Bill Ayers admits the Nazi-like tactics of the left

what, no debunking his being introduced to replace Alice Palmer in Ayers living room?
And the Whie House logs showed him visiting several times, until it was brought to the publics eye, and with the excuse it was another Bill Ayers. Ya, right. Just as Jeremiah Wright, George Soros, his daughter,et al aren't the personalities we know to have been associated with him, have visited the White House as well.

William Ayers Visited White House – No, Not That One

(AP Photo/ABC)
The Obama administration has released a preliminary list of White House visitors as part of its promise to release to the public a record of people who came to the White House as well as "when they came, how long they were here, and who they met with."

The list, which is here, includes the names "William Ayers" and "Jeremiah Wright." But the White House says they aren't the Ayers and Wright that are known to the public.

"A lot of people visit the White House, up to 100,000 each month, with many of those folks coming to tour the buildings," White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement. "Given this large amount of data, the records we are publishing today include a few 'false positives' – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else."

"In September, requests were submitted for the names of some famous or controversial figures (for example Michael Jordan, William Ayers, Michael Moore, Jeremiah Wright, Robert Kelly ("R. Kelly"), and Malik Shabazz)," he continued. "The well-known individuals with those names never actually came to the White House. Nevertheless, we were asked for those names and so we have included records for those individuals who were here and share the same names."

Among the names on the list that appear to not be "false positives" are Bill Gates and George Clooney.

The White House told CBS News that it has social security number records that show that the Ayers who visited and the controversial William Ayers whose connections to Mr. Obama were brought up several times during the campaign last year are not one in the same.

Just as the George Soros that wasn't, as well as his daughter, all shortly after he was elected. Right.... By the way? That bridge in the desert is still for sale. I just know you would love it there.

!00,000 people a month visit the wh.


William Ayers | WhitePages
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  • $soro1.jpg
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no, it came from my computer where I saved it and upoaded it to usmb and is not a photoshop as much as you wish it were.

Where did you find it? Link to the source?

what, you don't believe that Soros has supported Obama?

dimocraps voted for a known rapist and serial molester of women.

You think they care about an America-Hating, anti-semitic, racist gaywad like obama hanging out with known terrorists and murderers?


The problem isn't the scum in Office. The problem is with the people that put them there.

Been saying that since day one.

And nothing you can say, nothing you do, no evidence, no proof, no reason, no logic... Nothing will ever change what these people are....

I was around in those days, too.

I remember National Guardsmen shooting students during demonstrations.

I remember a president spying on people.

I remember a war that we had 56,000 men come home in bodybags after the generals concluded the war was unwinnable.

But Dohrn and Ayers blew up a statue!
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Why give that A-hole (Ayers) a platform to shoot off his mouth? If it were not for people like Cashill, Ayers would be completely irrelevant.
From the OP:
Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist-turned university professor, reemerged earlier this month to explain how the Left’s access to schools and neighborhoods will help them shape the future of America. Speaking at a New York University “Change the Stakes” meeting on Dec. 4, he said the Left must utilize the existing “movements on the ground.”​
It wasn't Casill who gave him a forum to shoot his mouth off.

It was New York University.

But it's so much more emotionally satisfying to blame conservatives, isn't it?
Cabbie, pretending this post doesn't exist doesn't really mean it's not there.
Why give that A-hole (Ayers) a platform to shoot off his mouth? If it were not for people like Cashill, Ayers would be completely irrelevant.
From the OP:
Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist-turned university professor, reemerged earlier this month to explain how the Left’s access to schools and neighborhoods will help them shape the future of America. Speaking at a New York University “Change the Stakes” meeting on Dec. 4, he said the Left must utilize the existing “movements on the ground.”
It wasn't Casill who gave him a forum to shoot his mouth off.

It was New York University.

But it's so much more emotionally satisfying to blame conservatives, isn't it?
Cabbie, pretending this post doesn't exist doesn't really mean it's not there.
That's OK Cabbie sent me a message telling me that HE is ignoring me from now ON...OUCH! That hurt my feelings......NOT:eusa_whistle:
I was around in those days, too.

I remember National Guardsmen shooting students during demonstrations.

I remember a president spying on people.

I remember a war that we had 56,000 men come home in bodybags after the generals concluded the war was unwinnable.

But Dohrn and Ayers blew up a statue!

Old geezer:

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen

Published: September 11, 2001

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

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Thread title: Bill Ayers admits the Nazi-like tactics of the left

I dunno -- seems to me spending all one's time looking for ways to demonize the stereotypes that live in one's own head about those who may harbor alternate political views is about as Nazi-like a tactic as there is, don't you think? :eusa_think:
You know who else believed in indoctrinating children? Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's...


Bill Ayers: The Left Must Utilize Its ‘Absolute Access’ to America’s Classrooms | Video |

This is my favorite part of YOUR article:

Ayers also first blasts conservatives for portraying President Barack Obama as a “secret Muslim” and a “secret sociopath,” running around with “terrorists and Arabs.”

Nice to know that you "agree".
It should tell you something that you're forced into indoctrinating children who can't question what you're telling them.

It should tell you that your philosophy is flawed if you have to force it on children. It should tell you that people won't voluntarily agree with you.

It should, but it won't.

Right on! They have to get them while they're young. Too many government dependents are willing to allow government to take over the role of raising their children. They merely wait for the check each month and gladly cede their responsibility of teaching their children to a liberal school system.

Children believe what people in a position of authority tell them. From teaching them to fear guns and white Republicans, the school systems are set to churn out millions of new Democrat voters. It's all by design. Just as Alinsky and Cloward-Piven taught, the liberals create oppressive legislation under the guise of taking control for the greater good. When people are provided with housing, food and free phones, they tend to believe that government is good and caring. They never question how it all happens and tend to buy into the notion that money is taken from evil people to help the good ones. They never stop to think about how either we all have rights or none of us have rights. They may think government will only use it's overreaching power to go after certain people, but the fact is that they will control each and every one of us. Equal misery is the result.

There have been many examples of how the teachers are attempting to create more mindless liberals. The tests and text books are full of propaganda, teaching that wealth redistribution is the only fair thing to do and that all good presidents of the past were Democrat. They take credit for ending slavery and when people who actually recall correct history take exception to the "new history", liberals claim that the Democrats of old were actually Republicans and vice versa. They convince themselves of such nonsense so they can proudly call themselves the party that cares. Never mind that the Democrat party's first big mission was to find a way to use the newly freed slaves to their advantage. Rather than allow them to follow the lead of other free Americans and chase the American dream, the liberals set about fooling them into believing that they shouldn't have to follow the same path as others. They began their new form of slavery by promising to take care of minorities to right the wrongs of the past. By doing so, they slowly, but surely, created a large population of permanent victims who would forever be under the thumb of the liberal politicians. To this day, they keep them fed, keep them housed, keep them uneducated through crappy schools, indoctrination and feeding their anger by constantly reminding them that others are out to get them.

Too many minorities are still held captive by their own false beliefs that they have no chance in this world without the aid of liberals. That doesn't stop them from wanting more out of life, but with a poor education, lack of role models and an inability to compete in the real world, they often do resort to stealing to get what they want or taking their anger out at others, who they blame for their sad lot in life. It's no accident that the crime rate among minorities is high. Between their lack of skills and anger built up with the help of radical mouth pieces, they somehow believe that the white wealthy people still owe them and since the government alms are not sufficient to allow them to live well, they feel justified in taking it by any means necessary. That is the only explanation I can come up with for the high crime rates aimed at whites. We've seen many examples of just how the liberals fuel the anger. Obama himself is guilty of that, though he is a tad more eloquent that the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Ayers and other liberals know exactly how this all works and they have used the same tricks to elect politicians and further their radical agendas.

Now it's time for the liberals to do their sworn duty and come here to call me racist and spit out some talking points. The truth is what it is, but anyone who has to nerve to speak it will instantly become a target. So, bring it on liberals. Show me your links to liberal websites that have rewritten history, deny the crime rates among minorities and put all the blame on those who chased the American dream like our forefathers intended. Ignore the liberal interference that screwed up the country, like the creation of the federal reserve, making income tax permanent, social security and all the other programs that are unsustainable and rob the working class. Ignore the fact that the constitution allowed the people of this country to build the best country in the world. Ignore the fact that we had the most freedoms and that the private sector gets the credit for the things we have that actually work.
Why give that A-hole (Ayers) a platform to shoot off his mouth? If it were not for people like Cashill, Ayers would be completely irrelevant.
From the OP:
Bill Ayers, former domestic terrorist-turned university professor, reemerged earlier this month to explain how the Left’s access to schools and neighborhoods will help them shape the future of America. Speaking at a New York University “Change the Stakes” meeting on Dec. 4, he said the Left must utilize the existing “movements on the ground.”​
It wasn't Casill who gave him a forum to shoot his mouth off.

It was New York University.

But it's so much more emotionally satisfying to blame conservatives, isn't it?
Cabbie, pretending this post doesn't exist doesn't really mean it's not there.

Got ya! I don't see every post ever directed at me, thanks for pointing it out.

How the hell did I "blame" conservatives? Guess that's why I didn't answer in the first place.

Ayers, eh? He's scum - I've already addressed that. My problem is that he barely knew Obama. That's pretty much it.

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