Biden's plan to end border crisis is already working

trump kicked the can down the road. He was determined to keep those brown skins out of the US....being a flaming racist.
You didn't address any of my post other than twist your knickers a bit more and continued your hissy fit.

We all know fine well numbers going to and crossing the border shot up under Biden because South American's know what a pussy he is. And now the Lefties are hailing him as a God when they believe the numbers are reducing?

You guys are special.
Huh? No, if there is still 84,000 people coming into the country illegally no matter how they are entering, that is not good! They are still here illegally and forcing citizens to pay for their care that the cities don't have. Millions are in various cities in Texas now yet the NYC mayor cries about a few hundred and still supports Biden and the Democrats. Crime through the roof and only getting worse. And, no. This does not help catch drug and human smugglers. Now they just fly in. Way to go exlax!
He has bucket loads of the illegals over staying their visas and all the ones that fly in.

There are MORE illegals each year in this country over staying visas as their illegal means of entry than crossing the border and guess where they are primarily? New York. New York has its own problems and influx of illegals that you and Rs making fun of his complaint about Texas sending him their illegals TOO, are simply ignorant on....

And YES it is good that THE REFUGEE SEEKERS are legally entering in other parts of the USA verses the southern border if that is happening, where border patrol is needed to stop drug trafficking and human trafficking and gangs from entering,

Foreigners under duress seeking refugee status, HAS ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL in the USA if they meet certain criteria.... since we signed a treaty about it decades and decades and decades ago..... What we need are caps on it per year....and we need more judges and courts to process the ones we keep who meet refugee status and quicken the process to expel seekers who do not meet the criteria in court.

Immigration reform by Congress is needed to legislate any changes, instead of the open air sea saw varying by president
And YES it is good that THE REFUGEE SEEKERS are legally entering in other parts of the USA v

lol almost none of the criminals crossing the borders are 'refugees', they're mostly just fat greedy fucks here to grab whatever they can, period, and you commies are the ones primarily responsible for flooding our courts with fake claims and effectively shutting out valid claims in favor of criminal enterprises.
Immigration reform by Congress is needed to legislate any changes, instead of the open air sea saw varying by president
You don't care about 'reform', you just want rubber stamps based on skin color and ethnicity.

If they aren't white they're in, right? Right.
You don't care about 'reform', you just want rubber stamps based on skin color and ethnicity.

If they aren't white they're in, right? Right.
Silly, childish, fearful, talk! :lol:

Don't Be Afraid!

Learn to pronounce


  1. fair and impartial.
    "an equitable balance of power"
    synonyms: fair, just, impartial, even-handed, fair-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced, nondiscriminatory, anti-discrimination, unbigoted, egalitarian, with no axe to grind, without fear or favor, honest, right, rightful, proper, decent, good, honorable, upright, scrupulous, conscientious, above board, reasonable, sensible, disinterested, objective, neutral, uncolored, dispassionate, nonpartisan, balanced, open-minded, fair and square, upfront, on the level, on the up and up
lol almost none of the criminals crossing the borders are 'refugees', they're mostly just fat greedy fucks here to grab whatever they can, period, and you commies are the ones primarily responsible for flooding our courts with fake claims and effectively shutting out valid claims in favor of criminal enterprises.
Bless you! Your mom must be very proud.
Silly, childish, fearful, talk! :lol:

Don't Be Afraid!

Yes, I nailed your position down pat. Thanks for the confirmation.
fair and impartial.
"an equitable balance of power"
synonyms: fair, just, impartial, even-handed, fair-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced, nondiscriminatory, anti-discrimination, unbigoted, egalitarian, with no axe to grind, without fear or favor, honest, right, rightful, proper, decent, good, honorable, upright, scrupulous, conscientious, above board, reasonable, sensible, disinterested, objective, neutral, uncolored, dispassionate, nonpartisan, balanced, open-minded, fair and square, upfront, on the level, on the up and up
Correct, you are none of that.

Fact Check: Did Biden Tell Immigrants to Surge The Border?​

They even send legal advisors to these countries on how to game our courts and run ads in the local papers. La Raza finally had to change its name but it is still around and still a Democratic PArty subsidiary that receives Federal funds to promote rcitcriminal activities harmful to American ctiizens.

You're supposed to laugh at the shallow hand waves the racists hide their racist holidays behind.

Unsurprisingly, Google doesn't link to most of the sites Duck Duck Go tops their list with; they're racists along with their Democratic Party friends.
I really don't care if they want a better life. They want a better life, come the legal way. The immigration system is not broke. That is a big lie. It's being ignored. The laws are already on the books. We are a sovereign nation with boarders. Do you have any clue on how many people in the world are poor and would come to the U.S. if we said anyone can come? Tell me how we would take care of 6 billion people? We would have to stick them in the middle of the desserts and Wyoming without water or food. The Left's plan is to bring in a few million here and there and sign them up as Democrats to vote. We have pinhead Democrats who think it's okay for non-citizens to vote in our elections. How stupid can you be?
How stupid they think non-citizens can vote. More non-citizens would vote republican than democratic.

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