Biggest Failure of a Presidency...Ever?

I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

This has gotta be the most fucking retarded argument ever. "Eliminate the largest state, and things change."

Nothing would have changed. I'm just pointing out your stupidity.
And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

The being built and Mexico will pay for it...

Travel Ban, stopped for now by left wing activists in robes....the blood will be on their hands....

Iran Deal....they will get theirs.....

Presidential Integrity.....besides the lies....still great.

Russia and hilary and john podesta......that will be out soon.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Someone sure has been watching CNN.

And while you were watching the alternate version of reality (also known as delusion), Trump was winning.
Yeah like we need TV to know Trump has been a miserable failure with everything he has touched from his botched Yemen raid to his embarrassing meeting with a real world leader, Angela Merkel to his two Muslim Ban failures on and on. Someone has been drinking Koolaid with Sean Hannity.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........

Deflecting to Hillary isn't going to do you any good. We understand that Trump won and Hillary lost, and now that Trump is over 60 days into his term, he has to start taking responsibility for his actions.

And, we ALL need to hold him accountable. Even those of you who were blinded by his business brilliance, because he sure hasn't done much yet.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

But I for one am still so happy Hillary remains the loser.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

He won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon.
Nobody agreed for him getting support from Putin and Russia. And nobody agreed to the FBI Director sabotaging his opponent;s campaign.
And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

The being built and Mexico will pay for it...

Travel Ban, stopped for now by left wing activists in robes....the blood will be on their hands....

Iran Deal....they will get theirs.....

Presidential Integrity.....besides the lies....still great.

Russia and hilary and john podesta......that will be out soon.

"presidential integrity still great besides the lies" lol.
That's the crux of Presidential integrity Bozo.
Did you also forget the criminal investigation into him colluding with our enemy?
Nothing reeks of integrity like treason, right?
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

But I for one am still so happy Hillary remains the loser.
While many who voted for the knownothing pussy grabber is starting to realize it might have been better with a seasoned pro in the White House instead of President Fuck up
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

But I for one am still so happy Hillary remains the loser.

Thanks for proving my point. When you can't defend Trump, you deflect to Hillary.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.
Seriously, Watergate was several years later, and even Tricky Dick seemed more honest in many things, and I'm not even sure he was a traitor. O.k., also a liar, but not as bad.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Amen! He's not only a loser - he's a CHOKER.

Historian Douglas Brinkley: worst first 100 days of any president in history.

And Trump has 40 days to add to his record.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........

Deflecting to Hillary isn't going to do you any good. We understand that Trump won and Hillary lost, and now that Trump is over 60 days into his term, he has to start taking responsibility for his actions.

And, we ALL need to hold him accountable. Even those of you who were blinded by his business brilliance, because he sure hasn't done much yet.

Like you and your ilk held Obama accountable? Yeah right...fuck off
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.
Trump was trying to repair the biggest mistake in US History. Paul Ryan made sure it didn't happen.
So now you fuckheads get to see what Obamacare was really designed to do.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.
Seriously, Watergate was several years later, and even Tricky Dick seemed more honest in many things, and I'm not even sure he was a traitor. O.k., also a liar, but not as bad.

You know, my roomie and I talked about this the other day and one of the things that we thought was a possibility was that Nixon was smarter than Trump, because at least Nixon took his first term to learn how things worked and didn't really start with the dirty stuff until his second term.

Trump didn't even bother to find out how things worked, he just decided to do whatever he wants.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

You maggots keep bringing up these 3 million votes like they mean something, note to the clueless, they don't. The hildabitch got her participation trophy and is sitting on her unemployed fat ass.

Trump has done everything I wanted him to do, Gorsuch will be seated on the Supreme Court and there's not a god damned thing you commiecrats can do about it.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

Exactly. California is my state, and we've been literally invaded by minorities in the last thirty years who vote demorat. That changes nothing, I know, but this is the democrat plan. Flood the country with the world's poor and needy, who will naturally vote democrat to get all the goodies. This is coming back to bite us though, since there's not enough money left for goodies for everyone. The hillarys and schumers and obamas don't care, though. They have their ill deserved pensions.

You can blame whoever you want.......... And yet California is the 6th largest economy in the entire planet and better than any states in US. California economy is booming as we speak.

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