Biden's Handlers Finally Convince him to Stop Obsessively Saying "Bidenomics."

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

WASHINGTON — Since June, President Joe Biden had been freely peppering the word "Bidenomics" into his speeches and remarks mentioning the economy — 101 times, to be exact.

In doing so, he was attaching his name to a set of administration policies that most Americans don't believe have worked, according to recent polling. In an NBC News poll conducted this month, only 38% of respondents approved of Biden's handling of the economy.

Now, the word "Bidenomics" appears to have been dropped entirely from Biden's comments about the economy. He hasn't used it in public remarks since Nov. 1, when he likened Bidenomics to “the American Dream” in a speech in Minnesota.

I know why he used to do it. It was because Obama once claimed that the term "Obamacare" was growing on him. Biden is emulating his former boss, almost as if his former boss were sending him marching orders.


Stumblin' Joe must have missed the other shoe, in which the middle class realized what a boofing they were being given in order for Teenage McDonald's workers to have access to full health insurance that they rarely need and would never choose if allowed a choice. Then Obama stopped calling it that.

Now that the middle class is seeing the disaster Biden's economic policies are causing, his handlers finally convinced him not to advertise that fact that all current economic suffering is authored by him and his team. My only question is, WTF took them so long? Are they that insulated from the real world?

As soon as Americans saw their actual American dream - which is working hard, and achieving financial security, such as home and car ownership and money in the bank - was being destroyed in favor of the phony promise of an American dream for swarms of illegal aliens, the word "Bidenomics" became worse than nails on a chalkboard for them.

Members of the working class, who were seeing advancement to the middle class under Trump, are now in danger of being pushed down to the dependency class, a quagmire from which escape is difficult.

For those middle class who have already obtained the American dream, Bidenomics has not yet taken it away from most of them. They have relatively secure jobs, a paid off or nearly paid off house, and a 401k or equivalent. For them (and I am one, so I know), Bidenomics works a serious of minor annoyances, rather than threatening our viability. Annoyances such as cutting down on eating our, or taking a cheaper vacation this year.

Small compared to a life-changing loss of a good union job? Yes. "White People's" problems? In the way that phrase is meant, sure But, with black unemployment at record lows under Trump, more than every Blacks joined the middle class American dream, and are the most likely to be pushed back down the pyramid by Biden's policies.
Democrats lose voters everytime Biden mentions Bidenomics. Abortion rights is their only message resonating with voters.
Most people hear "bleeding hemmorroid" when that stuttering shit clown is trotted out to battle with a teleprompter...

Or they don't hear anything at all (guilty), and take sidebets on whether it falls, or shit its pants... or the 2-bet parlay for both.... that pays 4 to 1...

2nd in charge is no better...

Democrats lose voters everytime Biden mentions Bidenomics. Abortion rights is their only message resonating with voters.
Abortion is a good issue for them, as usual because they approach it so dishonestly. They are lying that all Republicans will ban all abortions, when the truth is that Republicans - like the American people - have a variety of views about what should be banned. Democrats are homogeneous in wanting to not ban any abortions, including up to and through the moment of birth.

But, that won't be enough to get enough people to the polls for them. The biggest group concerned with abortion are college-age women. They also vote Democrat because they are student loan welfare dolees, and thus insulated from much of the economic hardship's Bidenomics is causing. But the Israel/Hamas issue may take the wind out of their sails as Biden becomes more and more obvious in focus grouping his stance on that conflict.

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