is telling us about anything.

We have had corruption in government before, but never to the degree we are witnessing now.
Biden is a senile old fool

Never mind all the crazy things he says such as “God save the queen” or these comments on the china spy balloon

When the cards are on the table so far he has been tough on china and hopefully he will remain so

Trump convinced China to stop saber rattling re Taiwan and had sanctions, tariffs and other policy in place to begin reversal of China's assault on our currency and intensely unfair trade practices. China also stopped saber rattling re Taiwan (as well as did NK, Iran and Russia in other parts of the world) to produce closer to world peace than most of us have ever experienced.

Biden kept Trump tariffs in place but has reversed many of the sanctions/policy Trump had in place to rein in an economically abusive and increasingly militant China. And now Republicans are sounding the alarm bells that Biden is proactively seeking a friendly relationship with Bejing. And an invasion of China onto Taiwan seems almost imminent.

When the cards are on the table so far he has been tough on china and hopefully he will remain so


During the entire spy balloon espionage Biden ne er picked up the phone, called Xi, and asked, 'WTF?' He said he looked forward to talking to 'Xi IN A MONTH OR SO'.

When he 1st took office he immediately cancelled Trump's highly successful Anti-China Espionage program that had resulted in numerous high-profile arrests.

His crackhead son helped arrange a sale for resources giving China a near monopoly on building / selling EV batteries ... right before Compromised Joe orders all US cars convert to EV. ('Merry F*ing Christmas', China!)

Biden has been Xi's bitch.
Biden kept Trump tariffs in place but has reversed many of the sanctions/policy Trump had in place to rein in an economically abusive and increasingly militant China. And now Republicans are sounding the alarm bells that Biden is proactively seeking a friendly relationship with Bejing.

Of course we need tougher sanctions on china and a national policy of economic disinvestment from china

Trade with china funds their military expansion and should be ended

But there are limits to what we can expect from a born fool such as biden

So far he has not been nearly as bad as I expected
Trump convinced China to stop saber rattling re Taiwan and had sanctions, tariffs and other policy in place to begin reversal of China's assault on our currency and intensely unfair trade practices. China also stopped saber rattling re Taiwan (as well as did NK, Iran and Russia in other parts of the world) to produce closer to world peace than most of us have ever experienced.

Biden kept Trump tariffs in place but has reversed many of the sanctions/policy Trump had in place to rein in an economically abusive and increasingly militant China. And now Republicans are sounding the alarm bells that Biden is proactively seeking a friendly relationship with Bejing. And an invasion of China onto Taiwan seems almost imminent.

It could be argued that biden is trying to avoid a hot war with china and is walking a tightrope to that end

If he succeeds in limiting china without compromising the security of Taiwan and Japan as well as the other friendly nations in the region thats a good thing

But the chinese economy is what we should be attacking because its where china is most vulnerable

and if we do the CCP is in big trouble
Of course we need tougher sanctions on china and a national policy of economic disinvestment from china

Trade with china funds their military expansion and should be ended

But there are limits to what we can expect from a born fool such as biden

So far he has not been nearly as bad as I expected
Well you may know something I don't. But from where I sit, his policies re China have been far far worse than what I expected and have moved us significantly closer not only to losing our economic advantage over China to serious detriment to Americans but closer to WWIII as well.
Well you may know something I don't. But from where I sit, his policies re China have been far far worse than what I expected and have moved us significantly closer not only to losing our economic advantage over China to serious detriment to Americans but closer to WWIII as well.
I concede that most of china’s setbacks have been unforced errors on their part

The lockdowns have crippled chinas economy and led western companies to move production outside china

At the same time Xi has used crude bullying tactics on its neighbors and trading partners that have fundamentally harmed china’s image

Biden merely lucked into that

He’s a weak man with a weak mind

But all the winds are blowing against china and he bends with the winds
There is a difference between 'a born fool' and a 'paid traitor'.

Biden is both.
It appears so

But after cheating America, in the end he may cheat the chinese too by not giving them their money’s worth

At least I hope so
Biden is a senile old fool

Never mind all the crazy things he says such as “God save the queen” or these comments on the china spy balloon

When the cards are on the table so far he has been tough on china and hopefully he will remain so

Oh, how? Be specific.
We've been fed so much 'malarky' by this President or whoever is manipulating his marionette strings, we have been told that more than half of Americans are an 'existential threat to our democracy', and we have watched as Obama and Biden's administrations have been dishonestly and unethically weaponized against political opponents to a dangerous degree that it is impossible to trust much of anything this administration is telling us about anything.

We have had corruption in government before, but never to the degree we are witnessing now.

And look at this.

I concede that most of china’s setbacks have been unforced errors on their part

The lockdowns have crippled chinas economy and led western companies to move production outside china

At the same time Xi has used crude bullying tactics on its neighbors and trading partners that have fundamentally harmed china’s image

Biden merely lucked into that

He’s a weak man with a weak mind

But all the winds are blowing against china and he bends with the winds
We are actually arguing on the same side of the fence here. But please do not underestimate China or think it has been in any way weakened by Biden.

In 1988 China's GDP was $312 billion. It is now $17.7 trillion. With the countries opening back up under COVID China GDP increased 8% to our 5% in 2021. China GDP increased 3% to our 2% in 2022. This year China's first quarter GDP jumped 4.3% to our 1.1%. China's military is twice the size of ours in personnel and they also have nuclear weapons.

And China is again manipulating our currency and engaging in more unfair trade practices than they dared to do with Trump in the White House because they knew he would seriously retaliate if they did.

Biden's policies have been pretty good for China so far, not so good for U.S. commerce, and, as I posted, he intends to make them a lot better for China. Admittedly Trump policies did not seriously negatively impact China's economy but they did make things a lot better for American commerce. And if Trump had been able to continue those policies, I think we would be a lot less dependent on China for our pharmaceuticals and some manufactured products now.
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'Xi didn't mean send a spy balloon half way around the world to violate our sovereignty, to violate our airspace, to violate our national security, and spy on us - it was an ACCIDENT!'

And look at this.

Yeah I saw that on Twitter earlier today. Unable to find out much other than the warrant did specify financial records and what they took were not financial records. No clue what they were looking for, but if they had been honorable, they would have advised the store owner.

But am I surprised? Hell no. The Obama administration developed a justifiable reputation of targeting its political opponents, the deep state double downed on that in the Trump administration, and the Biden administration has quadrupled all that.
He has shown the willingness to use force to defend Taiwan and is getting support from other nations such as Japan and the Philippines

In other words, nothing meaningful. Words are nothing. Actions matter. So far he has taken no actions that have harmed, or even reigned in China in any way.

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