Biggest Failure of a Presidency...Ever?

I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........

That is really out of the topic..... because you can ask yourself what the fuck is going on with Trump the first 60 days. Nothing but chaos, uncertainty and discombobulation. I know you hate to admit that but its the reality.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.
Seriously, Watergate was several years later, and even Tricky Dick seemed more honest in many things, and I'm not even sure he was a traitor. O.k., also a liar, but not as bad.

You know, my roomie and I talked about this the other day and one of the things that we thought was a possibility was that Nixon was smarter than Trump, because at least Nixon took his first term to learn how things worked and didn't really start with the dirty stuff until his second term.

Trump didn't even bother to find out how things worked, he just decided to do whatever he wants.
Nixon didn't have balls either. That's why he resigned.
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I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

Exactly. California is my state, and we've been literally invaded by minorities in the last thirty years who vote demorat. That changes nothing, I know, but this is the democrat plan. Flood the country with the world's poor and needy, who will naturally vote democrat to get all the goodies. This is coming back to bite us though, since there's not enough money left for goodies for everyone. The hillarys and schumers and obamas don't care, though. They have their ill deserved pensions.

You can blame whoever you want.......... And yet California is the 6th largest economy in the entire planet and better than any states in US. California economy is booming as we speak.

I'm not blaming anybody for anything. Yeah, California is great which is why I've lived here so long. We have oceans, beaches, deserts, mountains, Redwood forests etc. like no other state. We do have a huge debt problem though with state retirements, and a growing poverty problem which won't be helped by companies and jobs leaving daily and poor people with no skills and many needs coming in daily. We have infrastructure in great need of repair and it appears, no money to fix it.. Next door neighbor just told me his company going to Texas and he has to go with them to keep his job. This is happening more and more.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

He won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon.
Nobody agreed for him getting support from Putin and Russia. And nobody agreed to the FBI Director sabotaging his opponent;s campaign.

I said he won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon, which proves that he's not unsuccessful. Why do you people always have to answer with whining points?
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

He won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon.
Nobody agreed for him getting support from Putin and Russia. And nobody agreed to the FBI Director sabotaging his opponent;s campaign.

I said he won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon, which proves that he's not unsuccessful. Why do you people always have to answer with whining points?
You can say that crap about the same terms as much as you like, it doesn't make it real or accurate just because you say it over and over. Working with the Russians to undermine his opponent was not part of the agreed-upon terms. His agreement, by the way, was with America and the American people. We will know soon enough whether he just cheated or actually committed an impeachable offense or even treason.
If anyone is whining it is you. You just can't reconcile with the fact your dufus so-called-President has turned out to be such a failure.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........

That is really out of the topic..... because you can ask yourself what the fuck is going on with Trump the first 60 days. Nothing but chaos, uncertainty and discombobulation. I know you hate to admit that but its the reality.

You realize he has the Dakota pipeline on line...right? And another corporation is bringing their Call Center work back to the states...several billion dollars and tons of jobs...right? He keeps winning and you guys can ignore it all you want......we'll see you in 8 years when he is done...
He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

He won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon.
Nobody agreed for him getting support from Putin and Russia. And nobody agreed to the FBI Director sabotaging his opponent;s campaign.

I said he won the election by the terms both parties agreed upon, which proves that he's not unsuccessful. Why do you people always have to answer with whining points?
You can say that crap about the same terms as much as you like, it doesn't make it real or accurate just because you say it over and over. Working with the Russians to undermine his opponent was not part of the agreed-upon terms. His agreement, by the way, was with America and the American people. We will know soon enough whether he just cheated or actually committed an impeachable offense or even treason.
If anyone is whining it is you. You just can't reconcile with the fact your dufus so-called-President has turned out to be such a failure.

He didn't...hilary actually did.....she sold her office as Secretary of State to not only the Russians, but to anyone with a checkbook...putin paid her 145 million dollars through her fake charity foundation.....and paid her rapist husband 500,000 dollars a speech for his companies.......and her campaign Chairman, john podesta, and his brother...actually were working with the Russian government...

8 months...and they still have no evidence that Trump did is a fake story...and now obama's minions are at the Cutlery store to see what kind of sword they will fall on as we find out which one of them broke the law in surveilling Trump and his team and illegally released their names to the press....
As bad as I thought Trump would be as he figured out how to be President.......I never figured he could be so inept
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Didn't Trump promise that he was going to hit the ground running and wouldn't play any golf?

Trump mocked Obama playing golf as an affront to the Presidency

Obama living the high life as Americans struggle
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

Exactly. California is my state, and we've been literally invaded by minorities in the last thirty years who vote demorat. That changes nothing, I know, but this is the democrat plan. Flood the country with the world's poor and needy, who will naturally vote democrat to get all the goodies. This is coming back to bite us though, since there's not enough money left for goodies for everyone. The hillarys and schumers and obamas don't care, though. They have their ill deserved pensions.

You can blame whoever you want.......... And yet California is the 6th largest economy in the entire planet and better than any states in US. California economy is booming as we speak.

I'm not blaming anybody for anything. Yeah, California is great which is why I've lived here so long. We have oceans, beaches, deserts, mountains, Redwood forests etc. like no other state. We do have a huge debt problem though with state retirements, and a growing poverty problem which won't be helped by companies and jobs leaving daily and poor people with no skills and many needs coming in daily. We have infrastructure in great need of repair and it appears, no money to fix it.. Next door neighbor just told me his company going to Texas and he has to go with them to keep his job. This is happening more and more.

True.... And yet California continue to flourish and the economy is booming big time. And I'm not moving my company anywhere.
With the rains we received lately... I expect a a very high yield in agricultural products. We may even stop buying avocados from Mexico.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents. should tell President hilary about this.....then she can show you how Trump didn't pay any taxes.....and how she won by double digits.......

You guys keep trying to bury this guy....and you keep losing.........

That is really out of the topic..... because you can ask yourself what the fuck is going on with Trump the first 60 days. Nothing but chaos, uncertainty and discombobulation. I know you hate to admit that but its the reality.

You realize he has the Dakota pipeline on line...right? And another corporation is bringing their Call Center work back to the states...several billion dollars and tons of jobs...right? He keeps winning and you guys can ignore it all you want......we'll see you in 8 years when he is done...

Trump is taking lots of credits he doesn't deserve, we have won anything yet......... So you need to be more specific.

Keystone Pipeline Archives -
He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.
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I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

He only lost in court because of some judges who don't understand who is, or isn't, protected by the constitution. How could a non politician who, against all odds, beat a professional and bought and paid for candidate for the presidency, be considered a failure? Plus, he's only been in office a short while. Let's see how he does in the long term.

He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

The difference was in California. No surprise there with that freak show. He had the popular also excluding California.

This has gotta be the most fucking retarded argument ever. "Eliminate the largest state, and things change."

Nothing would have changed. I'm just pointing out your stupidity.

How about we take out Texas? It's smaller than California. Eliminate it, and Trump loses the popular vote by 5 million, and loses in an "electoral landslide" to Hillary.

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