Biden's plan to end border crisis is already working

Biden has made the election denying repubs look stupid with his trip to the country that their hero, Poootin, invaded. Now they need to keep their imaginary attacks up.

As long as you have greene and will lose.
You already lost jimboliar.
Poopeypants is there for one reason only.....ensuring the cleaned cash flow back to the big guy is intact.

Pretty soon...the repub attack line will be moot. They are more worried about revenge than they are in governing.
Hang on, didn't he create the crisis? So Trump got the border sorted, Biden fucked it up, now Lefties are hailing Biden for sorting a crisis out?

You guys have been on the cheeky vimto.
So I'm correct. Because those illegal aliens were re-classified, now they are no longer "encounters" with illegal aliens. Biden hasn't stopped anything.

Over 50,000 a month swarm over, and that's just those we know about. There will millions every year from now on.
It's just another way to flood the country, "humanitarian parole" lol.

It makes their racial genocide agenda sellable to hippie dopers. That's why they use euphemisms. it's like Mao's 'Great Leap Forward'; you just mass murder your problem and it goes away.
Biden has made the election denying repubs look stupid with his trip to the country that their hero, Poootin, invaded. Now they need to keep their imaginary attacks up.

As long as you have greene and will lose.

Joe Biden himself is a notorious election denier, and he surrounds himself with other election deniers, including you if you voted for him.

If you watched Joe Biden’s primetime speech on Thursday, you would have seen him insist that anyone who questions the results of an election is a “threat to our democracy.”

“Democracy cannot survive when one side believes that there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated,” he claimed. “And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today.”

Conveniently absent from his speech was the acknowledgment that Democrats have a long history of believing that the only two outcomes of an election are when they win or the election was stolen—including himself.

In 2020, when a supporter of his told him she thought Trump was an illegitimate president, he agreed. In 2013, he also said he believed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election that he actually lost.

Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, also said that Trump was an illegitimate president.

Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, also believes the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary.

On top of that his own chief of staff, Ron Klain, still believes that the 2000 election was “stolen” from Al Gore.

“People frequently tell me that I should ‘get over’ the 2000 election and recount. I haven’t, and I don’t think I ever will,” he tweeted back in 2019.
The only fix for our immigration issue is to END ALL IMMIGRATION until we’ve cleaned up the mess this country is in and ensured we know everyone who is here, why, and if they’re legal.
Our “immigration problem” doesn’t really include legal immigration.

So, with the exception of LEGAL immigration, your idea has merit. Other than LEGAL immigrants, shut down all other entry into the country.
His alternative “plan” is still under review.

He has been advised and is giving thought to simply erasing the border.

If there’s no border, there can’t be a border problem.
True. Problem solved. Now continue with pollution by industries and traffic. If you don´t register crimes and prosecute the perpetrators, crime is solved too.
Everything is so easy now...
Am I reading this wrong or are they saying that because Biden gave protective status to most of 84,000 illegal aliens, that illegals are no longer coming across the boarders? How stupid does his administration think we are? There are actually more coming and yet we won't count them because we are protecting people from 4 countries for no real reason. Gullible Democrats.
Encounters include those now legally seeking asylum, so when encounters are said to be down, that INCLUDES BOTH illegal crosses and those refugee seekers from the 4 countries.

It was mentioned in a post that it could be that now that these migrants from those 4 countries can now enter through other means like airports, that encounters at the Border has gone way down, but other port of entries for these specific migrants have gone up by the difference in the drop at the border? :dunno:

But if the above truly is the case and overall total southern border encounters are down the 46% claimed by border patrol,

That is Good! Regardless if they are flying in elsewhere, because this relieves the STRESS at the border with border Patrol and all the asylum seeker border crossers, giving them ability to focus more on drug and human, smugglers and the gang members that could be trying to cross.
Read and comprehend. I know it is hard for you. trump tried to control the border by keeping the poor people stranded in the desert. Do you really think these people want to pull up stakes and try to come to a better life? Many do not have a choice.

repubs look at Immigration just like they look at everything else. Their mantra is, "We got ours, you don't, sorry you are screwed."

Then they lie and call themselves religious.
I really don't care if they want a better life. They want a better life, come the legal way. The immigration system is not broke. That is a big lie. It's being ignored. The laws are already on the books. We are a sovereign nation with boarders. Do you have any clue on how many people in the world are poor and would come to the U.S. if we said anyone can come? Tell me how we would take care of 6 billion people? We would have to stick them in the middle of the desserts and Wyoming without water or food. The Left's plan is to bring in a few million here and there and sign them up as Democrats to vote. We have pinhead Democrats who think it's okay for non-citizens to vote in our elections. How stupid can you be?
Encounters include those now legally seeking asylum, so when encounters are said to be down, that INCLUDES BOTH illegal crosses and those refugee seekers from the 4 countries.

It was mentioned in a post that it could be that now that these migrants from those 4 countries can now enter through other means like airports, that encounters at the Border has gone way down, but other port of entries for these specific migrants have gone up by the difference in the drop at the border? :dunno:

But if the above truly is the case and overall total southern border encounters are down the 46% claimed by border patrol,

That is Good! Regardless if they are flying in elsewhere, because this relieves the STRESS at the border with border Patrol and all the asylum seeker border crossers, giving them ability to focus more on drug and human, smugglers and the gang members that could be trying to cross.
Huh? No, if there is still 84,000 people coming into the country illegally no matter how they are entering, that is not good! They are still here illegally and forcing citizens to pay for their care that the cities don't have. Millions are in various cities in Texas now yet the NYC mayor cries about a few hundred and still supports Biden and the Democrats. Crime through the roof and only getting worse. And, no. This does not help catch drug and human smugglers. Now they just fly in. Way to go exlax!
Huh? No, if there is still 84,000 people coming into the country illegally no matter how they are entering, that is not good! They are still here illegally and forcing citizens to pay for their care that the cities don't have. Millions are in various cities in Texas now yet the NYC mayor cries about a few hundred and still supports Biden and the Democrats. Crime through the roof and only getting worse. And, no. This does not help catch drug and human smugglers. Now they just fly in. Way to go exlax!

They snivel about a measly 44,000 in their shelters. lol

We can also note none of the elites will sponsor a single one of them despite having the means to sponsor dozens of them. AOC recently got all excited about being a millionaire. Think she is sponsoring any and shacking a few up at her place? lol Where is Uncle Bernie's busses heading to one of his three big ass houses with criminal illegal aliens to shelter and feed? See any tents around Obama's houses? Pelosi's? Schiff's? Soros's?
True. Problem solved. Now continue with pollution by industries and traffic. If you don´t register crimes and prosecute the perpetrators, crime is solved too.
Everything is so easy now...
That’s the idea. I believe many major city’s have their Police Department do something like this already. Play with accounting so that “crime” is down.

It’s brilliant.
Actually it does. It is set up as a woke politically correct feel good program, complete with racial quotas and the whole works.
Actually, that’s merely a political question. And it is separate from the more massive problem of the flood of illegals.

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