Biden's Trump Afghanistan Policy


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020

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Trump calls Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal​

'a wonderful and positive thing to do!'

Whining about the President's pursuing policies that are popular with the American people is what the loitering opposition does, but when a policy comports with what the Former Guy had been stridently advocating for years but had failed to act upon, one might descry a hint of blatant, knee-jerk partisanship in their bemoaning it:

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McConnell has seized on Bidenā€™s announcement that he will withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan as a prime example of him talking like a centrist but governing from the left. The GOP leader has warned that Biden has ordered ā€œa hasty total withdrawal from Afghanistanā€ that will ā€œleave coalition partners and vulnerable Afghans high and dry.ā€
Trumpā€™s hearty endorsement of pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by September has undercut efforts by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and other key Republicans to question President Bidenā€™s strategy.
More broadly, the former president has focused the nationā€™s attention on China as the United Statesā€™s premier national security concern, putting pressure on Senate Republicans to support legislation Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) plans to move to respond to Beijingā€™s growing influence and power.
Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.), McConnellā€™s potential successor, says Bidenā€™s decision is ā€œa big mistakeā€ and ā€œnot the right move.ā€
Al Cross, a professor of journalism at the University of Kentucky and a longtime commentator on Kentucky politics, said McConnell is trying to set it up so that he can pounce on Biden if militant extremists seize full control of Afghanistan or if terrorist groups use it again as a base to launch attacks against the United States.
ā€œHeā€™s setting a marker to say ā€˜I told you soā€™ when Afghanistan goes to hell,ā€ he said. ā€œHe makes these little down payments on political investments that may turn out or may not.ā€
Bad stuff will ensue if the United States and its allies finally extract themselves from Bush's Folly, just as will occur if they if they squat there in perpetuity. Will Republicans snivel about it no longer being Americans who are dying there as a consequence of Trump's perennial raving against the U.S. presence in Afghanistan suddenly being heeded?
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Neocons will lose on this one.....

There is bipartisan support for the ending of these endless wars in the Middle matter how much they try to repackage and rebrand it.....
LOL, no. There is ā€œbipartisan supportā€ for keeping us there.

Keep in mind Bidenā€™s ā€œwithdrawā€ isnā€™t really one. 18,000 contractors will remain there along with the CIA.
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Biden's a populist.

Overwhelming majority backs US withdrawal from Afghanistan: poll

Biden is a mindless dolt who does whatever the Washington Establishment tells him. Why do you think he was installed into power?
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Biden's a populist.

Overwhelming majority backs US withdrawal from Afghanistan: poll

Biden is a mindless dolt who does whatever the Washington Establishment tells him. Why do you think he was installed into power?

The argument was it was the Washington Establishment that was against leaving Afghanistan which is why Trump couldn't do it.
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Biden's a populist.

Overwhelming majority backs US withdrawal from Afghanistan: poll

Biden is a mindless dolt who does whatever the Washington Establishment tells him. Why do you think he was installed into power?

The argument was it was the Washington Establishment that was against leaving Afghanistan which is why Trump couldn't do it.
They fought hard against President Trump, but he managed to get the forces down to 2500.

Donā€™t worry, some ā€œeventā€ will happen to give them the excuse to stay.
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Biden's a populist.

Overwhelming majority backs US withdrawal from Afghanistan: poll

Biden is a mindless dolt who does whatever the Washington Establishment tells him. Why do you think he was installed into power?

The argument was it was the Washington Establishment that was against leaving Afghanistan which is why Trump couldn't do it.
They fought hard against President Trump, but he managed to get the forces down to 2500.

Donā€™t worry, some ā€œeventā€ will happen to give them the excuse to stay.

That won't surprise me one bit.
Surprising like no hint of implementing a public option, let alone Medicare for All. Surprising like no plan for raising the general minimum wage to at least $15/hr. Otoh, unsurprisingly better for the general public than anything proposed so far by the opposition.
Neocons will lose on this one.....

There is bipartisan support for the ending of these endless wars in the Middle matter how much they try to repackage and rebrand it.....
LOL, no. There is ā€œbipartisan supportā€ for keeping us there.

Keep in mind Bidenā€™s ā€œwithdrawā€ isnā€™t really one. 18,000 contractors will remain there along with the CIA.
The bipartisan support I am talking about is AMONG THE PEOPLE.....that is the only support I care about......

To the extent that pressure can be exerted on the politicians to do the right thing is mitigated by defense contractor lobbyists and partisan hacks who just want to scoreboard each other.....
I agreed with Trump when he said we should do this. I asked over and over why he didn't and I was told he couldn't. Odd that Biden can if indeed he does (I'm still not betting on it until I see it).
Biden's a populist.

Overwhelming majority backs US withdrawal from Afghanistan: poll

Biden is a mindless dolt who does whatever the Washington Establishment tells him. Why do you think he was installed into power?

The argument was it was the Washington Establishment that was against leaving Afghanistan which is why Trump couldn't do it.
Trump began the withdrawal, Biden can take the credit.
"I made early withdraw possible by already pulling much of our billions of dollars and equipment out and, more importantly, reducing our military presence to less than 2,000 troops from the 16,000 level that was there," Trump said.

Trump calls Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal​

'a wonderful and positive thing to do!'

Whining about the President's pursuing policies that are popular with the American people is what the loitering opposition does, but when a policy comports with what the Former Guy had been stridently advocating for years but had failed to act upon, one might descry a hint of blatant, knee-jerk partisanship in their bemoaning it:

McConnell has seized on Bidenā€™s announcement that he will withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan as a prime example of him talking like a centrist but governing from the left. The GOP leader has warned that Biden has ordered ā€œa hasty total withdrawal from Afghanistanā€ that will ā€œleave coalition partners and vulnerable Afghans high and dry.ā€
Trumpā€™s hearty endorsement of pulling U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by September has undercut efforts by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and other key Republicans to question President Bidenā€™s strategy.
More broadly, the former president has focused the nationā€™s attention on China as the United Statesā€™s premier national security concern, putting pressure on Senate Republicans to support legislation Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) plans to move to respond to Beijingā€™s growing influence and power.
Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.), McConnellā€™s potential successor, says Bidenā€™s decision is ā€œa big mistakeā€ and ā€œnot the right move.ā€
Al Cross, a professor of journalism at the University of Kentucky and a longtime commentator on Kentucky politics, said McConnell is trying to set it up so that he can pounce on Biden if militant extremists seize full control of Afghanistan or if terrorist groups use it again as a base to launch attacks against the United States.
ā€œHeā€™s setting a marker to say ā€˜I told you soā€™ when Afghanistan goes to hell,ā€ he said. ā€œHe makes these little down payments on political investments that may turn out or may not.ā€
Bad stuff will ensue if the United States and its allies finally extract themselves from Bush's Folly, just as will occur if they if they squat there in perpetuity. Will Republicans snivel about it no longer being Americans who are dying there as a consequence of Trump's perennial raving against the U.S. presence in Afghanistan suddenly being heeded?
imo Thune is a dead man walking.

And back in Obama's admin, Biden ceased being in favor of committing to Afghan after he met with Karzi. He's opting for the policy he advocated then. Bomb the living shit out of them if they ever allow international terrorists in again, but Afghan is pretty much a lost cause, and has been since Kipling's time. Sad for the women. But would you really want to grant them amnesty here? Not me.

Makes Saudi Arabia and BSM look a little better in comparison. But they can't be allowed to kill US journalists.

Donā€™t worry, some ā€œeventā€ will happen to give them the excuse to stay.
The Cry Baby Sore Loser found excuses to squat, despite his whining about the Bush Boondoggle for years:

October 7, 2011​

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ā€œWhen will we stop wasting our money on rebuilding Afghanistan? We must rebuild our country first,ā€ he tweeted in October 2011.​

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February 27, 2012​

ā€œIt is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests,ā€ he tweeted in February 2012.​

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March 12, 2012​

ā€œAfghanistan is a total disaster. We donā€™t know what we are doing. They are, in addition to everything else, robbing us blind,ā€ he tweeted in March 2012.​

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August 21, 2012​

ā€œWhy are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!ā€ he tweeted in August 2012.​

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October 20, 2015​

Trump said the US was right to invade Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks ā€“ a reversal of his position earlier in October 2015 when he called the war a ā€œmistake.ā€
ā€œWe made a mistake going into Iraq. Iā€™ve never said we made a mistake going into Afghanistan,ā€ Trump told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on ā€œNew Dayā€ when pressed about his comments.​
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December 21, 2015​

ā€œA suicide bomber has just killed U.S. troops in Afghanistan. When will our leaders get tough and smart. We are being led to slaughter!ā€ Trump tweeted in 2015.​
Finally, Americans elected a President with the cojones to end the futile waste of American lives and treasure.




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Afghanistan is a Bi-Partisan clusterfuck!

After 20+ years of pushing chips across the table at this Dead-End Casino, the only winners were the MIC, their Bi-Partisan patrons, and lobbyists.
And they all didn't even give the American taxpayer chip supplier one iota of thanks.

But, it is how our blood economy does business!

Donā€™t worry, some ā€œeventā€ will happen to give them the excuse to stay.
The Cry Baby Sore Loser found excuses to squat, despite his whining about the Bush Boondoggle for years:

October 7, 2011​

ā€œWhen will we stop wasting our money on rebuilding Afghanistan? We must rebuild our country first,ā€ he tweeted in October 2011.​

February 27, 2012​

ā€œIt is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests,ā€ he tweeted in February 2012.​

March 12, 2012​

ā€œAfghanistan is a total disaster. We donā€™t know what we are doing. They are, in addition to everything else, robbing us blind,ā€ he tweeted in March 2012.​

August 21, 2012​

ā€œWhy are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!ā€ he tweeted in August 2012.​

October 20, 2015​

Trump said the US was right to invade Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks ā€“ a reversal of his position earlier in October 2015 when he called the war a ā€œmistake.ā€
ā€œWe made a mistake going into Iraq. Iā€™ve never said we made a mistake going into Afghanistan,ā€ Trump told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on ā€œNew Dayā€ when pressed about his comments.​

December 21, 2015​

ā€œA suicide bomber has just killed U.S. troops in Afghanistan. When will our leaders get tough and smart. We are being led to slaughter!ā€ Trump tweeted in 2015.​
Finally, Americans elected a President with the cojones to end the futile waste of American lives and treasure.


Biden already delayed President Trumpā€™s withdrawal plan.

You can try to spin President Trumpā€™s foreign policy all you want. The fact remains he refused to Regime Change Syria which the Democrats hated, as they claimed Assad ā€œhad to goā€. He also managed to wipe ISIS off the map, without invading a new country. He also withdrew troops from Afghanistan and Iraq down to a mere 2500. Can Biden manage to withdraw the final few thousand without fucking it up? Weā€™ll see, all he has to do is carry out President Trumpā€™s plan.

President Trumpā€™s foreign policy was easily the best we had in 70 years.

Donā€™t worry, some ā€œeventā€ will happen to give them the excuse to stay.
The Cry Baby Sore Loser found excuses to squat, despite his whining about the Bush Boondoggle for years:

October 7, 2011​

ā€œWhen will we stop wasting our money on rebuilding Afghanistan? We must rebuild our country first,ā€ he tweeted in October 2011.​

February 27, 2012​

ā€œIt is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests,ā€ he tweeted in February 2012.​

March 12, 2012​

ā€œAfghanistan is a total disaster. We donā€™t know what we are doing. They are, in addition to everything else, robbing us blind,ā€ he tweeted in March 2012.​

August 21, 2012​

ā€œWhy are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!ā€ he tweeted in August 2012.​

October 20, 2015​

Trump said the US was right to invade Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks ā€“ a reversal of his position earlier in October 2015 when he called the war a ā€œmistake.ā€
ā€œWe made a mistake going into Iraq. Iā€™ve never said we made a mistake going into Afghanistan,ā€ Trump told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on ā€œNew Dayā€ when pressed about his comments.​

December 21, 2015​

ā€œA suicide bomber has just killed U.S. troops in Afghanistan. When will our leaders get tough and smart. We are being led to slaughter!ā€ Trump tweeted in 2015.​
Finally, Americans elected a President with the cojones to end the futile waste of American lives and treasure.


Biden already delayed President Trumpā€™s withdrawal plan.

You can try to spin President Trumpā€™s foreign policy all you want. The fact remains he refused to Regime Change Syria which the Democrats hated, as they claimed Assad ā€œhad to goā€. He also managed to wipe ISIS off the map, without invading a new country. He also withdrew troops from Afghanistan and Iraq down to a mere 2500. Can Biden manage to withdraw the final few thousand without fucking it up? Weā€™ll see, all he has to do is carry out President Trumpā€™s plan.

President Trumpā€™s foreign policy was easily the best we had in 70 years.

A plan is not anything other than that.
The plan of pulling the troops out will always be popular the part that is never given any consideration is what happens next. I get how long we have been in Afghanistan and the reasons for saying enough is enough but just as we don't consider the consquences for when we topple a dictator be it Sadam in Iraq or Gaddafi in Libya we also don't think about them when we leave either. We don't want to stay in Afghanistan forever but after we are gone I think there is a good chance it reverts back to what it was pre 9-11 and becomes a terrorist safe haven again there is no easy answer on this and risk no matter what you do.
The plan of pulling the troops out will always be popular the part that is never given any consideration is what happens next. I get how long we have been in Afghanistan and the reasons for saying enough is enough but just as we don't consider the consquences for when we topple a dictator be it Sadam in Iraq or Gaddafi in Libya we also don't think about them when we leave either. We don't want to stay in Afghanistan forever but after we are gone I think there is a good chance it reverts back to what it was pre 9-11 and becomes a terrorist safe haven again there is no easy answer on this and risk no matter what you do.

The time to consider the consequences is BEFORE you destroy the country.

The "terrorists" fled to Pakistan. We really didn't care. It was never about the "terrorists".
The plan of pulling the troops out will always be popular the part that is never given any consideration is what happens next. I get how long we have been in Afghanistan and the reasons for saying enough is enough but just as we don't consider the consquences for when we topple a dictator be it Sadam in Iraq or Gaddafi in Libya we also don't think about them when we leave either. We don't want to stay in Afghanistan forever but after we are gone I think there is a good chance it reverts back to what it was pre 9-11 and becomes a terrorist safe haven again there is no easy answer on this and risk no matter what you do.

The time to consider the consequences is BEFORE you destroy the country.

The "terrorists" fled to Pakistan. We really didn't care. It was never about the "terrorists".
The country was destroyed long before we got there it was a clusterfuck before Russia invaded it it along with pretty much the entire Middle East it has been for a very, very, very long time. Despite all this the Western powers still think they can go in there and fix it maybe some day they will realize that is not going to happen and maybe some day these terrorist groups will realize attacking the West is not a good gameplan but I doubt either will. They both seem determined to live by the saying those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.

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