Big Dollar Welfare Queens

They do get money from us...If they didnt get the money I'm wondering how you made the leap of it would have to go to our enemies?

Just figured you were a typical liberal and hated Israel but didn't mind us supporting people that wanted us to fuckin die

just a curious question I always wanted to know. why does the average liberal hate Israel? I never understood that. what do they teach in school now a days, for young kids to hate Israel?

Is this a serious question? Like "when did you stop beating your wife"?

You make an assumption and ask a question based on that bullshit assumption. No one hates Israel. When ppl ask why the hell do we pay Israel so much money? You hear "I hate Israel". When ppl ask why we kiss Israel ass so much more than other countries? You hear "I hate Israel".

The reason is because you have to frame others thoughts into what is comfortable for you...So you see it as loving or hating. Easy, right?

We cant talk, discuss or even wonder about Israel without the reactionaries flopping all over going "OMG OMG OMG you hate Israel OMG OMG OMG"

Never an answer just fake outrage
Just figured you were a typical liberal and hated Israel but didn't mind us supporting people that wanted us to fuckin die

See what happens when you assume. Wondering why Israel needs our money always equals "hating Israel" to Ppl who don't have an answer so they pretend to know others feelings, attitude and motivations rather than deal with what's actually said.

I have plenty of answers
So, tell me, if I was wrong, what was the meaning? Since you like Israel, and mad at our administration for supplying people that hate us?

I dont like or dislike Israel no more than I like or dislike Scotland. What is the need or requirement to like Israel about anyway?
Just figured you were a typical liberal and hated Israel but didn't mind us supporting people that wanted us to fuckin die

just a curious question I always wanted to know. why does the average liberal hate Israel? I never understood that. what do they teach in school now a days, for young kids to hate Israel?

Is this a serious question? Like "when did you stop beating your wife"?

You make an assumption and ask a question based on that bullshit assumption. No one hates Israel. When ppl ask why the hell do we pay Israel so much money? You hear "I hate Israel". When ppl ask why we kiss Israel ass so much more than other countries? You hear "I hate Israel".

The reason is because you have to frame others thoughts into what is comfortable for you...So you see it as loving or hating. Easy, right?

We cant talk, discuss or even wonder about Israel without the reactionaries flopping all over going "OMG OMG OMG you hate Israel OMG OMG OMG"

Never an answer just fake outrage

oh pleeeeease. its never a civil debate, they hate Israel, want it gone and never give reasons why.
just a curious question I always wanted to know. why does the average liberal hate Israel? I never understood that. what do they teach in school now a days, for young kids to hate Israel?

Is this a serious question? Like "when did you stop beating your wife"?

You make an assumption and ask a question based on that bullshit assumption. No one hates Israel. When ppl ask why the hell do we pay Israel so much money? You hear "I hate Israel". When ppl ask why we kiss Israel ass so much more than other countries? You hear "I hate Israel".

The reason is because you have to frame others thoughts into what is comfortable for you...So you see it as loving or hating. Easy, right?

We cant talk, discuss or even wonder about Israel without the reactionaries flopping all over going "OMG OMG OMG you hate Israel OMG OMG OMG"

Never an answer just fake outrage

oh pleeeeease. its never a civil debate, they hate Israel, want it gone and never give reasons why.

Who does? Nameless, faceless typical liberals? Since they are sooo typical it should be easy to prove me wrong, correct? Let me guess, you dont have time to prove your bullshit right? You're too busy clutching your pearl necklace going "OMG OMG OMG"
Is this a serious question? Like "when did you stop beating your wife"?

You make an assumption and ask a question based on that bullshit assumption. No one hates Israel. When ppl ask why the hell do we pay Israel so much money? You hear "I hate Israel". When ppl ask why we kiss Israel ass so much more than other countries? You hear "I hate Israel".

The reason is because you have to frame others thoughts into what is comfortable for you...So you see it as loving or hating. Easy, right?

We cant talk, discuss or even wonder about Israel without the reactionaries flopping all over going "OMG OMG OMG you hate Israel OMG OMG OMG"

Never an answer just fake outrage

oh pleeeeease. its never a civil debate, they hate Israel, want it gone and never give reasons why.

Who does? Nameless, faceless typical liberals? Since they are sooo typical it should be easy to prove me wrong, correct? Let me guess, you dont have time to prove your bullshit right? You're too busy clutching your pearl necklace going "OMG OMG OMG"

just go to mocospace news and politics and ghost read all the haterd towards Israel from the liberal kids { my applogys to the mods if I a not supposed to mention another site}
oh pleeeeease. its never a civil debate, they hate Israel, want it gone and never give reasons why.

Who does? Nameless, faceless typical liberals? Since they are sooo typical it should be easy to prove me wrong, correct? Let me guess, you dont have time to prove your bullshit right? You're too busy clutching your pearl necklace going "OMG OMG OMG"

just go to mocospace news and politics and ghost read all the haterd towards Israel from the liberal kids { my applogys to the mods if I a not supposed to mention another site}

And there we have it folks. Basing you understanding of an entire group of ppl on a group of nameless faceless ppl on the internet. Congrats...Your entire understanding of the opposite side comes from a message board. I would laugh but its funny in a sad sorta way. Heres a hint...ppl say a lot of crazy stuff on the internet because they're not held accountable :eek:
and besides I have been in political forums since around 2001 and political chat rooms since 95' been reading opinions in the paper for the past 42 years. thats all I hear from the left is their hatred for Israel. no whys, the only thing I can figure out is they wish Hitler finished what he started.
and besides I have been in political forums since around 2001 and political chat rooms since 95' been reading opinions in the paper for the past 42 years. thats all I hear from the left is their hatred for Israel. no whys, the only thing I can figure out is they wish Hitler finished what he started.

Considering you base your opinions on a message board...I see how you came to the final point skippy
Who does? Nameless, faceless typical liberals? Since they are sooo typical it should be easy to prove me wrong, correct? Let me guess, you dont have time to prove your bullshit right? You're too busy clutching your pearl necklace going "OMG OMG OMG"

just go to mocospace news and politics and ghost read all the haterd towards Israel from the liberal kids { my applogys to the mods if I a not supposed to mention another site}

And there we have it folks. Basing you understanding of an entire group of ppl on a group of nameless faceless ppl on the internet. Congrats...Your entire understanding of the opposite side comes from a message board. I would laugh but its funny in a sad sorta way. Heres a hint...ppl say a lot of crazy stuff on the internet because they're not held accountable :eek:

your the one that wanted a link, el' tardo, whats next you want me to drag one to your house?
But they are still on the teat so you agree with helping others?

Sorry, it ain't Wanda in the trailer park with 5 different kids from 5 different dads...............

$100 Billion of Corporate Welfare | MyGovCost | Government Cost Calculator

Let's view the big four on the list, because they drop off after that significantly:
(1) Agriculture: The BIG and RATIONAL fear is if we don't make our agricultural sector financially competitive it will be outsourced to cheaper LESS REGULATED countries such as China, Mexico and all of South America. We will then be dependent on outsource for our food as we are with oil. We can NEVER be dependent on imported food. It puts us at way too much of a vulnerable situation!

(2) Energy: Another item we can't live without. Believe it or not TAX BENEFITS here bring down energy costs. Even small increases have devastating ripals throughout the country's economy. Energy costs effect everyone from homeowners, renters, business owners, drivers, shippers etc.!

(3) Applied R & D: Do you know what jobs we are losing to India? R & D jobs. R&D jobs are high paying jobs that allow companies to maintain a competitive edge and develop new products. These new products enhance quality of life, keep America competitive and provide countless jobs.

(4) Housing: Where do you think alot of this money goes to? Cheap housing for power people. Construction in this country is a MAJOR employer of high paying jobs and a major purchaser of US based manufactured products such as pipes, tubes, tubes, air conditioners, steel, wood etc. They should have an incentive to buy more and build more.

See what people don't understand if you didn't give tax breaks to corporations, then business functions like R&D would be shipped over seas, because of our insanely high corporate taxes. Reduce the corporate taxes and eliminate the loop holes! What socialist don't understand is that welfare to people takes away incentive to work. Tax benefits to corporations creates or KEEPS jobs in America!
just go to mocospace news and politics and ghost read all the haterd towards Israel from the liberal kids { my applogys to the mods if I a not supposed to mention another site}

And there we have it folks. Basing you understanding of an entire group of ppl on a group of nameless faceless ppl on the internet. Congrats...Your entire understanding of the opposite side comes from a message board. I would laugh but its funny in a sad sorta way. Heres a hint...ppl say a lot of crazy stuff on the internet because they're not held accountable :eek:

your the one that wanted a link, el' tardo, whats next you want me to drag one to your house?

If you can find where I asked for a link you win a new brain scarecrow :cool:

And there we have it folks. Basing you understanding of an entire group of ppl on a group of nameless faceless ppl on the internet. Congrats...Your entire understanding of the opposite side comes from a message board. I would laugh but its funny in a sad sorta way. Heres a hint...ppl say a lot of crazy stuff on the internet because they're not held accountable :eek:

your the one that wanted a link, el' tardo, whats next you want me to drag one to your house?

If you can find where I asked for a link you win a new brain scarecrow :cool:

so now you want to play the ignorant newbie to the internet political forus? have at it.....
your the one that wanted a link, el' tardo, whats next you want me to drag one to your house?

If you can find where I asked for a link you win a new brain scarecrow :cool:

so now you want to play the ignorant newbie to the internet political forus? have at it.....

No actually I'm playing the ignorant newbie to forming opinions of an entire political group based off of internet message boards. May it forever remain so.

I do have a serious question: Why do cats have bad grammer? They always say they haz cheesburger, Isnt it "have"? At least thats the opinion I have based *snicker* on the internet cats LOL
and besides I have been in political forums since around 2001 and political chat rooms since 95' been reading opinions in the paper for the past 42 years. thats all I hear from the left is their hatred for Israel. no whys, the only thing I can figure out is they wish Hitler finished what he started.

Considering you base your opinions on a message board...I see how you came to the final point skippy

You really are a worthless troll!
and besides I have been in political forums since around 2001 and political chat rooms since 95' been reading opinions in the paper for the past 42 years. thats all I hear from the left is their hatred for Israel. no whys, the only thing I can figure out is they wish Hitler finished what he started.

Considering you base your opinions on a message board...I see how you came to the final point skippy

You really are a worthless troll!

Name calling doesnt replace a point Jack

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