Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

Many people are saying this is the most beautiful economy they've ever seen. If this wasn't Biden's economy he'd probably be dating it. Biden is the only one who can fix things.

Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

President Biden has an enviable problem: The economy under his watch is doing a lot better than voters give him credit for.

In the latest update of the Yahoo Finance Bidenomics Report Card, Biden’s grade on the economy rose from B+ to A-. This isn’t our opinion. It’s what the numbers tell us. We developed this methodology at the beginning of the Trump administration, with the help of Moody’s Analytics, and we’ve kept it in place for Biden. We determine each president’s grade by tracking six economic indicators back to the 1970s and rating how the current president compares with the prior seven at the same point in their first terms, going back to Jimmy Carter. (Here’s our full methodology.)

Of the eight presidents, Biden gets the highest marks for the total number of new jobs created since he took office, and also for real GDP growth per capita. Biden also gets top marks for the increase in exports during his presidency, although that data only goes back to 1993, so he’s the best of five presidents.

Biden gets second-best marks for the number of new manufacturing jobs, and for gains in the S&P 500 stock index. His only sub-par number is on average hourly earnings, where he ranks second-last.

More at the link.

View attachment 599123

Who and the democrat cult media trying to gaslight?
When are you stupid Democrat sop is going to start cleaning it up? Why are things just getting worse under your leadership?View attachment 824222
No war under Trump???

We were in Afghanistan for the entire 4 years of the Trump Failure.

Don, Jr. isn't a crackhead, he's a cokehead.

There is no forced vaccination under Biden.

This entire list, like Trumpers themselves, is a bunch of shit.
And show me/us the Proof of what it cost in 2020 versus today.
I'm doing great.

Are you suffering in the Biden economy?

Your retort: Why do you hate the poor? Nailed it.

Not suffering, but not gaining. Two biggest assetts are still below Trump high mark in these three wasted years. I had sustained steady growth up to 2021 then it all went to the crapper like the Bond market did.

This period is just like OBiden 2015 2016 flat lineing. Chaos creates uncertainty, no one risking. No growth. LFPR still below 2019 even with ten million new “workers” added in from down south + normal growth. Sucketh.
No war under Trump???

We were in Afghanistan for the entire 4 years of the Trump Failure.

Don, Jr. isn't a crackhead, he's a cokehead.

There is no forced vaccination under Biden.

This entire list, like Trumpers themselves, is a bunch of shit.
LOL meant to say no new Wars. Do you have proof Don Jr is a cokehead? Biden made people get vaccinated or lose their jobs. You are full of shit

Fun Fact: Joe Biden is on pace to shatter the record for most vacation time by a President. He’s spent 40% of his time in office on vacation. In comparison, Trump only spent 26% of his time on vacation.

While you’re struggling in this economy, Biden is relaxing on a beach yet again.

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