Bill Clinton allegedly impregnated Arkansas prostitute Bobbie Ann Williams

Damn if he doesn't resemble Clinton. I wonder if this makes Mrs. Clinton nervous. I sure wouldn't be walking in traffic if I were these two, accidents happen, just as Vince Foster, if you could.

Bill Clinton allegedly impregnated Arkansas prostitute Bobbie Ann Williams

Bill Clinton’s Illegitimate Son

Bobbie Ann Williams– a Little Rock street hooker— says she and Bill did cocaine together, as well as having a foursome with 2 other prostitutes in the country cabin of Bill Clinton’s mother, while Clinton was serving as governor in 1983-1984.

Williams claims Bill Clinton sired her son Danny in 1985, though Clinton– deadbeat dad that he is– never claimed or supported him.
Gossip is so cool, isn't it?

Take a break from the real world. Interestingly enough Clinton's DNA should be on file somewhere after the blue dress incident. Make them prove it or make them shut up.
This reminds me of how the right said Webster Hubbell is Chelsea's real father.


YEAH! RIGHT! That's NUTZ! 'Cause if Web were her Daddy there'd probably be some resemblance...


And just because they're clones of one another... THAT isn't evidence of NUTTIN'!​

Wow. They're both looking in the same direction. They've got to be related.
It is more likely Freewill was allegedly impregnated by Steve_McGarrett.
Judging by the hooker's looks it sounds like a plausible story to me. She's ugly but a living doll compared to the Hildebeast. Layer in the junkyard dog's inability to keep his zipper up and you got yourself a bastard IMO.
So by 'allegedly', that means that there's still nothing to actually back this up factually?
This reminds me of how the right said Webster Hubbell is Chelsea's real father.


YEAH! RIGHT! That's NUTZ! 'Cause if Web were her Daddy there'd probably be some resemblance...


And just because they're clones of one another... THAT isn't evidence of NUTTIN'!​

Wow. They're both looking in the same direction. They've got to be related.

You'd have to be blind not to see the resemblance.

How cool is it when the Relativists can't find the strength of character to muster the objectivity to believe their OWN EYES?

Frankly... I can't seem to get my fill of it.


No striking resemblance whatsover, no matter how much one tries to distort the picture.

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