BIGGEST OBAMA LIE: Bigger then "you can keep..."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It appears now even the MSM is abandoning Obama after this latest ACA fiasco that maybe 16 million individual insurance policies will be canceled.

People are truly angry that Obama said they could keep their plan and now they are finding out that they won't be able to.

But I've asked people dozens of times to find an error in these numbers and no one can!
It is this number that started Obama's gigantic fraudulent assault on Americans health system.

This number was USED by Congress to pass by the narrow margin of 7 votes ACA.

AND yet even today NO one seems to grasp the magnitude of this fraudulent number!
It is as if it is too obvious of a fact that most people think it can't be true! Yet it is true.
I've sourced the numbers.
So where is the out right anger that this number which is PROVEN to be bogus and was used to pass ACA?"

Obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

He also said that illegal citizens wouldn't be part of ACA right?
Then he should deduct 10 million that the Census says are not insured but are not citizens! Wouldn't that be right? Leaves 36 million "uninsured"...
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Do you agree then with Obama these 10 million shouldn't be counted as part of the 46 million uninsured???

Now Obama seems to be unaware as do many people that when the Census asked "do you have health insurance.. 14 million said no...
BUT these 14 million didn't know they were already eligible for Medicaid!

So if all they need to do is register, what was the need for ACA? Better yet then why include them in the remaining 36 million???
So that leaves 22 million (14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million... seems correct right?)

Finally of those 22 million Obama falsely counts 18 million people that don't want health insurance.
18 million that make over $50,000 so they can afford their employers' plans.
But they spend less then $1,000 a year on health services.. plus they have catastrophic insurance!
These 18 million are under 34 so they don't have a need...
And they definitely won't be going to emergency rooms running up unpaid bills that would affect their credit rating!!

YET they were falsely included in those "uninsured" category AND NOW they are being made to BUY!

Subtract 18 million from 22 million and the true valid number of those wanting and needing insurance is less then 4 million!

If you are an honest person... take the time and check those figures after READING THE LINKS! OK???

Then you should as an honest person be even more angry at Obamacare for outright lying and the destruction of our health care system!
The question is who is running the government if Barry Hussein wasn't informed about anything but his golf scores.
I have asked this many many times and NO one has proven this numbers wrong!
Idiots only retort is naming calling!
NOT one of these Obamacare defenders have shown these numbers are wrong!
Hell even Obama now admits 10 million counted as uninsured are not citizens!
Still bs lol

PROVE the figures are WRONG!
Prove to me there are not 18 million people that don't want or need health insurance!
Prove to me 14 million people that thought they were uninsured ARE all they need do is register with MEDICAID and that didn't take the ACA to get that done!
Prove to me the CENSUS WAS WRONG WHEN THEY SAID 10 million counted as part of the 46 million are not citizens!

The question is who is running the government if Barry Hussein wasn't informed about anything but his golf scores.

NO the question I'm asking is PROVE THESE NUMBERS ARE WRONG!

Seriously do you people understand the massive fraud that's been committed ?

7 votes passed ACA!
Most of the YES votes believed the 46 million phony number!

Prove to me there ISN'T 18 million people that are under 34, make over $50k and don't want health insurance! Prove it!
Prove that 14 million people didn't know all they needed to do was register with Medicaid as they were at the poverty levels!
And finally tell the Census they were wrong when they admitted 10 million were not citizens counted among the uninsured!

Don't you folks understand what kind of fog you are operating in if YOU can't even do simple arithmetic?

MY god... what a sorry example of supposedly intelligent people!
Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!
300+ million people in the US and all you can come up with in your math magic is 40million. With 1/3 of the work force not working according to RWer's unempoyment figures that would make at least 100 million in need.
Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

I never voted I was in the hallway making out with a constituent.
Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

I think American Indians are also exempt from Obamacare like the illegals. Check out these figures of premium comparisons and the % of increase hikes.

Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

I think American Indians are also exempt from Obamacare like the illegals. Check out these figures of premium comparisons and the % of increase hikes.


My question is simple!
Where did Obama come up with this figure: "accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
The Census says 10 million are not citizens!
The Census says when 14 million were asked if they were uninsured and said yes... THESE 14 million were also eligible for Medicaid automatically!
So why were they included in the 46 million figure?
But the biggest number 18 million people have CHOSEN not to have insurance as they are under 34, make over $50k and don't want employers' plan!

SO what in the hell is the purpose of ACA??? To cover 4 million people that do want insurance? 4 million and we are destroying now 16 million peoples' coverage!

YET the biggest single cost driver ($850 BILLION A YEAR!!!) that 90% of physicians attest WAS NEVER ADDRESSED in ACA!
ACA taxed tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer! Whoopty do!!!
YET lawyers PER PHYSICIANS cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine, duplicate tests... ALL out of fear of lawsuits! Yet less then 6% go to court as
insurance/medicare all settle out of court... PASSING on to the premium payers higher premiums!

DO you understand??? WE've been sold a bill of goods i.e. we need to cover the uninsured.. WHEN THE BIGGEST $850 BILLION a year is ignored!!!
I have asked this many many times and NO one has proven this numbers wrong!
Idiots only retort is naming calling!
NOT one of these Obamacare defenders have shown these numbers are wrong!
Hell even Obama now admits 10 million counted as uninsured are not citizens!

Oh yea, when the left doesn't like the truth, first they deny, then they call names and now call it redundant because they don't want to hear about it any more. They can't say it's not true, but instead attack the messenger.

You are 100% correct. Everything about Obamacare was based on pure lies. In order to garner enough support, they inflated the numbers. They had to give the illusion of a crisis that warranted sweeping reform and government intervention.

It was never about health care. They had plenty of other reasons for passing the bill, namely grabbing more power from people and more money from our pockets.

Now, experts agree that there will be less people covered by insurance, yet costs are higher. Many doctors are going to quit. Insurance companies, the same ones vilified by Obama in the beginning, are now profiting big time since people are being forced against their will to buy insurance. It will hurt so many people, but the liberals don't give a shit. As long as their little dependents are okay, the tax payers can fuck off as far as they are concerned.

Only government can spend way more than estimated, increase the number of people in need and call it a success. They did the same thing with their war on poverty and social security. They are good at confiscating trillions over the years and make the problems worse till the system goes bankrupt. That is the liberal way.

It is a success if the goal was to push America further down the dark path to socialism. For the people, it's a complete failure.

No one can deny the numbers you posted. They are what they are and it's all lies. The list of lies told to shove Obamacare through was long. They don't own up to the lies or apologize for them. They just say obey the law or else.
Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

I think American Indians are also exempt from Obamacare like the illegals. Check out these figures of premium comparisons and the % of increase hikes.


Native Americans have their own sovereign nations.
I have asked this many many times and NO one has proven this numbers wrong!
Idiots only retort is naming calling!
NOT one of these Obamacare defenders have shown these numbers are wrong!
Hell even Obama now admits 10 million counted as uninsured are not citizens!

Oh yea, when the left doesn't like the truth, first they deny, then they call names and now call it redundant because they don't want to hear about it any more. They can't say it's not true, but instead attack the messenger.

You are 100% correct. Everything about Obamacare was based on pure lies. In order to garner enough support, they inflated the numbers. They had to give the illusion of a crisis that warranted sweeping reform and government intervention.

It was never about health care. They had plenty of other reasons for passing the bill, namely grabbing more power from people and more money from our pockets.

Now, experts agree that there will be less people covered by insurance, yet costs are higher. Many doctors are going to quit. Insurance companies, the same ones vilified by Obama in the beginning, are now profiting big time since people are being forced against their will to buy insurance. It will hurt so many people, but the liberals don't give a shit. As long as their little dependents are okay, the tax payers can fuck off as far as they are concerned.

Only government can spend way more than estimated, increase the number of people in need and call it a success. They did the same thing with their war on poverty and social security. They are good at confiscating trillions over the years and make the problems worse till the system goes bankrupt. That is the liberal way.

It is a success if the goal was to push America further down the dark path to socialism. For the people, it's a complete failure.

No one can deny the numbers you posted. They are what they are and it's all lies. The list of lies told to shove Obamacare through was long. They don't own up to the lies or apologize for them. They just say obey the law or else.

When the GOP has had control of the govt. they have not attempted to change any welfare(Bush increased it), SS, medicare or medicaid.
Honestly can ANY of you prove these numbers are wrong????

IF you can't then the whole f...king premise of ACA falls apart!
After all that's why it was passed by just 7 votes... idiots like most of you never figured out that there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured!

I think American Indians are also exempt from Obamacare like the illegals. Check out these figures of premium comparisons and the % of increase hikes.


I think American Indians are also exempt from Obamacare

true but out here the navigators have been requested to

try and sign up the native Americans on the res up anyway

they gots to find those numbers anyway they can
I have asked this many many times and NO one has proven this numbers wrong!
Idiots only retort is naming calling!
NOT one of these Obamacare defenders have shown these numbers are wrong!
Hell even Obama now admits 10 million counted as uninsured are not citizens!

Oh yea, when the left doesn't like the truth, first they deny, then they call names and now call it redundant because they don't want to hear about it any more. They can't say it's not true, but instead attack the messenger.

You are 100% correct. Everything about Obamacare was based on pure lies. In order to garner enough support, they inflated the numbers. They had to give the illusion of a crisis that warranted sweeping reform and government intervention.

It was never about health care. They had plenty of other reasons for passing the bill, namely grabbing more power from people and more money from our pockets.

Now, experts agree that there will be less people covered by insurance, yet costs are higher. Many doctors are going to quit. Insurance companies, the same ones vilified by Obama in the beginning, are now profiting big time since people are being forced against their will to buy insurance. It will hurt so many people, but the liberals don't give a shit. As long as their little dependents are okay, the tax payers can fuck off as far as they are concerned.

Only government can spend way more than estimated, increase the number of people in need and call it a success. They did the same thing with their war on poverty and social security. They are good at confiscating trillions over the years and make the problems worse till the system goes bankrupt. That is the liberal way.

It is a success if the goal was to push America further down the dark path to socialism. For the people, it's a complete failure.

No one can deny the numbers you posted. They are what they are and it's all lies. The list of lies told to shove Obamacare through was long. They don't own up to the lies or apologize for them. They just say obey the law or else.

I appreciate your comments and just for new comers..
Obama told us there were 46 million uninsured.
Obama also told us illegals would not be covered by ACA... YET HE cites the Census that says there are 46 million of which 10 million are not citizens!
Obama either lied or was incompetent regarding the 14 million that HE obviously as CEO was unaware are eligible for Medicaid... all they need do is register and that was before ACA!
Obama calls 18 million people that make over $50k a year "free-loaders" EVEN though they pay their own out of pocket health expense ..."FREE-LOADERS"! People that don't need insurance!
That adds up to 42 million people that aren't legal, already covered or don't want insurance.
So that leaves 4 million that truly need it... YET Obamacare is destroying now millions of existing private insurance policy holders insurance!
For what ?
This lie there were 46 million was what caused MOST yes votes that passed by the slimmest of margins 7 votes ACA!
Think if 7 of those YES votes realized there were NOT 46 million truly uninsured?
Would it have passed?

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