Bill Ayers Claims to Have Written Obama's Book

We won't. I suspect he knows, anyone can follow the links provided to realize it was sarcasm but he's going to sit here looking stupid just to avoid admitting he was... well, stupid.
What are the odds that we'll get a retraction from the OP?

If you are referring to me, give me the facts and if persuaded I would retract. I have retracted before when I had misread something, a very rare thing for a libtard to understand, I know, but there it is.

Meanwhile, given the inability that you and other libtards have with presenting any facts, methinks the odds very low in that regard.


I asked you when the two of them met. Had you answered that accurately (1995), I would have asked you when the book was published. The answer is 1995.

Do you see how the entire premise of your dopey thread is without possible merit?

Bill Ayers has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the writing of the book.

Now...retract and humble yourself.
What are the odds that we'll get a retraction from the OP?

If you are referring to me, give me the facts and if persuaded I would retract. I have retracted before when I had misread something, a very rare thing for a libtard to understand, I know, but there it is.

Meanwhile, given the inability that you and other libtards have with presenting any facts, methinks the odds very low in that regard.


I asked you when the two of them met. Had you answered that accurately (1995), I would have asked you when the book was published. The answer is 1995.

Do you see how the entire premise of your dopey thread is without possible merit?

Bill Ayers has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the writing of the book.

Now...retract and humble yourself.

Lol, you are so full of hubris and presumption, it is simply amazing.

1. Maybe Obama in 1995 in some official social way, but Obama knew Bill Ayers father Tom Ayers since 1988, so it is likely Bill and Barak also had contact of sorts as well, and

2. you don't have to be friends to ghost write some ones book, lol.

Guess you think all writers meet all the people that edit their books too? roflmao
We won't. I suspect he knows, anyone can follow the links provided to realize it was sarcasm but he's going to sit here looking stupid just to avoid admitting he was... well, stupid.

lol, I am supposed to make your case for you or else I am stupid?

this cant get any more hilarious.
If you are referring to me, give me the facts and if persuaded I would retract. I have retracted before when I had misread something, a very rare thing for a libtard to understand, I know, but there it is.

Meanwhile, given the inability that you and other libtards have with presenting any facts, methinks the odds very low in that regard.


I asked you when the two of them met. Had you answered that accurately (1995), I would have asked you when the book was published. The answer is 1995.

Do you see how the entire premise of your dopey thread is without possible merit?

Bill Ayers has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the writing of the book.

Now...retract and humble yourself.

Lol, you are so full of hubris and presumption, it is simply amazing.

1. Maybe Obama in 1995 in some official social way, but Obama knew Bill Ayers father Tom Ayers since 1988, so it is likely Bill and Barak also had contact of sorts as well, and

2. you don't have to be friends to ghost write some ones book, lol.

Guess you think all writers meet all the people that edit their books too? roflmao


I asked you when the two of them met. Had you answered that accurately (1995), I would have asked you when the book was published. The answer is 1995.

Do you see how the entire premise of your dopey thread is without possible merit?

Bill Ayers has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the writing of the book.

Now...retract and humble yourself.

Lol, you are so full of hubris and presumption, it is simply amazing.

1. Maybe Obama in 1995 in some official social way, but Obama knew Bill Ayers father Tom Ayers since 1988, so it is likely Bill and Barak also had contact of sorts as well, and

2. you don't have to be friends to ghost write some ones book, lol.

Guess you think all writers meet all the people that edit their books too? roflmao


ROFLMAO, now you discuss things with no words....well, it does make you sound more intelligent, true.
Too stupid to stop, I see.

lol, You make an assertion that is riddled with holes, I point them out in rebgutal to your nonsense, and you say that makes me too stupid to stop?

The condescending nature of how you think is truly surprising in that you really cannot see it and persist in this fantasy that despite me providing links and arguments you have yet to reply to, it is *I* who is the stupid one? lololol
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!

Got a link, bitch?
You should know by now, I ALWAYS do, :asshole:

The question is, when you hear the whole satirical quote, will YOU be honest enough to admit that your "highly respected" Invested Bigots Daily deliberately misled you with a half-truth/whole lie? You can hear the audience howled with laughter, they clearly got the sarcasm!!!

[ame=]Bill Ayers: "I Wrote Dreams From My Father" - YouTube[/ame]
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!

Got a link, bitch?

Jim, quit being an antagonistic prick ... thanks.
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!

Got a link, bitch?
You should know by now, I ALWAYS do, :asshole:

The question is, when you hear the whole satirical quote, will YOU be honest enough to admit that your "highly respected" Invested Bigots Daily deliberately misled you with a half-truth/whole lie? You can hear the audience howled with laughter, they clearly got the sarcasm!!!

[ame=]Bill Ayers: "I Wrote Dreams From My Father" - YouTube[/ame]

That clip is over two years old and the incident that Ayers publisher is referencing is recent.

So go fuck off once again, idiot.
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!

Got a link, bitch?

Jim, quit being an antagonistic prick ... thanks.

lol, these idiots cant even find relevant and recent information/data but in your libtard mind that equates to me being antagonistic because...I don't just give in, or what?

How about you go grow a brain first then essplain to me where I am wrong and maybe we can talk about it, eh Einfuckingstein?
Got a link, bitch?

Jim, quit being an antagonistic prick ... thanks.

lol, these idiots cant even find relevant and recent information/data but in your libtard mind that equates to me being antagonistic because...I don't just give in, or what?

How about you go grow a brain first then essplain to me where I am wrong and maybe we can talk about it, eh Einfuckingstein?

So ... you at least acknowledge that you are being an antagonistic prick; that's a good start.

You calling someone an idiot would be like Gov Christie asking his wife to lose a few pounds for summer. :lol:

If Bill Ayers is such a punk (he is), why would you chose to believe him?

You do so out of necessity - because Obama hate dictates that you follow the rabbit into the Gila monster cave.

Grow a brain? Who here would be able to keep up with me? Wouldn't it be cheating If I had a brain?
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Now, back to your untrue claim about Ayers confessing yet again.

You eluded to no such evidence. Your link -

Bill Ayers claims he wrote Barack Obama's book - Arlington Political Buzz |

Is nothing but a story about an article that makes that claim, yet you do not link to the actual piece.

We call that hearsay.

As to the comparisons of writing styles, It's called English ... not too much room in it for leeway. Most of these so called "experts" don't really know squat. They are also betting that YOU DON'T KNOW squat, either. So, where are the similarities in writing styles? Where is the conspicuously absent claim that Ayers wrote the book?


Incidentally, who gives a flying leap what Bill Ayers has to say?

Why did he have to do what he did? Why didn't he just tell the truth instead of shoving an M-80 up the truth's ass?
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Got a link, bitch?
You should know by now, I ALWAYS do, :asshole:

The question is, when you hear the whole satirical quote, will YOU be honest enough to admit that your "highly respected" Invested Bigots Daily deliberately misled you with a half-truth/whole lie? You can hear the audience howled with laughter, they clearly got the sarcasm!!!

[ame=""]Bill Ayers: "I Wrote Dreams From My Father" - YouTube[/ame]

That clip is over two years old and the incident that Ayers publisher is referencing is recent.

So go fuck off once again, idiot.
Why am I not surprised you would not admit your "highly respetced" Invested Bigots Daily deliberately left out the part of the 2 year old quote they abUSED that made it clear Ayres was sarcastically mocking you pinheads even after I posted the video of the exact event Invested Bigots Daily cited???

Here is what Invested Bigots Daily posted again:

"Then in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.

Ayers agreed and offered that Obama's second autobiography — "Audacity of Hope" — paled in comparison. He said "the second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book's quite good."

Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

"What's that?" the startled questioner asked.

"I wrote 'Dreams From My Father,'" Ayers asserted."
Got a link, bitch?
You should know by now, I ALWAYS do, :asshole:

The question is, when you hear the whole satirical quote, will YOU be honest enough to admit that your "highly respected" Invested Bigots Daily deliberately misled you with a half-truth/whole lie? You can hear the audience howled with laughter, they clearly got the sarcasm!!!

[ame=]Bill Ayers: "I Wrote Dreams From My Father" - YouTube[/ame]

That clip is over two years old and the incident that Ayers publisher is referencing is recent.

So go fuck off once again, idiot.

Why don't you post the NEW evidence? You want us to post it?

OK - I can play along ... there isn't one, because he didn't really make that claim; that's what I found.
What are the odds that we'll get a retraction from the OP?

If you are referring to me, give me the facts and if persuaded I would retract. I have retracted before when I had misread something, a very rare thing for a libtard to understand, I know, but there it is.

Meanwhile, given the inability that you and other libtards have with presenting any facts, methinks the odds very low in that regard.


I asked you when the two of them met. Had you answered that accurately (1995), I would have asked you when the book was published. The answer is 1995.

Do you see how the entire premise of your dopey thread is without possible merit?

Bill Ayers has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the writing of the book.

Now...retract and humble yourself.

Not so fast. First listen to the testimony of this postman who retired after 39 years of service as a postman for the United States Post Office. He met Obama when he was a young man - he was introduced at that time by Mary Ayers ( Bill's mother)as a foreign exchange student who her and her husband were putting through school. Where did the postman meet Obama? In the front yard of Bill and Mary Ayers home.

This had to have been prior to 1995 as you'll see in the article. Furthermore, before dismissing the postmans claim as false - what would be his motive in fabricating such a story? I cannot see one. Can you? What would be Bill Ayer's motive in claiming he was the ghost writer for Obama's book? You see, you must have motive and so far you have not presented one. Therefore it is reasonable to believe both Bill Ayers and the postman have been honest in their statements about Obama.

Have a look at the article and I will also post a clip of it for you to read. I would read the entire story because it is my experience that one must examine all the facts before condemning them as false. Otherwise you are sure to remain in eternal ignorance over the matter. When I read the story I found the man to have a very honorable career, no history of insanity, delusions of grandeur... nothing but an honest postman delivering the news of how Bill and Mary Ayers helped Barack Obama. He also says that when Obama he introduced himself to him and he told him he was going to be the president of the United States. Read this:

Postman: Ayers family put ?foreigner? Obama through school

About a year after discussing with Mary Ayers the foreign student she and her husband were supporting, Hulton recalls meeting a young black male on the sidewalk in front of the Ayers home.

Hulton describes the man as being in his early 20s, noting that he was tall, thin, had a light complexion and that his ears stuck out.

“He greeted me,” Hulton says. “He was very polite, dressed nicely, but informally – slacks and a dress shirt – and he spoke with no accent. Immediately this young black man entered into conversation with me. He told me he had taken the train out from Chicago and had come to thank the Ayers family personally for having helped him with his education.”

Hulton remembers asking the young man what his plans were for the future.

“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says.

“There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”

Hulton says the claim made him speechless.

“I kind of stuttered a response and said that nowadays anything is possible. I wished him good luck with his ambition,” he says.

Immediately, Hulton associated the young black man with the foreign student Mary Ayers had mentioned to him so enthusiastically about a year earlier.

This pushes the time line of the Ayers family having known Barack Obama back to the 1980's continuing a relationship into the 90's and up to 2000 when Mrs. Ayers died. My question would be how close was Bill Ayers to his parents? Is it possible he ever went to his parents home to visit them prior to their deaths? I think it is a safe assumption that he did and that he also had met Barack Obama on numerous occasions because if Mary Ayers was willing to tell the postman about this foreign exchange student they were helping by providing the financial backing - Barack Obama - she was willing to introduce her own son to him as well. Wouldn't you say so? On that note, I believe all of you owe Jim Bowie a sincere apology. My 2 cents.

- Jeremiah

Note* It has been my experience that when someone is telling the truth they provide many details. Just as this postman has done here. Again, what would be his motive for making up such a story? What would be Bill Ayers motive in making up such a story? I do not see a motive. You have to have a motive. Ask any lawyer. I believe that the Postman and Mr. Bill Ayers are both telling the truth. Truth always prevails. It has the amazing ability to survive all the lies that try to cover it up. This has been prove time and time again. Long live the Truth. Amen.
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BIRTHERS GONE WILD: New Obama Conspiracy Theory Tests The Limits Of Idiocy

Posted by Mark on March 20, 2012 at 1:42 pm.

If you thought that the psychotic lunacy of those who still believe that President Obama is not an American citizen had reached its peak, you have obviously underestimated just how severely demented this crowd is. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, these acutely fixated cretins cling to their fables and even expand on them ad absurdum.

Jerome CorsiThe latest addendum to the Birther Chronicles comes from (where else) Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily. Corsi is the loser whose book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” was published just days after the White House released the long-form copy of his birth certificate for which the looney right had been clamoring. Corsi begins his WND article by asking…

“Did the parents of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers help finance Barack Obama’s Harvard education? Did Ayers’ mother believe Obama was a foreign student? And was the young Obama convinced at the time – long before he even entered politics – that he was going to become president of the United States?”

All three of those questions were answered in the affirmative by a retired mail carrier that Corsi interviewed. Allen Hulton, claims to have had the route that serviced the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, the parents of former Weatherman, Bill Ayers. Hulton told Corsi…

“One day, Mary came to the door when I came up to the house with the mail,” he remembers. “After a greeting, she started enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student they were helping out, and she referred to him as a foreign student.”

Hulton went on to say that he recalled Mary telling him the name of the foreign student, which he later forgot, but said that it sounded African. So that pretty much settles it. A mail carrier remembers a customer on his route thirty years ago talking about a student with an African sounding name. If that isn’t conclusive evidence of Obama being supported by the parents of a domestic terrorist, what is?

Setting aside for the moment that none of this can be proven because Mary Ayers is deceased, it also makes little sense from even the most conspiratorial perspective. The implication is that there was some connection between Obama and Bill Ayers’ parents, and that the whole family was part of some anti-American cabal. However, Thomas Ayers, Bill’s father, was not exactly the model of a revolutionary extremist. In fact, he was CEO and chairman of Commonwealth Edison, the largest electric utility in Illinois. Ayers also served on the board of directors of Sears, G.D. Searle, Chicago Pacific Corp., Zenith Corp., Northwest Industries, General Dynamics Corp. of St. Louis, First National Bank of Chicago, the Chicago Cubs, and the Tribune Co. A socialist subversive if there ever was one. Hulton even described him as having “a Marxist viewpoint.” Of course, just like all the other board members of giant, capitalist corporations.

But this conspiracy theory is just getting started. Corsi continued his tale with an allegation that Obama had confessed to being complicit in a plot to usurp the presidency. When Hulton asked the student about his plans for the future, he was taken aback by the response:

“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says. “There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”

Indeed. Who could dispute that account straight from the horse’s mouth? And it surely is not suspicious that Hulton is claiming that Obama casually disclosed the treasonous scheme of which he was an integral part. It is perfectly reasonable that Obama would spill the details of this conspiracy to a complete stranger. All of the attempts to overthrow the American government that I have clandestinely participated in always encouraged us to tell people we had never met before exactly what we were planning. (Oops. I may have said too much).

The Birther conspiracy has always been an exercise in idiocy. Despite having never had any basis in fact, it required its adherents to believe that the whole thing began as a plot to usurp the presidency of the United States. And now the Manchurian part of the scheme has been articulated out loud. They really do believe that Obama was created in a Kenyan petri dish, grown to adulthood in a communist laboratory funded by George Soros, handed a fictional resume and a pre-programmed Teleprompter, and escorted to the White House by some alien power that had the ability to hypnotize a majority of the American voters.

Seriously, these numbskulls are certifiable. I suppose the First Amendment protects their right to say astonishingly stupid things, but out of concern for public safety, they should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery, drive cars, or otherwise engage in activities that could bring harm to themselves and others. If they can’t be committed, I hope at least that they get the medical and pharmaceutical treatment they so desperately need.

[Update:] A follow up at WND, with no byline, was posted alleging that there is now a “full-blown media cover-up” of this ludicrous story. As evidence they cite this article, so get ready for some incoherent rightist rhetoric in the comments (they’ve already begun).

WND chief, Joseph Farah writes that this story was “deliberately spiked” by the mainstream media and even that “Big time talk-radio was tipped off on the story, as well – in advance. They didn’t bite, either.” Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because it’s insane? Farah, however, consoles himself with the fantasy that…

“…millions got the first-person, eyewitness evidence that Barack Obama was helped through Harvard by the family of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers back in the late 1980s.”

Farah obviously has a very low threshold for what constitutes evidence. In this case it’s a thirty year old memory of a brief and trivial conversation that is uncorroborated and didn’t even affirm what the source alleges. But that’s enough for the dimwits that read WND.
What the fuck are you trying to prove here mad cabbie? That there are those that are birthers?


like we don't know this already?

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