Bill Ayers Claims to Have Written Obama's Book

Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir -

Obama has always claimed authorship of his bestselling "Dreams From My Father."

But Ayers is telling a different story. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"

The boast appears in other promotions for the book as well. For instance, a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.

In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

Then in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.

Ayers agreed and offered that Obama's second autobiography — "Audacity of Hope" — paled in comparison. He said "the second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book's quite good."

Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

"What's that?" the startled questioner asked.

"I wrote 'Dreams From My Father,'" Ayers asserted.

Obama's media protectors wrote those statements off as "sarcasm." But now Ayers is publishing the claim.

It's not as far-fetched as it sounds.

None of that has the ring of sarcasm to it, libtards.
Would you be willing to entertain the possibility that you are a person with little ability to discern fact from fiction? That you are open to believing just about anything that you hear....provided it pprtrays the President and/or his supporters in a bad light?

If I told you that this thread....along with the other one(s) on this indicative of a psychological obsession that you and others have when it comes to your disdain for the occupant of the White House, would you consider it as a possibility?

Do you require evidence to be presented before you will believe something?

Yes, I deal in evidence and reason, not navel-gazing bullshit that has no rational conclusion.

I do not don't doubt that Ayers has been sarcastic about the accusations he wrote Obama's book, as a deflecting con would do just exactly that.

What you bullshit psychobabble analysis fails to do is address why the publisher would state that Ayers wrote it if Ayers did not confess to them he wrote it.

If there is contrary evidence or some clarification as to why the publisher would do this, that is on you and other Obama supporters to present it. It is not incumbent on me.

So you can take your condescending horse shit and shove it.

You deal in evidence and reason?

When did Barack Obama meet Bill Ayers? Do you know?

Probably at the same gay bathhouse he met you.
Yes, I deal in evidence and reason, not navel-gazing bullshit that has no rational conclusion.

I do not don't doubt that Ayers has been sarcastic about the accusations he wrote Obama's book, as a deflecting con would do just exactly that.

What you bullshit psychobabble analysis fails to do is address why the publisher would state that Ayers wrote it if Ayers did not confess to them he wrote it.

If there is contrary evidence or some clarification as to why the publisher would do this, that is on you and other Obama supporters to present it. It is not incumbent on me.

So you can take your condescending horse shit and shove it.

You deal in evidence and reason?

When did Barack Obama meet Bill Ayers? Do you know?

Probably at the same gay bathhouse he met you.

Now, why did you hafta go and get all nasty? I have respectfully asked you a question.

Do you know when the two met for the first time?
As far as I know, Santa Clause could have written it.

My best guess is that Bill Ayers had a hand in writing it, like maybe was a ghost writer.

Writers oftentimes employ people they know and trust to help them write autobiographies, since so many years are covered usually and one cannot reliably go on pure memory. Especially such endeavor needs support if one is planning to use the bok as the clarion call for a POTUS campaign.

So while I don't know what role Ayers had, I think it likely he helped a lot, and I think his admission to writing the book may be abit of hyperbole. Can a ghost writer say he wrote the book he 'ghost wrote'?

Point is, this flies full contrary to Obama's claims of not knowing Ayers.

Would you be willing to entertain the possibility that you are a person with little ability to discern fact from fiction? That you are open to believing just about anything that you hear....provided it pprtrays the President and/or his supporters in a bad light?

If I told you that this thread....along with the other one(s) on this indicative of a psychological obsession that you and others have when it comes to your disdain for the occupant of the White House, would you consider it as a possibility?

Do you require evidence to be presented before you will believe something?

Yes, I deal in evidence and reason, not navel-gazing bullshit that has no rational conclusion.

I do not don't doubt that Ayers has been sarcastic about the accusations he wrote Obama's book, as a deflecting con would do just exactly that.

What you bullshit psychobabble analysis fails to do is address why the publisher would state that Ayers wrote it if Ayers did not confess to them he wrote it.

If there is contrary evidence or some clarification as to why the publisher would do this, that is on you and other Obama supporters to present it. It is not incumbent on me.

So you can take your condescending horse shit and shove it.

Evidence and reason..what crap.

Bush "wrote" a book (which he probably had ALOT of help on), not one thread about you questioning it's authorship.

Clinton even wrote a book. Dunno..did you question whether that guy wrote it?

I saw this shit a while back after Arthur Haley came out with the book, "Roots". Folks, very much like yourself were tearing it apart and questioning whether or not he wrote it.

Now? It's Obama.

Gee what's similar about those guys.

Oh yeah..they are black.

And in your world black folks cannot possibly author books.

Or be President.
Damn every time I think Shootspeeders has the stupidest post awards locked away along comes someone like JimBowie to make it so there is no clear cut winner again.
Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir -

Obama has always claimed authorship of his bestselling "Dreams From My Father."

But Ayers is telling a different story. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"

The boast appears in other promotions for the book as well. For instance, a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.

In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

Then in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.

Ayers agreed and offered that Obama's second autobiography — "Audacity of Hope" — paled in comparison. He said "the second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book's quite good."

Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

"What's that?" the startled questioner asked.

"I wrote 'Dreams From My Father,'" Ayers asserted.

Obama's media protectors wrote those statements off as "sarcasm." But now Ayers is publishing the claim.

It's not as far-fetched as it sounds.
None of that has the ring of sarcasm to it, libtards.
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!
It's entertaining to imagine that people actually believe that the dead Kenyan dumb shit was Barry's real daddy. Stanley was such a ho it's hard to know who his real father was. The only thing I can guarantee is that the real sperm donor is long since dead.

And I believe the communist Axelrod had a lot to do with his ghost written, pathetic book.

His publisher says he is finally confessing, so unless they are bat-shit stupid, they are not basing that on your video, doofus.
His publisher is hyping the book to gullible suckers like you to get you boobs to buy the book while Ayres and his publisher laugh at you all the way to the bank! :lol:

Yeah, and your Tarrot deck told you that I guess?

lol, eat shit, idiot.
Bill Ayers claims he wrote Barack Obama's book - Arlington Political Buzz |

The claim was reported yesterday by the highly respect Investor's Business Daily,
Invested Bigots Daily is nothing but a Right-wing propaganda rag, so you don't have to read any farther than that to know the claim is worthless!

lol, do you know what 'ad hominem' is? You dumbfuck, if you could deal with the facts presented you would at least be reasonably wrong, but no, you are just a fucking libtard yelling that he is right no matter what the facts are.

Again, eat shyte.
Damn every time I think Shootspeeders has the stupidest post awards locked away along comes someone like JimBowie to make it so there is no clear cut winner again.

I take that as a compliment from an idiot like yourself.
Of course Bill Ayers wrote the book. Obama delegates all real work. He didn't even publish anything when he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. He's a butt slider through life.
Violent Communist Ayers Admits For Third Time He Wrote Obama's Memoir -

Obama has always claimed authorship of his bestselling "Dreams From My Father."

But Ayers is telling a different story. In promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," Ayers' publisher, Beacon Press, has written a blurb on that says Ayers "finally 'confesses' that he did write 'Dreams From My Father.'"

The boast appears in other promotions for the book as well. For instance, a Baltimore bookstore — Red Emma's — last week posted a similar claim that Ayers penned Obama's memoir as part of an announcement for a book-signing event at the leftist coffeehouse.

The reprehensible former terrorist twice before laid claim to Obama's book — once during a post-election interview and again during a speech two years ago.

In October 2009, Ayers told an interviewer at Reagan National Airport in Washington that he wrote "Dreams From My Father." Asked if he meant he "heavily edited" the book for his friend, Ayers insisted, "I wrote it."

He added that Michelle Obama asked him to help Obama, who had blown deadlines and was struggling with delivering a manuscript.

Then in March 2011, Ayers revealed his role in the book after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey. During a question-and-answer session, a member of the audience remarked how well Obama's first memoir was written.

Ayers agreed and offered that Obama's second autobiography — "Audacity of Hope" — paled in comparison. He said "the second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book's quite good."

Then Ayers volunteered, "Did you know I wrote it?"

"What's that?" the startled questioner asked.

"I wrote 'Dreams From My Father,'" Ayers asserted.

Obama's media protectors wrote those statements off as "sarcasm." But now Ayers is publishing the claim.

It's not as far-fetched as it sounds.
None of that has the ring of sarcasm to it, libtards.
That's because the discredited Invested Bigots Daily, like ALL Right-wing liars, left OUT the sarcastic retort that followed the half-quote you were fed!!!!
Ayres sarcastically added, "and if you can prove it, I'll split the royalties with you!"

Ayres shits all over you boobs and you beg him to feed you more. Go buy his book like a good little stupid sucker!

Got a link, bitch?
What are the odds that we'll get a retraction from the OP?

If you are referring to me, give me the facts and if persuaded I would retract. I have retracted before when I had misread something, a very rare thing for a libtard to understand, I know, but there it is.

Meanwhile, given the inability that you and other libtards have with presenting any facts, methinks the odds very low in that regard.

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