Biden's Win Trades One Political Fantasy For Another

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949
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Biden's presumed "win" is certainly a victory for Red China, the Palestinians, Iran as well as the Islamic State.

I don't want to hear any whining from the LGBTQ+ community about their members being shoved off of tall buildings, after all, they voted for America's subservience to these forces.
“Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”

I can believe fact, I would say there is a linear direct correlation between the two.
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“Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”

I like this quote. I would slightly modify it to "Americans are the best entertained and best medicated" people in the whole world."

Being poorly informed IMO is a consequence of being preoccupied with pain, anxiety or obsessions with cell phones, video games or other forms of entertainment. If drugs, cell phones and games are your priority, will you take the time to analyze what is happening to our country beyond what is spoon fed to us from TV media? Not very many do that.
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

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This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949
“Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another”

Actually not.

The 2020 General Election was solely about Trump, a referendum on Trump; and for Trump’s opponents the goal was voting Trump out of office.

Biden, therefore, was merely a means to that end; indeed, many – likely most – Biden voters were indifferent to the former vice-president, harboring no fantasies as to who Biden is or what his administration represents, save that of ridding the country of Trump.

This is why the right’s futile efforts to vilify and demonize Biden have failed, efforts both pointless and ridiculous.
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.
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This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .

This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .


It is just pure “dreampolitik” and fantasy to confuse the Western liberal imperial order with fascism. Neither right nor left wing populism, not social democracy / democratic socialism, not small bourgeois democracies nor our giant corporate-dominated Federal republic can be labeled “fascist.”

Global fascism” is even a more ridiculous fantasy description of the present world reality, in which Chinese and Russian state capitalism remain politically independent of Wall Street’s liberal / neo-con corporate system.

Your talk of “NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate ... forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism” inserts the word “fascism” without sense or purpose whatever. Using dictionary definitions is childish, but even the ones you quoted make it clear we are NOT living under “fascism” in any sense but the surreal.

Of course the violence and terrors of life in many third world countries, or countries torn apart to serve imperialism, means the Western “liberal world order” is a nightmare for them. When you are dead it doesn’t matter whether a liberal or neo-con soldier dropped the bomb on your head, or if it was a real fascist in the pay of some lunatic fuhrer.

But it is as clear as can be that you and I are NOT living under a fascist world order. Not under Biden, and not under Trump. That is a political fantasy pushed by partisan hysterics who have never experienced or even studied real fascism.
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

Wow....there is a lot to contemplate in this. First thought that pops up though is are we edging ever closer to Idiocracy?
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This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .


It is just pure “dreampolitik” and fantasy to confuse the Western liberal imperial order with fascism. Neither right nor left wing populism, not social democracy / democratic socialism, not small bourgeois democracies nor our giant corporate-dominated Federal republic can be labeled “fascist.”

Global fascism” is even a more ridiculous fantasy description of the present world reality, in which Chinese and Russian state capitalism remain politically independent of Wall Street’s liberal / neo-con corporate system.

Your talk of “NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate ... forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism” inserts the word “fascism” without sense or purpose whatever. Using dictionary definitions is childish, but even the ones you quoted make it clear we are NOT living under “fascism” in any sense but the surreal.

Of course the violence and terrors of life in many third world countries, or countries torn apart to serve imperialism, means the Western “liberal world order” is a nightmare for them. When you are dead it doesn’t matter whether a liberal or neo-con soldier dropped the bomb on your head, or if it was a real fascist in the pay of some lunatic fuhrer.

But it is as clear as can be that you and I are NOT living under a fascist world order. Not under Biden, and not under Trump. That is a political fantasy pushed by partisan hysterics who have never experienced or even studied real fascism.

I would argue that while we are certainly not living under fascism (and I think we can thank our Constitution and the wisdom of our founders in making it very hard to alter) for that) - there have been some very disturbing echos of some of it’s rhetoric in our current administration.



When I speak of fascism, I speak of rulers who use emotion to distract the population, and a system of state supported private enterprise.

None of which you have refuted.

It is all there, as it was predicted, nearly ninety years ago. . . .

Global, technocratic fascism. Your denial of facts won't make it go away.

This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

And what, precisely, were "Trumpsters" trying to do all along other than throw off the statist media, academic, corporate and bureaucratic establishment, which marginalizes the imperatives of natural law as it systematically decimates small business and the middle class?

Progressives are rank fascists, always have been. There's nothing liberal about the prevailing cultural establishment.

A superior source for understanding the reality of the impending socio-political apocalypse is American Thinker. It doesn't marginalize the folks who actually make the sausage in this country—who are actually quite well-informed about what matters—with the pseudo-intellectual, mealy-mouthed piffle of elitist windbags. These are the forgotten folks of everyday-walk-in-the-common-sense-and-decency for whom Trump, despite his foibles, spoke.
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .


It is just pure “dreampolitik” and fantasy to confuse the Western liberal imperial order with fascism. Neither right nor left wing populism, not social democracy / democratic socialism, not small bourgeois democracies nor our giant corporate-dominated Federal republic can be labeled “fascist.”

Global fascism” is even a more ridiculous fantasy description of the present world reality, in which Chinese and Russian state capitalism remain politically independent of Wall Street’s liberal / neo-con corporate system.

Your talk of “NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate ... forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism” inserts the word “fascism” without sense or purpose whatever. Using dictionary definitions is childish, but even the ones you quoted make it clear we are NOT living under “fascism” in any sense but the surreal.

Of course the violence and terrors of life in many third world countries, or countries torn apart to serve imperialism, means the Western “liberal world order” is a nightmare for them. When you are dead it doesn’t matter whether a liberal or neo-con soldier dropped the bomb on your head, or if it was a real fascist in the pay of some lunatic fuhrer.

But it is as clear as can be that you and I are NOT living under a fascist world order. Not under Biden, and not under Trump. That is a political fantasy pushed by partisan hysterics who have never experienced or even studied real fascism.

I would argue that while we are certainly not living under fascism (and I think we can thank our Constitution and the wisdom of our founders in making it very hard to alter) for that) - there have been some very disturbing echos of some of it’s rhetoric in our current administration.

Oh, for crying out loud! What utter nonsense. What, precisely, are these "disturbing echo[e]s" of fascism from the current administration?
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .


It is just pure “dreampolitik” and fantasy to confuse the Western liberal imperial order with fascism. Neither right nor left wing populism, not social democracy / democratic socialism, not small bourgeois democracies nor our giant corporate-dominated Federal republic can be labeled “fascist.”

Global fascism” is even a more ridiculous fantasy description of the present world reality, in which Chinese and Russian state capitalism remain politically independent of Wall Street’s liberal / neo-con corporate system.

Your talk of “NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate ... forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism” inserts the word “fascism” without sense or purpose whatever. Using dictionary definitions is childish, but even the ones you quoted make it clear we are NOT living under “fascism” in any sense but the surreal.

Of course the violence and terrors of life in many third world countries, or countries torn apart to serve imperialism, means the Western “liberal world order” is a nightmare for them. When you are dead it doesn’t matter whether a liberal or neo-con soldier dropped the bomb on your head, or if it was a real fascist in the pay of some lunatic fuhrer.

But it is as clear as can be that you and I are NOT living under a fascist world order. Not under Biden, and not under Trump. That is a political fantasy pushed by partisan hysterics who have never experienced or even studied real fascism.

I would argue that while we are certainly not living under fascism (and I think we can thank our Constitution and the wisdom of our founders in making it very hard to alter) for that) - there have been some very disturbing echos of some of it’s rhetoric in our current administration.

Oh, for crying out loud! What utter nonsense. What, precisely, are these "disturbing echo[e]s" of fascism from the current administration?

“disturbing echos in some of it’s rhetoric
This is a commentary on our media today, but also on our whole culture. It seems to me interesting and mostly accurate. Does it get you thinking about anything? Not looking for partisan polemic here, so much as reflection on living in political — or other — fantasies. As an old retired guy I personally have time to watch sci-fi or Marvel fantasies all day long. I’ve traveled all over the world and I must say one thing about U.S. TV and film culture (I don’t do gaming): nobody does entertainment and fantasy as well as we do. I’m reminded of an old saying I first heard from a conservative South American friend: “Americans are the best entertained and the worst informed people in the whole world.”


Today, the liberal U.S. establishment is congratulating itself for having waged a resistance to authoritarianism... What is playing out is an increasingly extreme divergence of narrative from reality, on all sides: a phenomenon that some have termed “political virtualism,” or even “dreampolitik.”

Among the conservative base, there is no consensus about accepting the unfavorable election results and moving on. Instead, the fantasies everywhere seem to be getting more powerful....

The fantasy of a planet led by a benevolent liberal hegemon has proven no less destructive in reality than Trump’s strongman appeal ... Unsustainable on its own terms, the benevolent hegemon narrative appears to be undergoing a slow and painful collapse....

OUR WIDER CULTURE is to blame for this style of American virtual politics.... Foretold by certain far-sighted U.S. commentators in the past, entertainment has so thoroughly colonized all spheres of life that the election of a reality television star as president becomes not just possible but a logical outcome.

AT THE START of the information age — decades before social media, reality television, and cable news — the historian Daniel Boorstin warned that such a challenge to American democracy was on the horizon: the threat of fantasy. As Boorstin wrote in his 1962 book “The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America,” an extremely powerful culture industry had already begun to reshape the consciousness of Americans in a way that could blind them to the realities of their own country....

To put it another way, the channel is being changed from “The Apprentice” back to “The West Wing.”

Biden’s Win Trades One Political Fantasy for Another

Please do not use caps with thread titles. Thank you. Tom Paine 1949

This article and that Times itself, are, sort of ironic reflections of the very things this piece is talking about.

Both are Gas Lights, and no where in either do they, I am sure, really ever want to mention the role of NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate in forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism.

I mean hell, that whole thing about twitter blacklisting a legitimate story about Hunter Biden, and Facebook doing the same, (that NY Post story,) and then, as soon as the election is over, it coming out as true?

. . . and WHAT THE FUCK?! The INTERCEPT, sure has balls of steel and is hypocritical as hell, running a story like this, when they participated in THIS SAME DAMN SHIT?!

Are we supposed to take them seriously now?!!!

I say, FUCK OFF! :fu:

Thanks for this interesting “Unherd” interview with the courageous journalist Glenn Greenwald, whose opinions are always worth considering carefully. Greenwald is a “leftist” now risking his life exposing the powers that be in Brazil. As I’m sure you know, he recently resigned from The Intercept, which he co-founded. I think the Intercept is still worth following, though I certainly don’t agree with everything I read there.

I think Greenwald, who famously assisted Julian Assange in getting his early whistle-blowing exposes published in major papers around the world, Assange himself, and the plight of Ed Snowden, all show how difficult it is to avoid being “played,” how difficult it is to thread the needle between corporate or popular fantasy in the U.S., foreign and domestic institutions ... to “speak truth to power” in our era.

I disagree that the big corporate media ignoring Hunter Biden news (and all the rest) is somehow a sign of “global fascism.” The Democrats and big corporate establishment media certainly played hardball with the Republicans and Trump ... but that is not fascism. The liberal Establishment media is losing its grip, and Section 230 should be revoked to break up social media monopolies, but none of what they did amounts to “fascism” — anymore than what Trumpsters tried to do all along. It was indeed just “virtual dream politics” invading the world of real politics once again.

Let's look at the definition of fascism, shall we?

1. often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
2. Oppressive, dictatorial control.

Now, while it is true, we do not have a dictator in our world paradigm of fascism, I would maintain, that all other elements seem to be coming to fruition.

The most important, and premier element of fascism, is the dirigiste economic model, where NGO's, Foundations, and corporations are given official or unofficial control over large sections of governing power. This has clearly become the norm in most supposedly democratic nation's and their institutions. It is why most folks do not trust them anymore. If we look at the World Economic Forum, or the World Health Organization, and the various memberships associated with it, it is now clear, what is driving all policiy in professional organizations, and the world propaganda in the press. Representative government, and objective scienctific debate have no place in society anymore, it is all bully tactics and oppression from the global fascists.

Billionaires and their trillion dollar multi-national corporations, along with their bullshit propaganda do more to move populations than democratic norms.

Big tech is starting to censor all voices of dissent, and in all likelihood was instrumental in putting their guy in the White House.

Big Media has created a false narrative that ethnicity is what is important, not character, going so far as demonizing police forces for doing their job when it comes to go after criminals, regardless of their race. This is, obviously using race. . a FASCIST characteristic in politics, to divide people by race.

. . . and the entire corporate/government media complex is moving us toward an economic system that is not longer free. Small business are going out of business, and it is all planned with these revolving lock-downs which are not based on science.

That CARES ACT funneled billions of dollars to the biggest companies, while leaving the poor and small businesses to suffer and die. . . .


It is just pure “dreampolitik” and fantasy to confuse the Western liberal imperial order with fascism. Neither right nor left wing populism, not social democracy / democratic socialism, not small bourgeois democracies nor our giant corporate-dominated Federal republic can be labeled “fascist.”

Global fascism” is even a more ridiculous fantasy description of the present world reality, in which Chinese and Russian state capitalism remain politically independent of Wall Street’s liberal / neo-con corporate system.

Your talk of “NGO's, corporate supported foundations, or the interlocking directorate ... forming the global fascism that supports the consensus of Neo-liberalism and Neo-conservatism” inserts the word “fascism” without sense or purpose whatever. Using dictionary definitions is childish, but even the ones you quoted make it clear we are NOT living under “fascism” in any sense but the surreal.

Of course the violence and terrors of life in many third world countries, or countries torn apart to serve imperialism, means the Western “liberal world order” is a nightmare for them. When you are dead it doesn’t matter whether a liberal or neo-con soldier dropped the bomb on your head, or if it was a real fascist in the pay of some lunatic fuhrer.

But it is as clear as can be that you and I are NOT living under a fascist world order. Not under Biden, and not under Trump. That is a political fantasy pushed by partisan hysterics who have never experienced or even studied real fascism.

I would argue that while we are certainly not living under fascism (and I think we can thank our Constitution and the wisdom of our founders in making it very hard to alter) for that) - there have been some very disturbing echos of some of it’s rhetoric in our current administration.

Oh, for crying out loud! What utter nonsense. What, precisely, are these "disturbing echo[e]s" of fascism from the current administration?

“disturbing echos in some of it’s rhetoric

Such as?

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