Bill Clinton doubles down on stupid, "It's true, we were dead broke."


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011

Hillary Clinton makes the comment, "Well I'm unlike the truly well off."

And this gem from Bubba:
Mr. Clinton urged journalists covering his wife to “put this in some sort of context,” noting that they have always championed the poor and even today rub elbows with regular folks at the neighborhood grocery store.

Oooo, they rubbed elbows with some poor slobs in a grocery store which makes them as poor as everyone else.. Are these fucking people for real??? Do they realize just how pompous and insane they sound? That comment reminds me of the one Bubba made about Al Baraqi, Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

The same far left kooky moonbats who scream RASCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCISSSSSSSSSSSM day in and day out love BUBBA.. :lol:

Read more: Bill Clinton: Hillary 'not out of touch,' dead broke comment 'factually true' - Washington Times

Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags' | The Weekly Standard
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Poor things. LOL

My god, they are broke..........they were forced to shop for themselves once at a real Grocery Store.

The shame of it all.
You ain't broke when all you have to do is ASK for a million dollars and some will be happy to give it too you. They weren't broke--they were stupid.
Were they dead broke?

All this begs the question of whether someone who can afford to buy a $2.85 million house is "dead broke." We reached two accounting professors at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, one of the top-ranked schools in the country. Assistant Professor Jeffrey Hoopes said to call the Clintons dead broke would be a stretch for how the term is commonly understood.

"Almost any president leaving office can expect tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of future earnings as a result of their having been president," Hoopes said. "Speaking, consulting, board positions, and so on, are all very lucrative."

Professor Brian Mittendorf said a balance sheet of assets and liabilities simply doesn’t paint a complete picture. Mittendorf compared the Clintons to a medical school graduate saddled with huge debts but with the prospect of a very hefty income down the line.

"While one can claim to be technically broke, creditors wouldn't take it as such as long as future income streams could cover the liabilities," Mittendorf said.

In December 2000, at least one large bank saw the Clintons through that lens. Whatever their balance sheet might have been, Citibank lent them $1.995 million to buy that house in Washington, D.C. This was a safe loan. By Feb. 5, 2001, Bill Clinton was commanding regular speaking fees of $125,000 or more.

Hillary Clinton herself did quite well in 2001. The book publisher Simon and Schuster paid her $2.84 million in royalties.

By 2004, the Clintons had erased their debts and Hillary Clinton was ranked the 10th-wealthiest member of the Senate, with a net worth between $10 million and $50 million.
Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were 'dead broke' | PolitiFact

Hillary Clinton makes the comment, "Well I'm unlike the truly well off."

And this gem from Bubba:
Mr. Clinton urged journalists covering his wife to “put this in some sort of context,” noting that they have always championed the poor and even today rub elbows with regular folks at the neighborhood grocery store.

Oooo, they rubbed elbows with some poor slobs in a grocery store which makes them as poor as everyone else.. Are these fucking people for real??? Do they realize just how pompous and insane they sound? That comment reminds me of the one Bubba made about Al Baraqi, Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

The same far left kooky moonbats who scream RASCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCISSSSSSSSSSSM day in and day out love BUBBA.. :lol:

Read more: Bill Clinton: Hillary 'not out of touch,' dead broke comment 'factually true' - Washington Times

Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags' | The Weekly Standard
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Being broke and rubbing elbows with common folk and the poor is a state of mind. Mind you, these are the same people that sought tax deduction on Bill's used underwear donations to charity while they were in the WH. In hindsight, they would have been better off putting his used underwear up for auction on eBay since there are plenty of Clinton fanatics who would have paid top dollar.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

One of them is not going around claiming to be dead broke at the moment...


Hillary Clinton makes the comment, "Well I'm unlike the truly well off."

And this gem from Bubba:
Mr. Clinton urged journalists covering his wife to “put this in some sort of context,” noting that they have always championed the poor and even today rub elbows with regular folks at the neighborhood grocery store.

Oooo, they rubbed elbows with some poor slobs in a grocery store which makes them as poor as everyone else.. Are these fucking people for real??? Do they realize just how pompous and insane they sound? That comment reminds me of the one Bubba made about Al Baraqi, Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

The same far left kooky moonbats who scream RASCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCISSSSSSSSSSSM day in and day out love BUBBA.. :lol:

Read more: Bill Clinton: Hillary 'not out of touch,' dead broke comment 'factually true' - Washington Times

Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags' | The Weekly Standard
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Being broke and rubbing elbows with common folk and the poor is a state of mind. Mind you, these are the same people that sought tax deduction on Bill's used underwear donations to charity while they were in the WH. In hindsight, they would have been better off putting his used underwear up for auction on eBay since there are plenty of Clinton fanatics who would have paid top dollar.
Yeah I mean hell... everybody buys a few thousand dollars worth of underwear a year, right? Bubba must have changed them out a dozen times a day or so, and always just put on a new pair.

The Clintons are as big a liars as that kenyan freak in white house is...

Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

Now I'm sorry LGS, but that sounds a whole lot like a little bit of back peddling there. When a first lady starts in with a political agenda and is effecting rules and laws, she should very well be FAIR GAME, and Michelle has got her nose in everything and is flying around the world on the TAX PAYERS DIME. And I really don't see much different between sitting and former.

You're explanation isn't holding much water.
Where are the pictures of them rubbing elbows with the great unwashed masses down at the local WalMart?

In their defense, compared to their handlers, they were dead broke.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

When a "First Lady", any "First Lady", sticks her nose into politics she's fair game. Michelle stuck her nose in when she made the "America's a mean Country" statement just after Barack Hussein won the first time. Being married to the President doesn't give them immunity.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

Now I'm sorry LGS, but that sounds a whole lot like a little bit of back peddling there. When a first lady starts in with a political agenda and is effecting rules and laws, she should very well be FAIR GAME, and Michelle has got her nose in everything and is flying around the world on the TAX PAYERS DIME. And I really don't see much different between sitting and former.

You're explanation isn't holding much water.

Like I said, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I won't disrespect a sitting First Lady, period. You choose to and I wholly disagree with you.. so we differ.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

When a "First Lady", any "First Lady", sticks her nose into politics she's fair game. Michelle stuck her nose in when she made the "America's a mean Country" statement just after Barack Hussein won the first time. Being married to the President doesn't give them immunity.

Then have at it.. bash her, do whatever it is you think needs to be done but don't tell me I have to join in.. I'll do as I damn please and if you or 007 don't like it well then that's just tough fucking shit.. Now stop derailing my fucking thread.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

Respect is earned, LGS, not given. What has either Hitlery or Moochelle ever done to deserve any respect?

I can give you plenty of reason why they deserve none.

I just think you opened a big can of worms with your "everybody has to respect Michelle Obama" tirade, and now you're bashing Hillary. Sitting or not, they're both first ladies. Looks a little hypocritical.
Why are you being so hard on a 'former' FIRST LADY? I thought you figured first ladies were like all off limits and shit?

What's so different about bashing Hillary and not Michelle?

If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

Respect is earned, LGS, not given. What has either Hitlery or Moochelle ever done to deserve any respect?

I can give you plenty of reason why they deserve none.

I just think you opened a big can of worms with your "everybody has to respect Michelle Obama" tirade, and now you're bashing Hillary. Sitting or not, they're both first ladies. Looks a little hypocritical.

It's quite obvious you're butthurt over it.. GET OVER IT. I don't give a shit what you think about it and that you continue to go on and on about it is truly pathetic. SHE'S THE SITTING FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I FUCKING RESPECT THAT.. PERIOD.
If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

Respect is earned, LGS, not given. What has either Hitlery or Moochelle ever done to deserve any respect?

I can give you plenty of reason why they deserve none.

I just think you opened a big can of worms with your "everybody has to respect Michelle Obama" tirade, and now you're bashing Hillary. Sitting or not, they're both first ladies. Looks a little hypocritical.

It's quite obvious you're butthurt over it.. GET OVER IT. I don't give a shit what you think about it and that you continue to go on and on about it is truly pathetic. SHE'S THE SITTING FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I FUCKING RESPECT THAT.. PERIOD.

but but ====you're so good at kicking liberal ass ! :lol:
If Michelle Obama runs for political office she's fair game.. I won't ever change my mind on respecting a sitting First Lady no matter how much that offends you. You have the right to your free speech and I have mine. To each his own.

When a "First Lady", any "First Lady", sticks her nose into politics she's fair game. Michelle stuck her nose in when she made the "America's a mean Country" statement just after Barack Hussein won the first time. Being married to the President doesn't give them immunity.

Then have at it.. bash her, do whatever it is you think needs to be done but don't tell me I have to join in.. I'll do as I damn please and if you or 007 don't like it well then that's just tough fucking shit.. Now stop derailing my fucking thread.
Well if you're going to go all BIPOLAR and be like that, then I'll just tell ya, I THINK YOU'RE WRONG AND COULDN'T DISAGREE WITH YOU MORE. That fucking wookie, tranny, obama freak in the white house is a fucking DISGRACE, and HATED America until her fucking KENYAN husband got elected. Now they're BOTH bleeding America DRY like a couple of welfare blacks on STERIODS thinking tax dollars are their REPARATIONS!

Fuck them, fuck respecting that BITCH Moochelle, wookie, TRANNY, and FUCK YOU TOO.
Respect is earned, LGS, not given. What has either Hitlery or Moochelle ever done to deserve any respect?

I can give you plenty of reason why they deserve none.

I just think you opened a big can of worms with your "everybody has to respect Michelle Obama" tirade, and now you're bashing Hillary. Sitting or not, they're both first ladies. Looks a little hypocritical.

It's quite obvious you're butthurt over it.. GET OVER IT. I don't give a shit what you think about it and that you continue to go on and on about it is truly pathetic. SHE'S THE SITTING FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I FUCKING RESPECT THAT.. PERIOD.

but but ====you're so good at kicking liberal ass ! :lol:

Looks like she's good at double standards too.

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