Biden's false election win explained

All thinking people realize you subscribe to an alternate reality. As long as you're happy in your own world, and you're not hurting anyone, enjoy it!
As opposed to the world where everything Skidmark Joe says becomes gospel, like your "upside down Bible" fantasy?
Still whining about the "stolen" election that wasn't. Funny how all the massive fraud didn't seem to have any effect on the down ballot Republican races. People like Joni Ernst and Susan Collins who I thought were sure goners survived..Collins even won handily. The gaslighter in chief blew the response to the pandemic, so the voters fired him. Easy. And instead of introspection, once again, Republicans and conservatives revert to the tried and true playbooks of voter suppression, attempted gerrymandering, and fomenting division over social policy wedge issues. Sad to see that after four decades of little to no success, that side of the aisle just won't accept the fact that there might be better ways of getting people on your side.
Still whining about the "stolen" election that wasn't. Funny how all the massive fraud didn't seem to have any effect on the down ballot Republican races. People like Joni Ernst and Susan Collins who I thought were sure goners survived..Collins even won handily. The gaslighter in chief blew the response to the pandemic, so the voters fired him. Easy. And instead of introspection, once again, Republicans and conservatives revert to the tried and true playbooks of voter suppression, attempted gerrymandering, and fomenting division over social policy wedge issues. Sad to see that after four decades of little to no success, that side of the aisle just won't accept the fact that there might be better ways of getting people on your side.
Blew the response to the pandemic eh ? Still believing that lie I see, but you have the nerve to call other's out on what they see as being truth in their thinking eh ? ROTFLMBO. A little bit of mustard on your hypocrisy sammich maybe ??
Blew the response to the pandemic eh ? Still believing that lie I see, but you have the nerve to call other's out on what they see as being truth in their thinking eh ? ROTFLMBO. A little bit of mustard on your hypocrisy sammich maybe ??
Truth?? LOL. Oh,'s the truth because YOU...or others...Say So! You believe it, therefore, it's valid. Sorry, doesn't work that way in this country. Trump had his redress..and a lot more than he should have been given. Nothing all.
Just a bunch of whiny, weak-assed little bitches that can't let make America white again go. :)

Well, he's gone. And if you haven't noticed, his party is slowly breaking away from him.
Meh, better late than never.
Still whining about the "stolen" election that wasn't. Funny how all the massive fraud didn't seem to have any effect on the down ballot Republican races. People like Joni Ernst and Susan Collins who I thought were sure goners survived..Collins even won handily. The gaslighter in chief blew the response to the pandemic, so the voters fired him. Easy. And instead of introspection, once again, Republicans and conservatives revert to the tried and true playbooks of voter suppression, attempted gerrymandering, and fomenting division over social policy wedge issues. Sad to see that after four decades of little to no success, that side of the aisle just won't accept the fact that there might be better ways of getting people on your side.
To the simple minded it is easier to claim that the election was stolen than to admit that Trump screwed up Bigly

Voters did not vote against Republicans, they voted against TRUMP
Yup. No doubt about it. The latest tactic I've seen being used a lot is where the political agency pushing an agenda will put on commercials about something not directly related, but the slogan or idea is used repeatedly. You have to look closely and do your homework to see who really sponsored the ad. Very sneaky.

They've come a long way with these marketing tactics, borrowing heavily from the last 100 years of psychology, training and (yes) brainwashing research.
Then pay them no need.
City, this is pathetic---it shows desperateness on your part. Try to grow up.
It’s a cry baby thread of nonsense. What would be the appropriate response to this one zillionth thread of nonsense?
When stating the obvious gets put in a conspiracy thread you know desperation is king. These tactics only work for a short time. When they are exposed, the people wise up quickly. It is coming and sweeping changes will occur. Washington is going to be shook up (bigly). Just wait.
When stating the obvious gets put in a conspiracy thread you know desperation is king. These tactics only work for a short time. When they are exposed, the people wise up quickly. It is coming and sweeping changes will occur. Washington is going to be shook up (bigly). Just wait.
When you can provide some actual evidence, you can move out of Conspiracies
When stating the obvious gets put in a conspiracy thread you know desperation is king. These tactics only work for a short time. When they are exposed, the people wise up quickly. It is coming and sweeping changes will occur. Washington is going to be shook up (bigly). Just wait.
Reeducation camps. Goody-goody! It's going to be fun!
Then pay them no need.
Na, I think I'd rather let my family, friends, and neighbors know about these tactics. I've had the benefit of military training as well as university training in recognizing this sort of thing. Not everyone was so fortunate as I.
How could average adults in America be so easily fooled into accepting a fraud election that took place right before their eyes? The answer is as simple as a standard television commercial. They were convinced that they needed mail-in voting to achieve fairness when there was no evidence that elections were unfair and to protect them from exposure to diseases when going to a supermarket daily or weekly was not done by mail. Propaganda is powerful and it is bringing us to the brink of world war because the powerful and connected in the US were threatened by Donald Trump. Below is an explanation of how the people were manipulated to follow a path that could easily lead to nuclear bombs dropped on US cities and the destruction of democracy.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia


You're wondering how easy it is to manipulate people?

Well, if people were SMART, they wouldn't be concerned about supposed electoral fraud, they'd be concerned about an electoral system that is easy to manipulate and not democratic at all. But THEY'RE NOT. Because they've been told what to care about, and it isn't what they should care about.
You're wondering how easy it is to manipulate people?

Well, if people were SMART, they wouldn't be concerned about supposed electoral fraud, they'd be concerned about an electoral system that is easy to manipulate and not democratic at all. But THEY'RE NOT. Because they've been told what to care about, and it isn't what they should care about.
For once, I actually agree with what you write.

The thing is most people are so stressed out with life in general that not many people have time and energy to get involved at the local level. In my town, the only ones in charge of the ballot box seem to be the town's hired staff, plus a handful of others I've never seen.
For once, I actually agree with what you write.

The thing is most people are so stressed out with life in general that not many people have time and energy to get involved at the local level. In my town, the only ones in charge of the ballot box seem to be the town's hired staff, plus a handful of others I've never seen.

Most people don't have the time, and they're pretending that they're intelligent and knowledgeable at the same time. They vote Rep and Dem because they have no clue what else there is. They get barraged with useless information and thing it's important

The whole political system is based around this.

Proportional Representation would change this for the better. Having more political parties making it harder to manipulate in the way they're currently doing.
You just started the 1 millionth BS election fraud thread. Let me tell you how this goes…

You will post nonsense innuendo and unproven hearsay.

Posters will ask you then why won’t anyone win a court case since even conservative judges are rolling their eyes and admonishing morons in court.

You’ll come back with some crazy ass conspiracy that is so complex and fantasy based that everyone will just shake their head and put this thread on ignore.
Let’s suspose the Democrats actually did rig the election. Let’s also assume it can be proved. So in that scenario almost everybody will accept the fact the Dems stole the election. Then what?

We might have a real insurrection which would be far more harmful than just allowing Biden to serve out his time in office. The nation might also just peacefully break apart with the red states seceding from the Union. We would no longer be the most powerful nation in the world. China and Russia would see an opportunity to expand.

I can’t see anyway that Biden would removed from office and Trump installed in the Oval Office.

One thing we should do is make damn sure no future elections can be rigged. Of course we won’t. Our elected leaders are too corrupt and too stupid to do anything that logical.
Let’s suspose the Democrats actually did rig the election. Let’s also assume it can be proved. So in that scenario almost everybody will accept the fact the Dems stole the election. Then what?

We might have a real insurrection which would be far more harmful than just allowing Biden to serve out his time in office. The nation might also just peacefully break apart with the red states seceding from the Union. We would no longer be the most powerful nation in the world. China and Russia would see an opportunity to expand.

I can’t see anyway that Biden would removed from office and Trump installed in the Oval Office.

One thing we should do is make damn sure no future elections can be rigged. Of course we won’t. Our elected leaders are too corrupt and too stupid to do anything that logical.
Let’s say the election was as above board as all the Republican Secretary of State’s and Republican appointed judges said it was…. Because it was. Now let’s say all the fake stories made up by the right we’re an attempt to steal a duly elected President’s office. Answer me this… should we execute the people who pushed this for treason?
When you can provide some actual evidence, you can move out of Conspiracies
Of course, it was so obvious. The nursing homes in Wisconsin are just the tip of the iceberg of election honesty and they haven't even investigated the cemeteries yet. Why would anyone question the results? They never did in the former Soviet Union, and they had similar outcomes.

Of course, it was so obvious. The nursing homes in Wisconsin are just the tip of the iceberg of election honesty and they haven't even investigated the cemeteries yet. Why would anyone question the results? they never did in the former Soviet Union, and they had similar outcomes.

Actually, here's why I don't question the results.

because they were exactly what the polls said they would be, and exactly what we should have expected.

Trump only got 46.5% of the vote in 2016. He only got 47.9% of the vote in 2020. That's exactly what you SHOULD expect with a president who has failed in every aspect of governing. Not gaining anything in the vote, just people unwilling to admit they made a mistake doubling down.

Trump's percentage of the vote is actually pretty consistent for the percentage that votes Republican. He did a little worse than Romney, a little better than McCain.

The only reason he "won" in 2016 was too many people voted third party in 2016 to show how "hip" they were, considering all the polls said Hillary had this in the bag. Those people looked at their neighbors going to the hospital or the morgue due to Covid, losing their job in the recession, or losing their businesses in the riots, and said, sensibly, "We can't take another four years of this!".

So, yes, voter participation was up on both sides. And, so what? It was up on both sides. It was still only 67% of the eligible voters.
Actually, here's why I don't question the results.

because they were exactly what the polls said they would be, and exactly what we should have expected.

Trump only got 46.5% of the vote in 2016. He only got 47.9% of the vote in 2020. That's exactly what you SHOULD expect with a president who has failed in every aspect of governing. Not gaining anything in the vote, just people unwilling to admit they made a mistake doubling down.

Trump's percentage of the vote is actually pretty consistent for the percentage that votes Republican. He did a little worse than Romney, a little better than McCain.

The only reason he "won" in 2016 was too many people voted third party in 2016 to show how "hip" they were, considering all the polls said Hillary had this in the bag. Those people looked at their neighbors going to the hospital or the morgue due to Covid, losing their job in the recession, or losing their businesses in the riots, and said, sensibly, "We can't take another four years of this!".

So, yes, voter participation was up on both sides. And, so what? It was up on both sides. It was still only 67% of the eligible voters.
All that proves is that the polls were as trustworthy as those fraud election sites. They knew they were going to cheat so they just predicted that their cheating would win. It was the old Soviet way. It works every time if you have the media running propaganda interference for you.

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