Biden's 'irresponsible' handling of classified docs bigger 'leakage' risk than Trump's, experts say

1) don’t care
Of course you don't. You're in the cult.
2) not really …obviously ir was a. politically motivated stalinist raid.

i find it more interesting you were unaware former presidents get a SS detail for life
They were there to protect the former President--the one who lost by 9M votes. Not secure documents that were found in a closet in the blob's bedroom.
Of course you don't. You're in the cult.

They were there to protect the former President--the one who lost by 9M votes. Not secure documents that were found in a closet in the blob's bedroom.
1) no because i don’t care about some CEO and some big corp
2) yes and the president lived in the house where the documents were, keeping the property secure is part of the job of making the president secure. who came and went were all logged…when people attempted to break in they were caught…none of that was done at all the locations up and down the east coast where xiden hid documents
Of course you don't. You're in the cult.

They were there to protect the former President--the one who lost by 9M votes. Not secure documents that were found in a closet in the blob's bedroom.
So which is more secure, Candy? The office at UPenn that multiple people had keys to...or the closet at Mar A Lago that was guarded by the Secret Service? Duh?
1) no because i don’t care about some CEO and some big corp
Sure you don't.

2) yes and the president lived in the house where the documents were, keeping the property secure is part of the job of making the president secure. who came and went were all logged…when people attempted to break in they were caught…none of that was done at all the locations up and down the east coast where xiden hid documents
Nice dodge.
So which is more secure, Candy? The office at UPenn that multiple people had keys to...or the closet at Mar A Lago that was guarded by the Secret Service? Duh?
The Chinese government also could go in that office. The Chinese government gives Penn state millions in donations. Biden gets a million and a professor title and the Chinese government gets our secrets.
Trump and his lawyers were contesting that the documents they had were still "classified". It's something that should have been decided in court. Not by a raid by the FBI that Joe Biden would have HAD to have signed off on! You can argue that Trump didn't have the right to declassify materials as he has claimed that he did but that's a legal issue! Joe Biden has ZERO authority to take those documents with him when he left the White House! That's not even addressing that he let the FBI raid Trump's home for doing what he himself had done!
Trump didn’t contest anything until after the search warrant was exercised. To this day, Trump has refused to say in court whether he declassified any of the documents.

Trump received a subpoena for all the documents and his lawyers said they turned them all over, but they didn’t. The DoJ really didn’t have any other options left.
Trump legally took classified documents. Biden stole them.
I'm curious what documents it was that Biden wanted to keep. Are they something that would show what he did in return for the millions that were given to the Biden family? Are we trusting Joe's lawyers to turn over everything he took or are we getting the tip of the iceberg while they hide away the more damaging material? Why hasn't the FBI conducted the search? Why has it been left to Biden's lawyers to do so for months?
'Security experts are sounding off about President Biden's handling of classified materials, suggesting that the documents could have been more susceptible to leaks than those found in former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate last year.'

'Charles Marino, the CEO of Sentinel Security and a former Homeland Security Department advisor who specializes in law enforcement, told Fox News Digital that Biden's handling of the documents, compared to Trump's, could have resulted in greater potential for "leakage."

"The storage of classified documents was not authorized at any of these locations, however there are several distinctions with respect to the potential ‘leakage’ of the information contained within the documents via controls that would have likely prevented or limited unauthorized access to the locations," Marino said.

Noting that Trump "had the power to declassify whereas Joe Biden as vice president did not," Marino suggested that Trump's additional Secret Service protection granted the documents slightly more protection.'

Biden illegally had TS/SCI documents, divided them up, illegally shipped them to numerous locations, illegally stored them, has no Chain of Custody, has no visitors logs for any of the illegal locations he illegally stored these documents, etc...

Biden's criminal mishandling of highly classified documents is far worse and endangered National Security far more than former President Trump.

Good thing they are jumping right on an investigation then.
Trump didn’t contest anything until after the search warrant was exercised. To this day, Trump has refused to say in court whether he declassified any of the documents.

Trump received a subpoena for all the documents and his lawyers said they turned them all over, but they didn’t. The DoJ really didn’t have any other options left.
Simple question, Marener! If you're Joe Biden and you have in your possession multiple classified documents that you took illegally when you left the White House? Do you allow your DOJ to raid Mar A Lago?
Simple question, Marener! If you're Joe Biden and you have in your possession multiple classified documents that you took illegally when you left the White House? Do you allow your DOJ to raid Mar A Lago?

Biden likely didn't make those decisions.
Simple question, Marener! If you're Joe Biden and you have in your possession multiple classified documents that you took illegally when you left the White House? Do you allow your DOJ to raid Mar A Lago?
You do if the DoJ has evidence that Trump was lying about having turned them all over.

You guys refuse to acknowledge what led to the raid.
You do if the DoJ has evidence that Trump was lying about having turned them all over.

You guys refuse to acknowledge what led to the raid.
we know what lead to the raid…xiden wanted to take out a political rival. That’s it.

xiden thought he was above the law, stealing documents, recklessly handling them in clear violation of the law, for his family’s personal gain, and using stalinist tactics to oppress political rivals
The FBI knew Biden was storing classified documents but chose not to raid his home and let Biden's attorneys hand them over instead. The corrupt DOJ once again favoring Democrats.
You do if the DoJ has evidence that Trump was lying about having turned them all over.

You guys refuse to acknowledge what led to the raid.
You do that even though you know that you actually DID what Trump may or may not have done? With all due respect, Marener? Joe Biden DESERVES what's about to happen to him now!
The FBI knew Biden was storing classified documents but chose not to raid his home and let Biden's attorneys hand them over instead. The corrupt DOJ once again favoring Democrats.
yep…when a lawyer snitched on xiden and turned over what he found, the doj set on it for months…even when more classified material was discovered by other aids…they did nothing..a special prosecutor should have been appointed back in nov. who knows what evidence xiden destroyed
Biden likely didn't make those decisions.
Joe Biden is the President, Pk...if you think that he's not going to have to sign off on his DOJ raiding the home of a former President then I find you a bit naive. Joe Biden had to know that was going to happen and I have to believe that if Joe had told them not to conduct the raid that it wouldn't have happened. So bottom line is that Joe Biden sicced the FBI on his political rival for doing what he knew he himself was guilty of!

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