Big Dollar Welfare Queens

I say we need a flat tax with no deductions, no loopholes. No legislation to support one business or industry over another, no grants of any kind. Let the people decide who deserves their dollars.

Wouldn’t it be a lot smarter to keep that extra money in the hands of individual Americans themselves? Where they can independently determine what products meet their needs best, and in the meantime, signal to businesses what new products and technologies they really want?

Yes! :clap2:
There's a reason the founders denied funding for the sciences and arts. They considered it a civil obligation for business and entrepreneurs. Then came the people who thought they knew better, and here we are.
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Sorry, it ain't Wanda in the trailer park with 5 different kids from 5 different dads...............

$100 Billion of Corporate Welfare | MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

Let's view the big four on the list, because they drop off after that significantly:
(1) Agriculture: The BIG and RATIONAL fear is if we don't make our agricultural sector financially competitive it will be outsourced to cheaper LESS REGULATED countries such as China, Mexico and all of South America. We will then be dependent on outsource for our food as we are with oil. We can NEVER be dependent on imported food. It puts us at way too much of a vulnerable situation!

(2) Energy: Another item we can't live without. Believe it or not TAX BENEFITS here bring down energy costs. Even small increases have devastating ripals throughout the country's economy. Energy costs effect everyone from homeowners, renters, business owners, drivers, shippers etc.!

(3) Applied R & D: Do you know what jobs we are losing to India? R & D jobs. R&D jobs are high paying jobs that allow companies to maintain a competitive edge and develop new products. These new products enhance quality of life, keep America competitive and provide countless jobs.

(4) Housing: Where do you think alot of this money goes to? Cheap housing for power people. Construction in this country is a MAJOR employer of high paying jobs and a major purchaser of US based manufactured products such as pipes, tubes, tubes, air conditioners, steel, wood etc. They should have an incentive to buy more and build more.

See what people don't understand if you didn't give tax breaks to corporations, then business functions like R&D would be shipped over seas, because of our insanely high corporate taxes. Reduce the corporate taxes and eliminate the loop holes! What socialist don't understand is that welfare to people takes away incentive to work. Tax benefits to corporations creates or KEEPS jobs in America!
Now now now............ Corporate Welfare gets a free pass. Trickle down, you know.........

No, they dont

They Sure dont...Look at all the angry ppl in here discussing how a billion dollars could be used in better places. *crickets*

Yep, like I said, NO ONE deserves welfare, except for a few exceptions. Vets, disabled and seniors. And the occasional single mother of 4 that lost her job. TEMPORARY assistance
Sorry, it ain't Wanda in the trailer park with 5 different kids from 5 different dads...............

$100 Billion of Corporate Welfare | MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

Let's view the big four on the list, because they drop off after that significantly:
(1) Agriculture: The BIG and RATIONAL fear is if we don't make our agricultural sector financially competitive it will be outsourced to cheaper LESS REGULATED countries such as China, Mexico and all of South America. We will then be dependent on outsource for our food as we are with oil. We can NEVER be dependent on imported food. It puts us at way too much of a vulnerable situation!

Did you even read the link?

Federal farm programs redistribute wealth from taxpayers to a small group of relatively well-off farm businesses and landowners. The United States Department of Agriculture figures show that the average income of farm households has been consistently higher than the average of all U.S. households. In 2010, the average income of farm households was $84,400—or 25 percent higher than the $67,530 average of all U.S. households.6

Moreover, the majority of farm subsidies go to the largest farms. For example, the largest 10 percent of recipients received 68 percent of all commodity subsidies in 2010.7

(2) Energy: Another item we can't live without. Believe it or not TAX BENEFITS here bring down energy costs. Even small increases have devastating ripals throughout the country's economy. Energy costs effect everyone from homeowners, renters, business owners, drivers, shippers etc.!

For every dollar you give back to a big company, that's a dollar someone else has to dig out of their pocket. You and I.

(3) Applied R & D: Do you know what jobs we are losing to India? R & D jobs. R&D jobs are high paying jobs that allow companies to maintain a competitive edge and develop new products. These new products enhance quality of life, keep America competitive and provide countless jobs.

Again, you did not read the link:

Here, rather than funding basic science research as a public good from which general applications might be produced by businesses, the U.S. government is instead providing funding directly to corporations for the purpose of developing specific products and services, even if they don’t make any real business sense.

(4) Housing: Where do you think alot of this money goes to? Cheap housing for power people. Construction in this country is a MAJOR employer of high paying jobs and a major purchaser of US based manufactured products such as pipes, tubes, tubes, air conditioners, steel, wood etc. They should have an incentive to buy more and build more.

Yes, putting people into houses they could not afford worked out SO well! The government should not be in the business of social behavior modification.
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the only way to end most cooperate welfare would be to have across the board laws in the U.S.A. so one state or citie couldnt draw another company to them with sweet heart deals. but then you couldnt call this the USA anymore..... it wouldx have to be changed it to the USSA.

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