Biggest Failure of a Presidency...Ever?


Gold Member
Feb 10, 2016
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Someone sure has been watching CNN.

And while you were watching the alternate version of reality (also known as delusion), Trump was winning.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Someone sure has been watching CNN.

And while you were watching the alternate version of reality (also known as delusion), Trump was winning.


What? What has he won?

I'll wait.
He's terribly unqualified .

People always thought a business person can just step in top politics and do just fine . Guess there's more skill in being a pol than we thought .
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.
He is trying to shift blame to Democrats, and no one is buying it.

Transitioning to a governing party 101: The opposition is no longer relevant
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

He won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon.
Sorry. He doesn't come close to Buchanan yet. He hasn't sent the army across country to put down a nonexistent rebellion. Nor has he ignored an actual rebellion
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Someone sure has been watching CNN.

And while you were watching the alternate version of reality (also known as delusion), Trump was winning.

What was the winning vote on healthcare, Knobby?
He's terribly unqualified .

People always thought a business person can just step in top politics and do just fine . Guess there's more skill in being a pol than we thought .

He wasn't even a good business. He got bailed out by daddy several times, got bailed out by the banks in the early nineties, and was bailed out again by the taxpayers in the late nineties. That's not including all the Russian loan sharks he probably cut deals with.

If you actually look at all his successful "deals", he almost always used threats and intimidation to accomplish his goals. He is also a major troll of the court system, filing tens of thousands of lawsuits against individuals and companies.

There are plenty of other things to list, like his catastrophic casino failures, refusal to pay contractors, ect.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

Exactly. California is my state, and we've been literally invaded by minorities in the last thirty years who vote demorat. That changes nothing, I know, but this is the democrat plan. Flood the country with the world's poor and needy, who will naturally vote democrat to get all the goodies. This is coming back to bite us though, since there's not enough money left for goodies for everyone. The hillarys and schumers and obamas don't care, though. They have their ill deserved pensions.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

I'll assume you've never heard of James Buchanan.
And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

This has gotta be the most fucking retarded argument ever. "Eliminate the largest state, and things change."
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

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