Big time lawyers sue Trump campaign over emails tied to Russia hacks

You almost gotta laugh that democrats sue the Trump campaign over e mails when ten thousand Hillary e mails have gone missing and a freaking high school hacker could have intercepted her mom&pop operation.
Yea, ha ha. Only her server was never hacked. And Condi Rice and Colin Powell never turned over a single email even though ordered to by the State department. Seems rules are only for Democrats.

Condi Rice? It's well known that she didn't like conducting State Department business via email so she didn't use them. So you attempt to smear her name because she didn't turn over something that didn't exist? Condi Rice has more integrity in one of her little toes than you have in your entire body, R-Derp! Peddle that nonsense somewhere else!
Ahh, Condi but not Colin. In fact, Condi rarely used email, but she did use email.
You almost gotta laugh that democrats sue the Trump campaign over e mails when ten thousand Hillary e mails have gone missing and a freaking high school hacker could have intercepted her mom&pop operation.
Yea, ha ha. Only her server was never hacked. And Condi Rice and Colin Powell never turned over a single email even though ordered to by the State department. Seems rules are only for Democrats.

Condi Rice? It's well known that she didn't like conducting State Department business via email so she didn't use them. So you attempt to smear her name because she didn't turn over something that didn't exist? Condi Rice has more integrity in one of her little toes than you have in your entire body, R-Derp! Peddle that nonsense somewhere else!
Ahh, Condi but not Colin. In fact, Condi rarely used email, but she did use email.

So you admit that Rice rarely used emails...but you want her to turn over her emails? Do you really not understand how ridiculous that statement is?

Bottom line is this, R-Derp! Condi Rice has an impeccable reputation for integrity. Hillary Clinton does not. She has a reputation for being a pathological liar who would throw her own mother under a bus if would get her the Presidency! Condi Rice doesn't want to be President even though people were begging her to run.
You almost gotta laugh that democrats sue the Trump campaign over e mails when ten thousand Hillary e mails have gone missing and a freaking high school hacker could have intercepted her mom&pop operation.
Yea, ha ha. Only her server was never hacked. And Condi Rice and Colin Powell never turned over a single email even though ordered to by the State department. Seems rules are only for Democrats.

Its all cool. The fbi let the hillary destroy phones, bleech bit hard drives, and destroy emails. She didn't intend to do anything illegal. Lockstep on with your loonbats. They'll keep feeding you and you'll keep lapping it up like nectarine from the gods.
With these frivolous law sues is a way to prove to those that doesn't keep up with politics that there is a Russia conspiracy that is going on. And so when the truth comes out, that none of the Dems supporters will believe it. Like Obama's birth-certificate, is a fraudulent document. But Obama will say to his people, "See, there it goes again. Another fake news story". And so that his people will not believe it and the international community will not listen to it, because they will be confuse about it, whether to believe that it is true or not.

And was there any collusion in the transfer of money to Clinton and rich American soil to Russia? Do you suppose there were any discussions about that before it went down? Or was it spontaneous coincidental gifting?
It has to happen before we bother talking about it.
The best Republicans can do is some uranium nonsense. You gotta be so gullible to believe such nonsense.

So, it's being gullible to believe a proven fact BUWWWWAAAAAHHHHAAAAAHAAAA!!!!!

What's next from the left? Claiming that alt-right Zionist Jews bombed the twin towers so the we would nuke Palestine for the oil?
And was there any collusion in the transfer of money to Clinton and rich American soil to Russia? Do you suppose there were any discussions about that before it went down? Or was it spontaneous coincidental gifting?
It has to happen before we bother talking about it.
The best Republicans can do is some uranium nonsense. You gotta be so gullible to believe such nonsense.

Some uranium nonsense is why your girl lost...... Ask Iran if obtaining uranium is nonsense. Perhaps you don't understand the role uranium plays in making bombs.
The Russian women that Trump had nothing to do with is an Obama/Lynch screw up. Not a Trump one.
And was there any collusion in the transfer of money to Clinton and rich American soil to Russia? Do you suppose there were any discussions about that before it went down? Or was it spontaneous coincidental gifting?
It has to happen before we bother talking about it.
The best Republicans can do is some uranium nonsense. You gotta be so gullible to believe such nonsense.

Some uranium nonsense is why your girl lost...... Ask Iran if obtaining uranium is nonsense. Perhaps you don't understand the role uranium plays in making bombs.
The Russian women that Trump had nothing to do with is an Obama/Lynch screw up. Not a Trump one.
Who even knows what you are talking about? You better have all the facts or I'll have to b!tch slap the sh!t out of you. I do it to ignorant right wingers all the time. I don't like to, but they need it.
Watchdog group sues Trump campaign over emails tied to Russia hacks

Democrats Sue Trump Campaign Over Leaked Emails Tied to Russia

Let me explain what is going on.

You see, just getting a bunch of info from DNC servers and throwing it out into the public domain doesn't really "weaponize" the information. And Russians aren't really that familiar with American culture to understand what would be the most effective.

So these guys, high powered lawyers, filed a lawsuit just under the statute of limitations, suggesting that the Trump Campaign gave the Russians pointers on how to weaponize the material.

And you can thank Trump Jr.

Remember, his emails said the info was coming from the Russian government and it was to help Trump to become president. Where did they get those emails? From Trump Jr. himself. It's delicious.

So if there is probable cause, and there is with those emails and all the amended statements. That means it's possible that all those campaign records could be subpoenaed as well as all the people connected.


The Hunters become the Hunted.
The Russians don't know how to manipulate Americans. Yet they have done so well in the past to create the liberals. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen in the last six months.

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