Biden's gas prices soar again. Up to $3.75/gal

Your choice I suppose. But again, it's your choice to pay such high prices.
knopp all i did was do like others in this thread did.....say the gas price were i live.....if that bothers you...what can i say....i sure as hell aint going to move down in the shitty part of town to save a few bucks on gas...
We’ll price per barrel went down, why else would price increase?
While the prices of crude oil and gas typically move in tandem, they're not directly linked. Crude must be processed by oil refineries before it becomes the gas, diesel, and jet-fuel used for travel. The refining process comes at a cost, and that cost is known as the crack spread.
Peak summer travel, economy booming, unemployment record low, and Saudi Arabia cut production through September. Maybe you guys will get lucky and the economy will crash putting 20% of you out of work again and you'll see cheap gas. Keep your fingers crossed.


What does that have to do with the link I provided showing where Biden took credit for lowering gas prices? You have to actually read.

Not that it matters. Nothing you say actually means anything since you're just a contrarian incapable of thought, insight or discussion. That's why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
knopp all i did was do like others in this thread did.....say the gas price were i live.....if that bothers you...what can i say....i sure as hell aint going to move down in the shitty part of town to save a few bucks on gas...
Cheaper in the shitty part? Hahaha not that way in Chicago! Shitty spots are dollar more!
While the prices of crude oil and gas typically move in tandem, they're not directly linked. Crude must be processed by oil refineries before it becomes the gas, diesel, and jet-fuel used for travel. The refining process comes at a cost, and that cost is known as the crack spread.
Well it was the supposed reason for the initial rise in price and now price goes down per barrel and now that’s not a condition
Peak summer travel, economy booming, unemployment record low, and Saudi Arabia cut production through September. Maybe you guys will get lucky and the economy will crash putting 20% of you out of work again and you'll see cheap gas. Keep your fingers crossed.

You always claim Biden is responsible for the price of gas when it drops, Simp.
Or just use less gas and watch prices come down.

I use 8 percent less gas by coasting whenever I can. :)
The figure is actually 11 percent (city mileage). At 3.50 per gallon that figures to a saving of 38 cents per gallon (in my car) based on mileage, not cost per gallon, so the effect is to reduce the price to 3.12 per gallon.
They can charge whatever they want for it and you have no choice in the matter other than not using your vehicle.

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