Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

Cry, Trumpers! :laugh:

U.S. economy grew by annual rate of 2.4 percent in second quarter

The new gross domestic product figures, released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, showed the economy expanded for the fourth straight quarter in a row, casting doubt on predictions of a recession this year.

The economy’s resilience, bolstered by a healthy job market, has surprised even the most optimistic economists. It has also forced the Federal Reserve to extend its aggressive fight against inflation with another interest rate hike on Wednesday, pushing borrowing costs to a new 22-year high. Fed staff, who a few months ago had worried about a “mild” recession, are no longer forecasting an imminent downturn.

It would be comical, if it wasn't so sad for Americans trying to survive, watching Democrats try to convince them that they aren't really struggling and the economy is doing just great.

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