Big win for Civil Rights...and from left wing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals no less....

Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.
could you make any less sense?
This is what happens when pregnant women use meth too frequently.
Both of you idiots need to learn definitions.

Murder is the unlawful taking of a human life. The death penalty and abortion are both LEGAL killing of a human.

And this was a great ruling by the Court that will be appealed by dumbshits.
right! captain morals
in one instance murder is moral and the other is not ,no contradiction there, nope ,no sir not a bit if it.
let's call it what it is it state sanctioned murder !
sometimes it's is abortion .
Murder is a legal term you doofus. Meaning the "unlawful killing of a human being" , morality plays no part in that. A killing is either lawful, or unlawful. For example, someone breaks in your house and you shoot them, that isn't murder. I mean yes, you killed them, but you did not murder them.

The death penalty and abortion are BOTH legal in this country, and thus are not murder.

Stupid people annoy me to no end.
funny everything you post is based on a moral belief so you've either just lied or you believe state sanctioned murder is moral.
ignorant pretentious assholes make me bust a gut laughing,

Wrong as usual, you fucking moron.

MURDER IS A LEGAL TERM, do you get that. Morality is irrelevant since you can personally oppose the death penalty on moral grounds, but it's still legal. You dumb fuck.
murder has become a legal term but it's still a moral judgment.
Murder is the killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse, and it is especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter.

Yeah , I don't know about you , but if have to defend my life by taking another I'll rely on the legal definition of murder rather than your moral one.
right! captain morals
in one instance murder is moral and the other is not ,no contradiction there, nope ,no sir not a bit if it.
let's call it what it is it state sanctioned murder !
sometimes it's is abortion .
Murder is a legal term you doofus. Meaning the "unlawful killing of a human being" , morality plays no part in that. A killing is either lawful, or unlawful. For example, someone breaks in your house and you shoot them, that isn't murder. I mean yes, you killed them, but you did not murder them.

The death penalty and abortion are BOTH legal in this country, and thus are not murder.

Stupid people annoy me to no end.
funny everything you post is based on a moral belief so you've either just lied or you believe state sanctioned murder is moral.
ignorant pretentious assholes make me bust a gut laughing,

Wrong as usual, you fucking moron.

MURDER IS A LEGAL TERM, do you get that. Morality is irrelevant since you can personally oppose the death penalty on moral grounds, but it's still legal. You dumb fuck.
murder has become a legal term but it's still a moral judgment.
Murder is the killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse, and it is especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter.

Yeah , I don't know about you , but if have to defend my life by taking another I'll rely on the legal definition of murder rather than your moral one.
I've already done that .
I also don't duck the moral component by attempting to cloak it in legality to sooth my ego either,
Murder is a legal term you doofus. Meaning the "unlawful killing of a human being" , morality plays no part in that. A killing is either lawful, or unlawful. For example, someone breaks in your house and you shoot them, that isn't murder. I mean yes, you killed them, but you did not murder them.

The death penalty and abortion are BOTH legal in this country, and thus are not murder.

Stupid people annoy me to no end.
funny everything you post is based on a moral belief so you've either just lied or you believe state sanctioned murder is moral.
ignorant pretentious assholes make me bust a gut laughing,

Wrong as usual, you fucking moron.

MURDER IS A LEGAL TERM, do you get that. Morality is irrelevant since you can personally oppose the death penalty on moral grounds, but it's still legal. You dumb fuck.
murder has become a legal term but it's still a moral judgment.
Murder is the killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse, and it is especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter.

Yeah , I don't know about you , but if have to defend my life by taking another I'll rely on the legal definition of murder rather than your moral one.
I've already done that .
I also don't duck the moral component by attempting to cloak it in legality to sooth my ego either,

And again, morals has nothing to do with it, are you saying you are morally against all killing? That's nice, but it doesn't make all killing murder. It just doesn't. Morally , I think every person has a responsibility to kill anyone who threatens their life. My morality on the issue has no more to do with the law than yours, nor any less.
funny everything you post is based on a moral belief so you've either just lied or you believe state sanctioned murder is moral.
ignorant pretentious assholes make me bust a gut laughing,

Wrong as usual, you fucking moron.

MURDER IS A LEGAL TERM, do you get that. Morality is irrelevant since you can personally oppose the death penalty on moral grounds, but it's still legal. You dumb fuck.
murder has become a legal term but it's still a moral judgment.
Murder is the killing of another human being without justification or valid excuse, and it is especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter.

Yeah , I don't know about you , but if have to defend my life by taking another I'll rely on the legal definition of murder rather than your moral one.
I've already done that .
I also don't duck the moral component by attempting to cloak it in legality to sooth my ego either,

And again, morals has nothing to do with it, are you saying you are morally against all killing? That's nice, but it doesn't make all killing murder. It just doesn't. Morally , I think every person has a responsibility to kill anyone who threatens their life. My morality on the issue has no more to do with the law than yours, nor any less.
see post # 41,
I've already answered that question.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.

Yes it should, your retarded rhetoric notwithstanding.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......
Then explain the death penalty ?

That isn't murder. The person being executed has committed murder, has been through the judicial system and is executed....a baby has done nothing.

Then you must agree with Trump that women who have abortions should be treated as murderers.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......
Then explain the death penalty ?

That isn't murder. The person being executed has committed murder, has been through the judicial system and is executed....a baby has done nothing.

Then you must agree with Trump that women who have abortions should be treated as murderers.

Trump never said that, why must you lie?
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......
Then explain the death penalty ?

That isn't murder. The person being executed has committed murder, has been through the judicial system and is executed....a baby has done nothing.

Then you must agree with Trump that women who have abortions should be treated as murderers.

Trump never said that, why must you lie?

He said they should be punished. What else would the punishment be if abortion is murder?
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......
Then explain the death penalty ?

That isn't murder. The person being executed has committed murder, has been through the judicial system and is executed....a baby has done nothing.

Then you must agree with Trump that women who have abortions should be treated as murderers.

Trump never said that, why must you lie?
Yes he did.
Donald Trump says he wants to punish women who have abortions, making him just like every other “pro-life” politician
Please don't equivocate or attempt semantics.
Libtards are stupid, there.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.

Yes it should, your retarded rhetoric notwithstanding.
I'm not as nearly as smart as all u college educated folk, that's a fact, but explain to me why abortion should remain a right.
Last edited:
Progressive stooges are funny....go ahead and try, see how quick you get air holed.

Well Stevie boy I'd caution you to don a good vest before entering anyone's home for a gun grab, but then why in the hell would I want to do that?

Besides, when your torso looks like swiss cheese with lots of ketchup on it your last thought might be how stupid you were.

Oh, and give my regards to Trayvon and Michael and any other dead dopes you run across. Thanks.
Murder is not Constitutional.......
Then explain the death penalty ?

That isn't murder. The person being executed has committed murder, has been through the judicial system and is executed....a baby has done nothing.

Then you must agree with Trump that women who have abortions should be treated as murderers.

Trump never said that, why must you lie?

He said they should be punished. What else would the punishment be if abortion is murder?

They hypothetical question he was asked did not ask anything about murder.

See what just happened here was that you yourself know that at a certain point abortion should be murder, so you misspoke.

Trump was asked if a woman should be punished if abortion were illegal. And nothing more. Now of course in the heat of the moment anyone is going to say a person should be punished if they commit a crime, but the hypothetical was stupid b/c you damn well know abortion will never be illegal.

It was a slick question to ask a candidate who isn't a skilled politician and would have known to stay away from that question. Hillary , for example, would have had a 30 minute long answer that didn't answer shit.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.

Yes it should, your retarded rhetoric notwithstanding.
I'm not as nearly as smart as all u college educated folk, that's a fact, but explain to me why abortion should remain a right.
Because its their body for starters. Do you think you have a right to have cancer cut from your body?
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.

Yes it should, your retarded rhetoric notwithstanding.
I'm not as nearly as smart as all u college educated folk, that's a fact, but explain to me why abortion should remain a right.

Because no good societal purpose is served by denying a pregnant woman a reasonable window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.
Sounds like the anti-abortion end run involving excess regulation of abortion facilities.

Murder is not Constitutional.......

Early term abortion is as much a constitutional right as is owning a gun, your monkey jabber notwithstanding.
Your right, thats where sad, cause killing a baby should b a right as long as one feels like it.
could you make any less sense?
This is what happens when pregnant women use meth too frequently.
R u acting out again, poor nigga. Find ur daddy if it's possible n forgive him for never loving u. Its got to really fuck with u knowing how many men ur momma was fucking n she never had the decency to tell u Which one was daddy. Damn shame, Keep ur head up brotha.
The 9th Circuit, at one time one of the most overturned courts in the country, and may still be.....ruled that the 2nd Amendment is not a second class right....and that democrats can't use their usual tactics of fake regulations to prohibit it's practice by American citizens...

Ninth Circuit Court rules that Second Amendment is “not a second class right” - Hot Air

The Ninth Circuit Court was asked to rule on a “zoning ordinance” in Alameda County which would have placed severe restrictions on the opening of any new gun shop if it was within 500 feet of a wide variety of other types of structures. As Kerry Picket reports at The Daily Caller, the wording of the majority opinion drew a line in the sand regarding the sanctity of the Second Amendment. (Emphasis added)


Writing for the majority, Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain said that the “right of law-abiding citizens to keep and to bear arms is not a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees…”

And this is why we do not trust anti gun nut jobs when they say they don't want to ban guns........they are lying.....

The tactic being employed by anti-Second Amendment forces in Alameda County was in keeping with many others we’ve seen around the country, but the gun grabbers are clearly getting more clever in their efforts to undermine gun rights.

This scheme was cloaked in the mundane sounding guise of a typical zoning ordinance, but they had done their homework to create a lethally poisonous pill in the details.

Restricting the licensing of a gun shop in close proximity to a school is nothing new, but this one layered on many more boundaries.

Under the new rule, gun merchants would be forbidden from opening their doors within 500 feet of anyresidentially-zoned district (i.e. anyplace with a house or an apartment building), a school, pre-school, day care center or anyplace where alcohol was sold.

That last one included not just bars, but any convenience store or other outlet where you could purchase a six-pack of beer.

So no, we don't trust you or any of your new attempts to create new gun control laws.......

Is there a difference between that and zoning restrictions on adult bookstores/theatres and the like?

In this case obviously.....a town can zone different areas for different purposes, business vs. residential housing...what they can't do is use zoning laws to violate the Rights of the citizens..which is what this town was is one thing to say an adult book store needs to be in one area of town...but it can exist....vs. what they did here which was to zone in a way that kept the Gun store from being built or opened at all......since the right to keep and bear arms is a right.....

And the Right to sell guns comes from the Right to Keep, and Bear arms....since they are private property and can be sold......and on top of that they are protected....

And abortion is murder.....taking an innocent life......

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