Biggest Failure of a Presidency...Ever?

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.

If Refugees gain permanent status and become citizens, why shouldn't they vote?
Because it's against the law!!!
FYI, this Democrat from Nebraska wasn't waiting for them to gain permanent status, much less citizenship....hence the "WELCOME BASKET" which is an indiction of her illegal and nefarious intent. They step off the plane, walk thru the airport, and they give them a welcome basket with voter registrations in the basket.
Biggest failure of a lib thread ever? Less than 100 days in and this lib is asking if this is the biggest failure of a presidency already...which is utterly stupid.

A President usually tries to make an impact starting on his first day

Trump spent his first day trying to convince people that he had a bigger inauguration crowd than Obama

His Presidency has gone down since then

Oh come on, you clowns trying to claim Trump's presidency the biggest failure ever after less than 100 days is possibly the dumbest thing you people have ever suggested. Its dripping with desperation. Why don't you people go work on how to win an election that's your big problem.
Well they said Hillary was gonna win in a landslide too, so I guees they're batting 1000.

Or are they batting .00
And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

And -

He said he would destroy ISIL in the first 30 days.
Said he'd repeal and replace ObamaCare "immediately" and we saw how that fiasco went.
Said he would insure everybody, take care of everybody, wouldn't touch SocSec, Medicare, Medicaid - all lies.

His "executive orders" are laughable. Basically, tweets in fancy folders. He makes those lies worse with his Romper Room Show and Tell.

A hot mess and RWNJs are so invested, they can't admit to themselves that he's screwing them.

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Jesus. You are a serious hyperbolic dick wad
Biggest failure of a lib thread ever? Less than 100 days in and this lib is asking if this is the biggest failure of a presidency already...which is utterly stupid.

A President usually tries to make an impact starting on his first day

Trump spent his first day trying to convince people that he had a bigger inauguration crowd than Obama

His Presidency has gone down since then

Oh come on, you clowns trying to claim Trump's presidency the biggest failure ever after less than 100 days is possibly the dumbest thing you people have ever suggested. Its dripping with desperation. Why don't you people go work on how to win an election that's your big problem.
Well they said Hillary was gonna win in a landslide too, so I guees they're batting 1000.

What does that have to do with Trump's fuck up as a President?
Biggest failure of a lib thread ever? Less than 100 days in and this lib is asking if this is the biggest failure of a presidency already...which is utterly stupid.

A President usually tries to make an impact starting on his first day

Trump spent his first day trying to convince people that he had a bigger inauguration crowd than Obama

His Presidency has gone down since then

Oh come on, you clowns trying to claim Trump's presidency the biggest failure ever after less than 100 days is possibly the dumbest thing you people have ever suggested. Its dripping with desperation. Why don't you people go work on how to win an election that's your big problem.
Well they said Hillary was gonna win in a landslide too, so I guees they're batting 1000.

What does that have to do with Trump's fuck up as a President?
What fuck up?

From what I can tell, because I'm not some angry, butthurting Snowflake, it was Paul Ryan who fucked up. Is Trump supposed to wipe his ass for him too???
Biggest failure of a lib thread ever? Less than 100 days in and this lib is asking if this is the biggest failure of a presidency already...which is utterly stupid.

A President usually tries to make an impact starting on his first day

Trump spent his first day trying to convince people that he had a bigger inauguration crowd than Obama

His Presidency has gone down since then

Oh come on, you clowns trying to claim Trump's presidency the biggest failure ever after less than 100 days is possibly the dumbest thing you people have ever suggested. Its dripping with desperation. Why don't you people go work on how to win an election that's your big problem.
Well they said Hillary was gonna win in a landslide too, so I guees they're batting 1000.

What does that have to do with Trump's fuck up as a President?
What fuck up?

From what I can tell, because I'm not some angry, butthurting Snowflake, it was Paul Ryan who fucked up. Is Trump supposed to wipe his ass for him too???

Paul Ryan?

He is not the one who proclaimed himself to be Donny Dealmaker
Trump was laughed out of the room by his own party that told him to go fuck himself on his signature bill
He lost by 3 million votes because far more people recognized that he's a total fucking assclown with no business running anything.

MOST of us saw this coming. It's just unfortunate that many who didn't see it coming happened to live in swing states.

Illegal aliens voting and democrats cheating doesn't count.

Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.

But ------ Is that mean 3 to 5 millions of illegals voted?
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I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

As usual, you are 180 degrees out of phase with reality. This was a biggly win... ACA will implode, and it will be hung around the necks of the Dems.

That came from Trump blaming his failures to save himself--------In reality it doesn't work that way. Americans will held him accountable any failures under his administration.
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

How about his meeting with Merkel?

Why did he look so upset?

Maybe Merkel told him that he can shove the $300B up his ass. He didn't even want to shake her hand which is customary in those kind of set up.
I coulda swear I heard him saying money from NATO are pouring in. I know I heard him saying that but I can't find it.
Dude do you have any link illegals voted by the millions? That lie came from Trump and you have to be ignorant to believe that.
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.

If Refugees gain permanent status and become citizens, why shouldn't they vote?
Because it's against the law!!!
FYI, this Democrat from Nebraska wasn't waiting for them to gain permanent status, much less citizenship....hence the "WELCOME BASKET" which is an indiction of her illegal and nefarious intent. They step off the plane, walk thru the airport, and they give them a welcome basket with voter registrations in the basket.

With so much fake news and flukes..... especially it's coming from Infowars ------- what made you think that was not even planted?
You have to be an idiot to think it's an impossibility.

Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.

If Refugees gain permanent status and become citizens, why shouldn't they vote?
Because it's against the law!!!
FYI, this Democrat from Nebraska wasn't waiting for them to gain permanent status, much less citizenship....hence the "WELCOME BASKET" which is an indiction of her illegal and nefarious intent. They step off the plane, walk thru the airport, and they give them a welcome basket with voter registrations in the basket.

With so much fake news and flukes..... especially it's coming from Infowars ------- what made you think that was not even planted?
Well it was a video recorded on a cell for one.
The woman had no clue what she was doing was against the law.
Sorry. He doesn't come close to Buchanan yet. He hasn't sent the army across country to put down a nonexistent rebellion. Nor has he ignored an actual rebellion
Have you noticed when people do these worst President ever threads the farthest they go back in history is eight to sixteen years?

That's because no one knows history. If they did the left and half the right would feel stupid
Sorry. He doesn't come close to Buchanan yet. He hasn't sent the army across country to put down a nonexistent rebellion. Nor has he ignored an actual rebellion
Have you noticed when people do these worst President ever threads the farthest they go back in history is eight to sixteen years?

That's because no one knows history. If they did the left and half the right would feel stupid

lol @ "half the right". What a partisan sack of stupid you are.
Sorry. He doesn't come close to Buchanan yet. He hasn't sent the army across country to put down a nonexistent rebellion. Nor has he ignored an actual rebellion
Have you noticed when people do these worst President ever threads the farthest they go back in history is eight to sixteen years?

That's because no one knows history. If they did the left and half the right would feel stupid

lol @ "half the right". What a partisan sack of stupid you are.

Yes.I'm a partisan whatever because I see that both sides are deficiently uneducated in history.
Well comrade..... Do you have a single proof that 10 or 20 illegals voted? Let alone 3 to 5 millions. That is more than the total number Arizona, Wyoming and Nevada voters combined.
Yeah....I posted a video on one of my threads that shows a Nebraska Democrat making care packages for refugees including voter registration forms in the them. Says that the Racist Republicans don't like it but people used to walk off the ships back 200 years ago and vote the same day.
You see Democrats think that everyone should be allowed to vote. It's just a matter of catching them in the act, and some states don't even care to look for them.

If Refugees gain permanent status and become citizens, why shouldn't they vote?
Because it's against the law!!!
FYI, this Democrat from Nebraska wasn't waiting for them to gain permanent status, much less citizenship....hence the "WELCOME BASKET" which is an indiction of her illegal and nefarious intent. They step off the plane, walk thru the airport, and they give them a welcome basket with voter registrations in the basket.

With so much fake news and flukes..... especially it's coming from Infowars ------- what made you think that was not even planted?
Well it was a video recorded on a cell for one.
The woman had no clue what she was doing was against the law.

Those video are so easy to make without any confirmation. how did you know it wasn't planted?
Sorry. He doesn't come close to Buchanan yet. He hasn't sent the army across country to put down a nonexistent rebellion. Nor has he ignored an actual rebellion
Have you noticed when people do these worst President ever threads the farthest they go back in history is eight to sixteen years?

That's because no one knows history. If they did the left and half the right would feel stupid

lol @ "half the right". What a partisan sack of stupid you are.

I trust you were looking in the mirror when you wrote that? The fact remains that the worst POTUS we will have had is obummer. When all of the illegal shit he was doing is exposed because of trumps win, the majority of reasonable people will look at partisan whores, like you, and laugh. The whores among you though, there is no amount of illegal crap that obummer could do that would make you change. You're just another in the long line of mental midgets who ran the camps for their masters.
Trumps political ineptness is showing bigly

He is no longer "The Boss". Even though he surrounds himself with yes men who tell him how great he is and cover for his lies, the rest of the political spectrum considers him to be a bufoon
I'm trying to think of a presidency that, barely 60 days in, has failed this miserably, this fast. He's lost militarily, lost in court, lost in Congress, lost in the media.

Where else is there to lose? Will he fuck up the egg roll on Easter? Pardon a chicken, thinking it's a turkey?

What a phenomenal comedy of errors. He's like the Montreal Expos of presidents.

Oh piss off.

The Expos were a good team!

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