Biden’s No Border Policy gets more blood on his hands. 16 yr old mom, 10 month old son shot in head.

Biden better get those classified documents and put them in his corvette.
Along with 4 other people. Sheriff says it was Biden’s Mexican drug cartels.

from record covid deaths, to afghan deaths, to the horrible crisis on the border…all these deaths these past two years…all this blood…on xiden’s hands and those that voted for him
Get use to it folks... the cartels are here in mass and they will bring their conflicts here too... the battle for the American streets and drug sales are on thanks to Joe Biden....
even the president of mexico referred to xiden ass the cartel president. he literally campaigned on pro cartel policies
Along with 4 other people. Sheriff says it was Biden’s Mexican drug cartels.

Xiden isn't to blame for this heinous crime. The cartels are, but xiden IS to blame for allowing the cartels to basically control our southern border.
Along with 4 other people. Sheriff says it was Biden’s Mexican drug cartels.

So many women are getting raped and killed and so are kids. American citizens are also being harmed by illegals and cartels. Democrats don't care.....they are building a voting base that will vote for their living and keep them in power forever.

Democrats are well on their way to that goal already using voter fraud.
I place the blame directly on Biden... he opened our border to these people and they have walked right in.... how can anyone not blame Biden?....

The cartels have always had cross border access. Going back decades.
Its never been this bad and they have never been this powerful and Trump was deporting them and building a wall.... sorry but Biden undid every Trump border regulation on the books when he came into office.... and he stopped all ICE deportation's so I place the blame all on Biden... even the biggest fool on earth knew what was going to happen....
Its never been this bad and they have never been this powerful and Trump was deporting them and building a wall.... sorry but Biden undid every Trump border regulation on the books when he came into office.... and he stopped all ICE deportation's so I place the blame all on Biden... even the biggest fool on earth knew what was going to happen....

That is true. This was a targeted assassination. It would have happened no matter what.

Xiden is responsible for the random crimes happening, that otherwise wouldn't have.
That is true. This was a targeted assassination. It would have happened no matter what.

Xiden is responsible for the random crimes happening, that otherwise wouldn't have.
We don't know if it would have happened... the CA central valley is where this happened... hard working migrants finding the American dream through hard work but their kids are being coaxed and prodded into joining gangs that take orders from the cartels... this house was raided by cops last week... the thought is that the cartels targeted that home because of their last name which tied them to a different cartel.... and they broke in and shot a 16 year old mom and her 10 month old baby... until Joe starts closing the border and replacing Trump's policies at the border and allows deportations again every death from the results of the Mexican drug trade is on his hands....
We don't know if it would have happened... the CA central valley is where this happened... hard working migrants finding the American dream through hard work but their kids are being coaxed and prodded into joining gangs that take orders from the cartels... this house was raided by cops last week... the thought is that the cartels targeted that home because of their last name which tied them to a different cartel.... and they broke in and shot a 16 year old mom and her 10 month old baby... until Joe starts closing the border and replacing Trump's policies at the border and allows deportations again every death from the results of the Mexican drug trade is on his hands....

Yeah, we do. I have friends who retired from californias Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. If the cartels want you, they will get you.
Yeah, we do. I have friends who retired from californias Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement. If the cartels want you, they will get you.
Then we should deport every one of them and close the border with the military if need be... and build back the wall.... doing nothing is not an option and that's what Joe is doing.... nothing...
So many women are getting raped and killed and so are kids. American citizens are also being harmed by illegals and cartels. Democrats don't care.....they are building a voting base that will vote for their living and keep them in power forever.

Democrats are well on their way to that goal already using voter fraud.
If democrats think allowing the cartels in will build a Democrat voting base, that is unbelievably stupid. The cartels will kill them just like they do in Mexico.

The cartels are moving north. They believe that they can control the United States as easily as they control Mexico. As they gain territory, they will install their own.
If democrats think allowing the cartels in will build a Democrat voting base, that is unbelievably stupid. The cartels will kill them just like they do in Mexico.

The cartels are moving north. They believe that they can control the United States as easily as they control Mexico. As they gain territory, they will install their own.
Agreed. Cartels already run much of California. And, Democrats ARE unbelievably stupid.

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